Discovery at Dating Seminar by dating coach!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello and Happy New Year!!!

In my local area, there was a dating seminar called Dating 101 For Women. The seminar was given by a dating coach. There is a separate session for men also by the same name. I wanted to share what I discovered.

Ladies, remember these so call articles, TV segments about how black women are not getting married, not dating well as a whole, etc etc

Tonight, I was surrounded by the following:

- Women complaining that there are no good men
- Where the men are at, women who have not dated in 8 years
-Women who do not know what the heck to do.
-Women who have a hard time finding a man because they are too successful and men are scared of a strong educated woman.

Here's the kicker....
he majority of the participants at the seminar were either Asian women or white women.

The dating coach asked us to answer some questions and just like in America’s funniest video, we had a remote to key in our answer anonymously.

The first question that came up was when was the last time you went on a date? The result 38% had not been on a date for 4 years and their ages where between the ages of 29 to 38.

One woman, she is 38 and yes white, had not had been in a relationship for 6 years. She is never married, never had kids.

Another one was 33, a surgeon and had issues find a man due to her financial status and education…men tend to run off.

I was most baffled was 34 year old lady who, never married with no kids, had slept with 340 men!!! She claimed herself to be the gift to sex. She had a very holistic/ Mother Teresa way about it.

Hearing many of the women at the session reminded me of the LHCF relationship forum except for the story of sleeping with the 340 men. No one in here claimed something like that. Not that I know of!

Anyway the bottom line that I got from it was that what was in the Margaret Kent book and in the ring formula book is dead on!

The dating coach claims that the participants in the men seminar, the main are complaining that women are not feminine anymore, you can’t approach them, they are not appreciative, and some are really cold. She claims that many of the men nowadays are scared of approaching women. They just do initiate or do anything. This is why we see a lot of staring and smiling but no approaching.

In summary here is what is going on and the solution:

Men are attracted to women in the following order:

- They get attracted physically so looks is what they notice first. Then, they get emotionally attracted to women. And then mentally and spiritually.

Nowadays, there are more opportunities for us to meet men and the problem is we are unable to connect.

The solution/ Strategy

1- Be authentic: Be yourself and go to place where you know there are men. This place should be a place where you are doing something that you enjoy and that makes you shine through meaning you are felling good and giving out a great vibe.
2- Be passionate about life!! Have a life!!!
3- Express feminity
4- Also don’t get intimate too quickly… aka dong give up the cookie at warp speed.
5- Have bounderies .
6- When you see red flags when dating the man. Don’t stick around giving him second chances… Move on to someone else who does not that red flag.

I don't know about/care to analyze the black white issue... I just feel like in general, how do women find it hard to date? There are hundreds of millions of men in this country. Nobody should be finding a hard time finding a guy to go out with. I don't get complaining about there being a lack of men... women who do must have really restrictive pools they are looking in.

Well, though, I guess I can understand it a little more considering the age range. People have been generally paired off at that age.
I don't know about/care to analyze the black white issue... I just feel like in general, how do women find it hard to date? There are hundreds of millions of men in this country. Nobody should be finding a hard time finding a guy to go out with. I don't get complaining about there being a lack of men... women who do must have really restrictive pools they are looking in.

Well, though, I guess I can understand it a little more considering the age range. People have been generally paired off at that age.

Well you are partly right. I went there in hope of getting more information about the signs that men give out during dating or at the inital stage. I got something completely else.

One thing that was mentioned is that some women want a certain type of man but they are going the wrong way about it. For example, if you like a strong masculine, muscular man... these type of men tend to go for feminine women. You cant be masculine girl and expect for that type of man to go for you.
Where was this seminar held? It's not a black woman problem only... Do people really think that? The media sure has put us out there as a group but I think it has more to do with the fact that black women are known to not date outside of their race...

Anyway, men are afraid to approach us? I guess that might make some sense. The pressure is on them to do the chasing. We women are not only attractive, but smart, well educated, and are making our own money. There are more women in the work force than men now.... So what do they have to offer?

I wonder what kinds of men went to the dating seminar. Because I think that most women are attracted to the types of men who don't NEED to attend a dating seminar.
Where was this seminar held? It's not a black woman problem only... Do people really think that? The media sure has put us out there as a group but I think it has more to do with the fact that black women are known to not date outside of their race...

Anyway, men are afraid to approach us? I guess that might make some sense. The pressure is on them to do the chasing. We women are not only attractive, but smart, well educated, and are making our own money. There are more women in the work force than men now.... So what do they have to offer?

I wonder what kinds of men went to the dating seminar. Because I think that most women are attracted to the types of men who don't NEED to attend a dating seminar.

Great thread OP!

@ the Bolded from livingdol1. The same thing can be said about women. Most men want a confident woman who doesn't need a dating coach. Does that mean these people should date each other then? :look:

Honestly, I think in this day and age we all need dating seminars or information that seems to be lost. The big problem for me is that many men don't court! I want to be courted. They don't even want to go out on dates anymore. Just text to find out when they can come over or "meet."
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Where was this seminar held? It's not a black woman problem only... Do people really think that? The media sure has put us out there as a group but I think it has more to do with the fact that black women are known to not date outside of their race...

Anyway, men are afraid to approach us? I guess that might make some sense. The pressure is on them to do the chasing. We women are not only attractive, but smart, well educated, and are making our own money. There are more women in the work force than men now.... So what do they have to offer?

I wonder what kinds of men went to the dating seminar. Because I think that most women are attracted to the types of men who don't NEED to attend a dating seminar.

