Disobeying the LHCF hair police!

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I have fine hair...and I co-wash everyday to every other day. My hair is actually getting thicker and longer because of it.
I use finer tooth combs during a real detangling session for (rollersets, straightening, etc).
-There is no way for me to remove tangles/shed hair in the individual spirals/coils/curls/clumps/chunks/sections unless I take small sections and get them out. So I start with my fingers and move from large -> med -> small tooth comb until my hair is fully detangled. I don't do it very often but at times it is necessary. However, I would never take a fine or small tooth comb and run it through large sections.

If someone has another way, please PM me. It is very time consuming.
I don't really notice any police. Just people that are concerned and want to give you a tip. :yep: Nobody encourages anyone that stops doing what works for them.

I'm not gentle or patient during detangling. I don't always go bottom to top. :look:
I wash my scalp with my nails and not my fingers. :hide:
I ignore moisture protein balance because I get confused.
I don't really wear proper buns.

These sins do not necessarily work for me though. All of ya'll mentioned things that your hair likes, If your hair likes it, is it really a sin?
As for LHCF staple practices, most of them work for me except for baggying. That was a big no-no.
I don't use heat protectants. I flatiron with greases and oils! :rocker:

I flat iron with oil too. Works for me!

I also don't DC. I really don't think leaving anything in your hair for half a day is going to make your hair asborb any more of it or any softer. It's softer from being wet that long. haha (I need to add this to unpopular hair opinions).
I DC for 20 minutes max. I hate air drying, I dont like wet hair. I'm only transitioning because a relaxer took my hair out. I like my hair straight. Moisture doesn't solve my hair problems.
I clarify more often than I should. I don't moisturize daily. I use some cones. I've used ponytail holders with little metal pieces on them because they were convenient. I never oil my scalp.
I comb daily too. From top to bottom. :sekret: I don't see how I can not comb it without looking crazy. :look: It only works the day after a roller set.

I don't use natural/organic products, other than water. I like my chemicals just fine, thank you very much. :sekret:
I guess I do the same things I did before this site, except I added pre pooing which I learned from this site.
since in early 2009 I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid I had to really do alot of deep conditioning and protein treatments because the thyroid made my hair weird.

but normally I never deep conditioned and my hair grew healthy. rarely did protein treatments.

I do like sulfates, my scalp needs to be cleaned if not it smells and no I don't have scalp fungus.

I personally don't like products with mineral oils because it makes my hair feel like carpet, I heart cones I like the ease of the comb going through my hair with the assistance of cones.

I like the blowdryer I just converted to rollersets though, but I just use the blowdryer on lower heat and speed.

there's other things but I think the scroll I typed was long enough :)
I like to stay on the protein side. werid uh?

Me too :yep:

I don't really do protective styles, but I'm all about low mani styles...I love my braid outs & flexirod sets

After an old braid out I don't manually detangle before washing. I saturate my hair with a cheapy conditioner, put a plastic cap on for an hour, and rinse....no tangles or matting here
I comb my hair everyday and throughout the day
I wash and condition my hair every other day
I will either rollerset my whole head or put in enough rollers in to make it look like I bumped the back of my hair (avatar)
I have started to follow the directions on the back of my conditioners...*even with Emergencee*....I know - so TABOO!
i lather 2-3 times, love shampoo, love how shiny anything that ends in -cone makes my hair look, comb every day, only co-wash if my hair is natural, i never moisturize and use direct heat every 5-10 days. my hair is btw apl and bsl and has never been shorter than than a few inches of what it is now unless i cut it that way (because i get bored, not b/c i've ever needed a "big cut")
I don't pre-poo. I think its a waste of time.

I am also not putting eggs/mayo/honey or anything like that in my hair.

That's about it.
I flat iron with no heat protection....sometimes
When my scarf comes oof my head at night I hardly get up and tie it back on to my head.
I don't really notice any police. Just people that are concerned and want to give you a tip. :yep: Nobody encourages anyone that stops doing what works for them.

Maybe haven't seen those threads.

Finally Free's put vaseline on her daughters midthigh length 4abish hair and the police came OUT! Woman doesn't even post here any more due to nasty comments in thread and in PMs.

A few months ago someone posted a vid on youtube of a girl that put her hair through a very ruff detangling and comments here and on her yt were that she needed more moisture and that she should visit lhcf even tho her hair was long and didn't appear unhealthy in the finished result and the video was an art video having nothing to do with healthy hair practices.

When you use direct heat more than once or twice a year folks question whether your hair is heat damaged and tell you to stop using so much heat. The LHCF police go IN on ppl that have regimens that are counter to what has been overwhelmingly stated.

Heaven help the poor soul that openly shares their love of lusters pink moisturizer.

