DO NOT shop at this BSS in Tallahassee, FL!!


New Member
...City Beauty Supply on Apalachee Parkway (heading towards Wal-Mart). I had the most awful experience there today when a man working there told me and the man that was helping me that I stole from them a month ago. Now nevermind that I have $230 worth of EP in my head and still more in my stash, but to accuse me of stealing a $30 pack of hair was just down right insulting. He kept going on and on about what I supposedly had done. The other man just kept quiet and looked back from me to him as I defended myself. I was so humiliated and embarassed that I started crying right there in the store. I demanded to speak to the owner, who happens to be "out of town" and I asked them to call the police. Neither one would so I called the police to file a report, which they came out to the scene and did. I have never stolen anything in my entire life and I honestly don't know why this man thinks that I did. I have only been in the store once before to buy the nail polish with the skinny brush for my french manicure. I've never looked or tried to look at what hair they sell. I've gone over this in my head several times and the only thing I can think is that he had an experience with someone that looks like me, but would a theft tell you to call the police, offer their name and contact information? This was such a embarassing experience. I have worked in loss prevention before so I know it can be frustrating to have people steal from your store and you not be able to do anything about it, but I would never in my life accuse someone without proof. I left my number for the owner to contact me and I filed an online report with the BBB. Maybe this was just a bad day for me, but I would recommend that you don't shop here. Of course, I will never go back again and tell everyone I know never to go there for anything ever!! I don't know why, but this just pushes me closer to doing the BC and using all natural products which BSS don't sell. I know that point is irrelevant, but I'm just mad right now.
im so sorry this happened to you op
glad you reported their butts

i don't shop at bss i only go to sallys, rite aid etc.
OMG I'm so sorry this happened to you!! Can you sue them for that?

I'm not sure, but I'm doing some research online to see what my options are. I'm also going to ask the police chief at FSU, where I work, since we work together on certain issues. He may have some ideas of what I can do.
im so sorry this happened to you op
glad you reported their butts

i don't shop at bss i only go to sallys, rite aid etc.

Funny thing is I just went to Sally's before I went there, but wanted to see if they carried any silk elements products for cheaper. Needless to say I never got to look and will stay my butt at sally's from now on.
So Sorry, I could not imagine the horror and humiliation.

You did good girl. YOU called the police.

I'm actually mad at myself for crying like a big ole baby, but that was only emotion that showed itself beside anger. Thank God I didn't go off cursing and such as it was only by His grace that I didn't.

I even remember when the man first said that I stole from them, I looked around and said "if this is a joke, it's not funny." I actually thought I was being punked at first!!!
Good for you!!! That was a horrible experience I'm sure. Not sure if this was a Korean owned beauty supply.... but I have had horrible experiences with them following me around store like I want to steal something. Another reason I try to shop BOBSA Black Owned Beauty Supply Association
Good for you!!! That was a horrible experience I'm sure. Not sure if this was a Korean owned beauty supply.... but I have had horrible experiences with them following me around store like I want to steal something. Another reason I try to shop BOBSA Black Owned Beauty Supply Association

Actually, I don't think the BSS is Korean owned. I'm not sure of the race/ethnicity of the guy who started helping me, but he was not white or Asian. The other guy was black with an accent.
Don't feel bad about crying. I used to cry when I used to get so angry and had no way to get my frustrations out. LOL

You handled yourself well. It was silly of the man to accuse you and not want to call the police. I'm glad you called them yourself.

I was at a BSS store last month, not my usual one, and the worker kept following my friend and I up every single aisle. Finally, I stopped mid track and said something to the man about following me. He was so shocked that at 1st, he tried to say that he was trying to see if I needed help. When I told him that was not the truth because I had visited the week before and not one person offered to help me then he fessed up that someone had just got caught stealing something earlier in the day.

I politely told him that the thief was not me and I respect his need to want to protect his business but I was a paying customer and if he kept following around like a criminal, then I would leave.
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I get followed in our local Sally beauty supply. I think I need to report it formally. I shop there often. Many people do. But that doesn't matter....if I wish to purchase something, I'll go in and purchase it. These are White ladies working there. THis time, I pulled this woman from the cash register to go with me to find x-products because I had seen them previously and just now decided to get them after the others weren't to my liking. They don't have the products I want now. Still, they are all following me.

What I cannot stand is that people will follow your color based upon their prejudices...and act as though they are not guilty of this. Is this thing lack of emotional intelligence or what? I just cannot believe it. I think that the next time I go there (it's close, gas prices etc.) I will tell them what I feel about them following me. I do not appreciate it at all.

And another thing, if i consistently pay with my credit card...don't they think they could call the police and identify me? They could pull the record from the register. I just do not comprehend...but I'm thinking of telling somebody to not follow me next time. You did the right thing by filing a police report.
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I think he must've knew that you didn't steal anything. It would make no sense to accuse someone, then when they offeer to call the police say, "naw, that's okay." He just thought you were prob. some ignorant hoodrat he could flip off the tongue with and would curse him out and be ready to fight, so then when he called the police it would make you look like a crazy, black, ghetto thief.