Another trend that she , the dating coach, noticed is men are becoming more and more passive. Because the women are more aggressive. The women are initiating more/ approaching more. Many men have no clue of what they need to do. The men dont know if they need to wait and be a approach or not.
Well, from what was said in the seminar. Many men are scared of approaching because they have no clue what to expect anymore. Here are two common examples mentioned by the coach:

Example 1: One guy claimed he was tired and scared of approaching women. He claimed one time he was at a book store and he saw this woman who happens to find attractive. He got a little close to her kind of looking at her to get her attention and say hi. He was standing there with a smile. Instead, the lady turned around and said " ARE YOU MAKING A PASS AT ME????"

The guy claims that her reaction was so shocking that within 2 seconds he ran out of the place.

Example 2: One guy was on a first date at the restaurant. The meal was done and he was scared of getting his wallet out. Because the previous women he dealt with went ballistic on him because he wanted to pay and he dared to open doors.

He claims that he has no clue what to do because everything that appears right is no longer right. He doesn't want to be screamed at and come off as a jerk.

Men no longer dare to approach/ initiate.They looks at a distance but no longer dares to initiate contact.
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Those 2 examples you shared sound really bizarre.

If a man is scared to approach me because of some crazy woman he encountered, well, nothing is gonna result for anyone. Men need to man up! They sound more complicated than women these days.

Never believed it any way, most women never have problems finding a man of any race...finding one they actually want to settle with - yes :yep:
I don't know about/care to analyze the black white issue... I just feel like in general, how do women find it hard to date? There are hundreds of millions of men in this country. Nobody should be finding a hard time finding a guy to go out with. I don't get complaining about there being a lack of men... women who do must have really restrictive pools they are looking in.

Well, though, I guess I can understand it a little more considering the age range. People have been generally paired off at that age.

Clearly there is an issue or they wouldn't be so many dating advice books. Your comment comes off a bit insensitive, but maybe that is because I am that woman who just can't connect with a man, or find multiple men to date. Heck I live in a college town, but then again I am 27.
Example 1: One guy claimed he was tired and scared of approaching women. He claimed one time he was at a book store and he saw this woman who happens to find attractive. He got a little close to her kind of looking at her to get her attention and say hi. He was standing there with a smile. Instead, the lady turned around and said " ARE YOU MAKING A PASS AT ME????"

The guy claims that her reaction was so shocking that within 2 seconds he ran out of the place.

Dunno..why did that shock him so much that he "ran out of the place" Her response was a bit uncooth, .but regardless, he could have had a witty retort like "yes I am I doing?" or "yes, but apparently unsuccessfully"..and gauged her response from there rather than punking himself by leaving the joint.
Dunno..why did that shock him so much that he "ran out of the place" Her response was a bit uncooth, .but regardless, he could have had a witty retort like "yes I am I doing?" or "yes, but apparently unsuccessfully"..and gauged her response from there rather than punking himself by leaving the joint.

She crushed his ego. Ego is everything to them.
She crushed his ego. Ego is everything to them.

No I get it. But there use to be a time when men knew that possible rejection goes along with approaching a woman..and they were willing and prepared to take those chances. Like I said, her response wasn't right, but his ego shouldn't have been so fragile that he shrivled away in up.
Those 2 examples you shared sound really bizarre.

If a man is scared to approach me because of some crazy woman he encountered, well, nothing is gonna result for anyone. Men need to man up! They sound more complicated than women these days.

Must be too much estrogen in the beef these days. :nono:
Yeah I've known that for awhile. My white/Asian friends are always complaining about their love life. Honestly, I go out on more dates than all of them :lol:

I was confused why ppl put white/asian girls' love life on this pedestal... I just assumed they weren't friends with those peeps in real life.
Must be too much estrogen in the beef these days. :nono:

Seriously! There's something messed up with this generation of adults. And technology has a lot to do with it. With texting and email and Facebook, it's like everything is so instantaneous and no one works on building relationships anymore. No individualized attention. Everyone is multitasking, can't be bothered, hates to talk on the phone.... So now men are scarred by mean women who've shot their confidence... :rolleyes:

I could be wrong but I feel like while women have become more educated and are working, we still have the same expectations of men as mates. But men are becoming lazier and finicky and weird. Or they're gay. How many convsations have I had with someone about some dude acting weird or not being interested and we say "oh, he might be gay?". What's wrong with today, today??
Thanks for sharing BlackHairDiva. One important question for you . . .

Be yourself and go to place where you know there are men. This place should be a place where you are doing something that you enjoy and that makes you shine through meaning you are felling good and giving out a great vibe.

Um, did she give any examples of where?!?!? I pretty much hate sports and so even if I were to try and parade around a game or sports bar I definitely wouldn't be feeling authentic or enjoying myself.

I could be wrong but I feel like while women have become more educated and are working, we still have the same expectations of men as mates. But men are becoming lazier and finicky and weird. Or they're gay. How many convsations have I had with someone about some dude acting weird or not being interested and we say "oh, he might be gay?". What's wrong with today, today??

There was an article about this (well, at least the first part of what you're saying) in a recent edition of The Atlantic
Thanks for sharing @BlackHairDiva. One important question for you . . .

Um, did she give any examples of where?!?!? I pretty much hate sports and so even if I were to try and parade around a game or sports bar I definitely wouldn't be feeling authentic or enjoying myself.

Yes she did mention dancing classes. THanks to dancing with the stars more and more men are taking dancing classes and you do not need a partner. She mentioned jive dancing...most men who are into jive dancing are 25 and younger.