My thought is, if it works for you, keep doin what you're doin.
I love to "whole head baggy" it def helps w/retaining moisture for my dry strands.:yep:

I don't see the point of pre pooing (mho) :perplexed

I had to learn the hard way that protective styles are the key to retaining length..I'm not giving up this time..:giveup: :nono:

I feel that DCing is a very important step for healthy hair.:gorgeous:

I don't do protein treatments as much as I should..so many different kinds & it can be confusing :look:

I :love: hair rinses, it's so beautiful when the sun hits the hair.

I love trimming/cutting my own hair, its fun & you get good at it & develop your own technique.. :eyebrows2

I love making my own wigs..:love4:
I don't think any of these things are bad, as long as you don't come back later complaining about why you don't have any progress.:yep:

My sentiments exactly. :yep:

As for me, I dont moisturize every day and I should. Not b/c of "hair police" but b/c my hair actually *neeeeeeds* it. Shear laziness. I'm working on it. ;)
* I use oil to moisturize
* I no longer pre-poo
* I hate the baggie method
* I rarely let my DC sit with heat (5 mins tops, while Im in the shower)
* I read and follow the directions on my products label
* I don't use cheapy conditioners
I never paid attention to the "police mentatility". :lachen:

I just use whatever I like, I could care less who else does not like it.

The only thing I don't do that seems really popular here is use heat protectant, I don't see a need for it, but I don't really use heat often so I don't know.
  • I don't apply moisturizers to my hair except when combing it out;
  • I don't protective style just out of pure laziness and apathy;
  • I don't seal my ends;
  • I don't search and destroy; I dust section by section when in twists and braids and I don't necessary take off the same amount on all sections :blush:. 1/4 inch would be ideal but if the ends feel thin and that thinness extends beyond 1/4 inch, then I'll snip as much of it off as is needed to have uniform thickness. So my hair is a whole cocktail of lengths. I'm in extension braids now and usually wear my hair shrunken so it's not like the difference in length shows. Of course, when I straightened my hair, it showed. :look:
  • I've never oil-rinsed and don't even feel like;
  • As much as I'm into Alternative Medicine, I've never felt motivated to practice hair Ayurveda

Those are the things that I could think of that I know could be good for my hair, but *shrug* I just can't be bothered. But then you'll never hear me whining about lack of progress coz I know I'm not doing all I could possibly do to maximize retention.

Sometimes this "meh" attitude gets so bad that I neglect my hair completely: no baggying for days, sleep on cotton pillows with hair unprotected (braids have a way of making me very lazy), no dusting for weeks, and I even go for weeks w/o DCing. :nono: I hope to do better this year. :look:
I deep condition when I feel like, mostly once a month (i am lazy)
no pre poo
I let my scalp be - no oil, no grease, no massage etc
I usually forget to use satin/silk pillow case - I need to work on this as I think my hair benefits from satin/silk pillowcase.
I do not use heat protectants (extremely sensitive to silicones)
I don't pre-poo. (unless you count DC'ing on dry hair as a pre-poo)
I use shampoos that contain sulfates
I use products that contain mineral oil
I comb and/or brush daily
I play in my hair
I sometimes detangle from the top down
I like to wear my hair down
I love to play with my hair. wether it's twist, braids, flat iron
I am always fooling with it. I posted an experiment I started 3 days ago in my Album to keep my hair box braided for two weeks. I lasted 2 days. Then I got a new hair dryer and i wanted to play with it. So now my hair is straight.

I know shame on me.
-I lather more than once...like 3-4 times
-I use some sort of protein every time I wet my hair
-I only pre poo when I'm trying to use up a product
-I LOVE cones and use them often. Love the way they make my hair look and feel :lick:
-I love touching my hair and when I get better combs (seamless) I will be back to combing my hair all day everyday:grin:
-I hardly ever detangle and if I do, I detangle from root to tip :sekret:
-I tried clarifying 2/mo but I'm back to every week
-After I use my s-curl no drip, I use Luster's pink oil...and I DARE someone to come at me about it! :rolleyes: Yeah, it has mineral oil. So what?:bat::catfight:

Nice thread, OP!:cool2:
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Me too! I read an article that said to err on the side of moisture, so I follow that because its easy.

That's what I do too. I have an irrational fear of protein. Dang hair boards got me all paranoid. :lol:

Maybe haven't seen those threads.

Finally Free's put vaseline on her daughters midthigh length 4abish hair and the police came OUT! Woman doesn't even post here any more due to nasty comments in thread and in PMs.

A few months ago someone posted a vid on youtube of a girl that put her hair through a very ruff detangling and comments here and on her yt were that she needed more moisture and that she should visit lhcf even tho her hair was long and didn't appear unhealthy in the finished result and the video was an art video having nothing to do with healthy hair practices.

When you use direct heat more than once or twice a year folks question whether your hair is heat damaged and tell you to stop using so much heat. The LHCF police go IN on ppl that have regimens that are counter to what has been overwhelmingly stated.

Heaven help the poor soul that openly shares their love of lusters pink moisturizer.

Ok I stand corrected. :lachen:
I keep hearing about that finally free fiasco. That sounds sad. link please?
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