its called cant question everything a man does.........
could a woman be wrong? yes...but thats up to that woman to deal with...why act suspicious if there isnt anything to act suspicious about?...if you want him to trust you, you have to trust him..He has to give you reasons to not trust him...let him go out of his way for you.
...not all men are scum, although ive bumped into a few jerks... if man wants you he will make it LOUD and CLEAR...... (another poster said this once) of his intentions point, blank, simple,end of story, no conversion chart necessary.....might mess around and change his whole life for you so that you understand its all ABOUT YOU!...[/quote]
I sure do wish we had a standing ovation smiley because you sure deserve one for this ENTIRE post.
All you spoke here was the truth.
One thing I've learned is that we cannot spend/waste our lives 'worrying' about what people. We have to trust and if the trust is not there, then leave it, move on, get out of the relationship or do not get into one with the man, if you cannot trust him.
The most important thing is to trust God; for He will not leave us nor forsake us and He will always take care of what we 'commit' to Him in His care. Whatever we dedicate to the Lord, He takes care of it/them. And He will not leave us helpless.
For the man in your life, just pray,
"Lord he's yours; take care of every care that I have about him and lead and keep us in your Truth. Deliver him from all evil and lead him not into temptation.
Keep him as the apple of your eye and lead us not astray. He's yours and therefore I lay it all down, every care at your feet, for you never fail to perfect all that concerns me, no matter what it is. In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen.