Disappointed Dominican Blowout!!! Vent Part 2 - Very Pic Heavy

i would def file a claim. and have the papers delivered by the sheriff. it costs a tad more, but they will take you seriously if you do. trust.....

as for your hair, i'm crying for you.

give yourself a month of deep conditioning. do one protein treatment followed by a moisture condish. like aphoghee 2 minute. then do a deep moisture treatment weekly for the next three weeks straight. your hair may very well bounce back babygirl. try not to fret too much.
Yikes. I've been to that salon. I liked them first few times, the last time I had instant reversion and a scalp that hurt like hell. I dunno, DS are crap shoots. Unless you find a specific stylist who listens to your desires, you never know. I've been lucky I guess.

Not so sure if you have a case but you can always try what has been shared here.
I think she should sue. Not only for the heat damage but her hand did not look cute...at all. I'd sue just for the styling. You can't have people out the salon like that.

If I'm not mistaken, small claims court is a minimal fee....I think. Even if she doesn't win, it's the principle. Who knows, the salon might settle out of court.

There was nothing about their conduct or professionalism that was good. They need to be taken down!
If you are unable to file a lawsuit I would at least contact the Better Business Bureau.

Sorry this happened to you sista.
I dunno, she may be able to sue if she can prove heat damage. One of my sorors won $10K from one of those African braiding salons. They sat her under a dryer, the dryer caught on fire and burned her hair. She settled out of court. I’m no lawyer but it may be worth checking out.
That's a near death experience, totally different
The suggestions of DC and protein may help some but this is heat damage and you will have to cut those ends off sooner or later.

That is just the plain ugly truth unfortuantely. But you have grown it and gotten it healthy so you know what to do from now on. :yep:

When the DS were being raved about early on, I realized this could never be a solution for me because I am natural, I don't want these stylist getting upset because I have natural hair and handling it roughly and also I know my hair is prone to heat damage if any hair tool such as a handle held dryer, hot comb or flat iron goes over a certain temp.

Chock this one up to a lesson learned in a cruel way, but you can recover from this thankfully. :yep:
Just to clarify...

She did not say she "PRESSED" her hair. She said she "PRESSED AGAINST" it.

oh no, I did not get my hair flat ironed. I don't remember saying anywhere that I eventually got it flat ironed. I didn't:nono:

I was afraid it might have been heat damaged because when I pressed against it, it gleamed bright brown under the light. I freaked out and just washed it out.

Okay, Carry on...
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This is why I had stopped going to the DS. I was going to the DS before most people in the 90's and love it at first. Until after a year or so my hair started to thin out. IMO, use them in moderation only and IF you have 4a-4b dense ,yet naturally fine hair DO NOT go to them PERIOD!!!! They do too much pulling on the roots which can damage fine hair.

I agree with the others, take it for what it was worth, baby your hair and DO NOT go back. Remember its just hair...it will grow back!!!!

I'm so sorry this happened to you OP. ^This right here in the bold. Dominican blowouts are not for our hair type when you are natural. I went as a relaxed head but once I went natural- no more. The heat and tension is too intense and they use more of it cause the hair is natural and in their mind it needs fixed. I would do a hard protein treatment and follow up with lots of moisture. You may have to trim some still.

ETA: You need to sue them for sure.
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I hate to say this but a blow-out will not work on all heads of hair. They are primarily done on relaxed locs. When the hair is natural, it takes different products and effort to straighten, which is why they wanted to flat-iron it. I think that if you had gotten it pressed with a steel flat iron like a Milstan or hot comb, your hair would still be stretched when you washed it.

Education on services is really up to the client before something is done. I am sorry this happened but the blow-out might not have been for you. I think you'd be entitled to some of your money back since you left before they completed the service.

Oftentimes, and please bear with me, AA's feel entitled in Dominican salons. I've seen it. Just because the natural is hot here doesn't make it hot in the D.R. It's hard to argue the point but a stylist told me about this once. They are used to working on processed hair and have developed certain techniques catering to that.

What I think they should have done is tell you it will cost more and be more involved to produce the results you desired. I don't think you'll have a case at all. I wish you hadn't cut it. You could have nursed it back through deep moisturizing conditioning. I'd do that for a month and avoid heat. There are some who cannot take it on their hair at all.
No you cannot sue...this is the result of a Dominican blowout on 100% naturally nappy hair. Damage is to be expected...

Time to baby your hair...