You handled the situation very well.:yep:
Sorry for the experience but I would SURELY sue them for defamation of Character. And Emotional distress where now it is hard to fuction because of the HUMILATING experience that you had to deal with because of the Racial Discrimination that you had to deal with because of his ASSUMPTIONS that all black people look alike and we all Steal SHTYE from BSS.

Yes I would build a case.

I hate people sometimes

Hugs baby
I'm so sorry that you experienced such an ordeal. I hate being accused falsely! You handled the situation well! Big hugs, sis!
I'm glad you filed a police report. I was about to suggest that when I started reading your story. I'm sorry this happen to you. Next time they think about making accusation, they'll remember that.
ok, what did the police say, did the police talk to the guy accusing you, what did the workers say after the police were called? ect ect ect, details please...I'm in shock for you.
They make look at the tears as emotional female, but those tears are keeping the from getting hurt.

My mother well tell anyone if I start crying to get out the way because all I'm seeing is red.
ok, what did the police say, did the police talk to the guy accusing you, what did the workers say after the police were called? ect ect ect, details please...I'm in shock for you.
They make look at the tears as emotional female, but those tears are keeping the from getting hurt.

My mother well tell anyone if I start crying to get out the way because all I'm seeing is red.

I walked outside to call the police because I was so upset. The police basically didn't take one side or the other. He just took my story down and then walked inside to talk to the other guy who was helping me. That guy told him that he wasn't there that day a month ago and didn't know what was going on. The police never talked to the man that accused me from what I could tell through the store window. when the police came outside he just told me that he would file a report and he advised the other guy that I said I would be filing a report with BBB. After walking out of the store, I never walked back in and never will!!
I walked outside to call the police because I was so upset. The police basically didn't take one side or the other. He just took my story down and then walked inside to talk to the other guy who was helping me. That guy told him that he wasn't there that day a month ago and didn't know what was going on. The police never talked to the man that accused me from what I could tell through the store window. when the police came outside he just told me that he would file a report and he advised the other guy that I said I would be filing a report with BBB. After walking out of the store, I never walked back in and never will!!

I don't blame you, it's been 15 yrs since I've been in this one clothing store. They followed me the whole time and I was prepared to do some serious shopping. As they followed me there were some other folks in there robbing them blind. I just thought to myself you followed me because of the color of my skin, but your 'people' are actually taking from you!!!:wallbash:
...City Beauty Supply on Apalachee Parkway (heading towards Wal-Mart). I had the most awful experience there today when a man working there told me and the man that was helping me that I stole from them a month ago. Now nevermind that I have $230 worth of EP in my head and still more in my stash, but to accuse me of stealing a $30 pack of hair was just down right insulting. He kept going on and on about what I supposedly had done. The other man just kept quiet and looked back from me to him as I defended myself. I was so humiliated and embarassed that I started crying right there in the store. I demanded to speak to the owner, who happens to be "out of town" and I asked them to call the police. Neither one would so I called the police to file a report, which they came out to the scene and did. I have never stolen anything in my entire life and I honestly don't know why this man thinks that I did. I have only been in the store once before to buy the nail polish with the skinny brush for my french manicure. I've never looked or tried to look at what hair they sell. I've gone over this in my head several times and the only thing I can think is that he had an experience with someone that looks like me, but would a theft tell you to call the police, offer their name and contact information? This was such a embarassing experience. I have worked in loss prevention before so I know it can be frustrating to have people steal from your store and you not be able to do anything about it, but I would never in my life accuse someone without proof. I left my number for the owner to contact me and I filed an online report with the BBB. Maybe this was just a bad day for me, but I would recommend that you don't shop here. Of course, I will never go back again and tell everyone I know never to go there for anything ever!! I don't know why, but this just pushes me closer to doing the BC and using all natural products which BSS don't sell. I know that point is irrelevant, but I'm just mad right now.

I would request to see store surveilance tapes of the day in queston. If his allegations are proven to be unfounded, I would retain an attorney with a QUICKNESS!!!
wow, I usually shop at Best on TN St or C&T off of Capital Circle.. is this a new BSS, never heard of it
wow, I usually shop at Best on TN St or C&T off of Capital Circle.. is this a new BSS, never heard of it

This is the C&T off Capital Circle in the new plaza on Apalachee Parkway about a 1/4 mile before you get to Wal-Mart. I noticed that the piece of reciept he gave me with the store's phone number says C&T, but the sign on the outside of the store say "City" unless I somehow read it wrong. I'm pretty sure it said "City."

I just checked the phone book and it is listed as City Beauty Supply. There is also a C&T Beauty Supply listed off of Crawfordville Road, but I am not familiar with that store or where it is located. I guess they could be owned by the same person, but I'm not sure.

ETA: In the first sentence I meant this is the City Beauty Supply off Capital Circle...
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I would request to see store surveilance tapes of the day in queston. If his allegations are proven to be unfounded, I would retain an attorney with a QUICKNESS!!!

I did request that while I was there to both of the men and the officer when he came up. My guess is that they don't have any or there is nothing to show. I don't know which, BUT the one thing I know for sure is that I didn't steal anything so they can show tapes for a month of Sundays and I will not be shown stealing anything. They can play them back to the public at the Leon County Civic Center for all I care. I did suggest in my report to the BBB that I recommend the store invest in some type of survelliance system so they can either catch or deter the real theives or be able to identify them and stop accusing innocent people.