Thank you. On what grounds can you sue these people? You wanted to get your hair straight via a blow-out...they got your hair as straight as possible for your texture...they had to use a lot of heat. Not sure why people are eggin' you on to sue...
Something just dawned on me...As children, my sister and I had our natural hair straightened for years with a straightening comb and it never failed to revert back. Why does the flat iron do so much damage????
Suing costs you too much money. Unless you have extra to throw away, I'd skip that. Just get on the internet and fill out those reviews on the salons. Most people do searches for salons on the internet. The names and addresses come up WITH ratings generally. 1 bad review makes a difference, particularly if you tell the details... like how poorly they handled your hair because of its texture.

Do one of these:


ITA. You'll do more damage to them by putting their bad business practices out there. It's free to you and will have a more widespread effect if you're looking to save others from that. I don't think you'll have a case. They could easily say your hair was damaged, can't handle heat, your hair achieved what was expected, etc. And with the general ignorance of natural hair, they are likely to be believed as professionals. I wouldn't waste my energy in that.

I know how it is to sit in a chair and know you're being mishandled. If you're not one to feel comfortable speaking up then practice. Yes, it sounds silly, but practice telling someone you're not comfortable with xyz and could they do abc. If they don't comply, kindly ask they stop performing their service. If they get mad, oh well, it's your hair (or whatever) and it's your decision.

I agree with everyone else, do a protein treatment and baby your hair. But with that kind of damage, don't expect 100% reversion.
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Yikes! :nono:

I would've burned down the salon before I left, trust me. I guess this goes to show that you can't let just anyone touch your hair. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Actually, to those saying she does not have a case, she does.

Salons ( at least in some states I can't speak for everywhere) typically carry an insurance policy in case of " malpractice"

You need a license to run a salon, and your license indicates that you know what the hell you are doing. I have friends who work in the industry, and that is how it works here. If you F--k up someone's head, you are liable, because YOU are the professional and YOU have a license.

Trust me, I have heard about a woman melting off a clients hair with a relaxer. Guess what? they got sued, and the salon lost the case. It sure as hell didn't matter if a relaxer technically is supposed to break down the bonds of your hair and you technically run that risk. The client went to the professional in order to avoid having her hair melted off her head. The salon was in the wrong for negligance.....

And these things (unfortunately) happen all the time-- thus insurance.

Now , If I messed up your head, in my bathroom, I could always counter you with the argument that i don't know what the hell I am doing, and that you know I don't have a license. Whether you win in THAT situation is completely up in the air, but you have a solid leg to stand on with this story.

Take them to small claims court. Your pictures, and if anyone with 4 hair would like to donate, pictures on how it has been done properly at other salons, should be part of your proof. In addition to previous advice noted above.

Personally, I tend to be more apt to take action when rudness was involved than a legit accident, and they were completely inappropriate.
Thank you UrbainChic.

I don't understand why some pple are saying I don't have a case because of "the risks" :ohwell::ohwell:

Ok first of all, they are professionals and are licensed. They are TRAINED to avoid those risks! I know they are not supposed to be perfect but if the damage was minor, hardly noticeable, I wouldn't be complaining. But this was MAJOR damage by people who claim to be experienced; people who claimed to be professionals; by people who claimed to have a liscence! And when i went back, they refused to take responsiblity! Just because there is a risk doesn't allow them to be negligent!!:nono::nono::nono:

Second, you cannot advertise something you cannot do!
If a doctor told you he had 20 years experience in leg surgery and u get it done by him and he cripples you, will you say "it is part of the risk"??
The manager yelled at me over and over again, that she had 20 years experience in natural hair! And that I need to stop arguing with her and stop being too hard-headed. As a professional, I shouldn't be faulted for trusting her!

Those of you who think I just sat there and did nothing, are mistaken. YES I SPOKE UP. I SPOKE UP the entire time and they kept yelling at me, saying they dont like when people come and tell them what to do, etc. I also mentioned, if you read the post, that I stopped the treatment halfway! I was supposed to get my hair flatironed because it comes with the blowout but I had enough! So yes, I DID SPEEK UP!!

And you tell me i dont have a case????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed
Its only OK when it hasn't happened to you!
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Where did you say you spoke up in this post? My response was going off of what I read so when you ask for an opinion and then your response to some of our replies get THE CAPS (e-yelling)...*confused*.
Thank you UrbainChic.

I don't understand why some pple are saying I don't have a case because of "the risks" :ohwell::ohwell:

Ok first of all, they are professionals and are licensed. They are TRAINED to avoid those risks! I know they are not supposed to be perfect but if the damage was minor, hardly noticeable, I wouldn't be complaining. But this was MAJOR damage by people who claim to be experienced; people who claimed to be professionals; by people who claimed to have a liscence! And when i went back, they refused to take responsiblity! Just because there is a risk doesn't allow them to be negligent!!:nono::nono::nono:

Second, you cannot advertise something you cannot do!
If a doctor told you he had 20 years experience in leg surgery and u get it done by him and he cripples you, will you say "it is part of the risk"??
The manager yelled at me over and over again, that she had 20 years experience in natural hair! And that I need to stop arguing with her and stop being too hard-headed. As a professional, I shouldn't be faulted for trusting her!

Its just like taking drugs their are going to be side effects, some people get them, others are fine

Those of you who think I just sat there and did nothing, are mistaken. YES I SPOKE UP. I SPOKE UP the entire time and they kept yelling at me, saying they dont like when people come and tell them what to do, etc. I also mentioned, if you read the post, that I stopped the treatment halfway! I was supposed to get my hair flatironed because it comes with the blowout but I had enough! So yes, I DID SPEEK UP!!

And you tell me i dont have a case????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed
Its only OK when it hasn't happened to you!

:) First I just want to let you know I am not trying to argue with you but:

You are paying for a style.....not for health. Its not like they burned your scalp, melted your hair off with a relaxer, caused bald spots or cut more than you firmly asked. If you were concerned with the health of your hair, you probably should have asked them prior to on whether or not the style will cause heat damage. Maybe even ask them to double up on their heat protectant. Did they put heat protectant on your hair prior to blowdrying? How much was used?

and secondly, I have had maybe two experiences with Dominican salons causing heat damage. I knew the risks going in, I wanted the style. When I washed my hair and saw the damage, sure I was upset but like I said I knew the risks going in. I just used a protein treatment and constantly monitored my hair.

I am very sad this has happened and hopefully this will be a lessened learn for any future styling cases.
Where did you say you spoke up in this post? My response was going off of what I read so when you ask for an opinion and then your response to some of our replies get THE CAPS (e-yelling)...*confused*.

Sorry, I didnt mean to yell.
In the post i said the blow drying almost started a fight, which I thought everyone would understand that I was arguing a lot with them about what I wanted done on my hair. I also said I halted the treatment because of all the chaos. So I assumed that everyone would understand that as me speaking up for myself.
There is risk with perms and people still get them so I don't understand why people keep saying risks. Anything even washing ur hair with a certain shampoo can have risk like burning ur eyes lol

I would call the BBB, leave reviews and take it to court b/c of principles. If they knew they couldn't do her hair properly without a perm...then they shouldn't have touched it. Then for the attitude they had with her that was very unprofessional. Even if she files a small claim court case...who knows? It may deter them from doing this to another natural persons hair. I know alot of naturals who don't come online to look for hair help during there journey and go to the dominican salons and endure the same treatment and pain. Maybe someone does need to "scare" them a little bit with a court case. Who knows it might help a little bit.

And I am Dominican and I don't even go to the salons now that I am natural for the simple fact....I'm scared of heat now....even from a blow dryer.
Thank you UrbainChic.

I don't understand why some pple are saying I don't have a case because of "the risks" :ohwell::ohwell:

Ok first of all, they are professionals and are licensed. They are TRAINED to avoid those risks! I know they are not supposed to be perfect but if the damage was minor, hardly noticeable, I wouldn't be complaining. But this was MAJOR damage by people who claim to be experienced; people who claimed to be professionals; by people who claimed to have a liscence! And when i went back, they refused to take responsiblity! Just because there is a risk doesn't allow them to be negligent!!:nono::nono::nono:

Second, you cannot advertise something you cannot do!
If a doctor told you he had 20 years experience in leg surgery and u get it done by him and he cripples you, will you say "it is part of the risk"??
The manager yelled at me over and over again, that she had 20 years experience in natural hair! And that I need to stop arguing with her and stop being too hard-headed. As a professional, I shouldn't be faulted for trusting her!

Those of you who think I just sat there and did nothing, are mistaken. YES I SPOKE UP. I SPOKE UP the entire time and they kept yelling at me, saying they dont like when people come and tell them what to do, etc. I also mentioned, if you read the post, that I stopped the treatment halfway! I was supposed to get my hair flatironed because it comes with the blowout but I had enough! So yes, I DID SPEEK UP!!

And you tell me i dont have a case????:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed
Its only OK when it hasn't happened to you!

It doesn't matter if the stylist was trained or not. Your hair is not meant to be straight...this is why excessive heat and force and avoidance of water is necessary for you to wear a straight style. The most highly trained stylist, when given the instruction to straighten the coarsest 4b hair out there, by any means necessary (heat tools), may incur heat damage. They did what you asked them to do... they straightened your hair.
:) First I just want to let you know I am not trying to argue with you but:

You are paying for a style.....not for health. Its not like they burned your scalp, melted your hair off with a relaxer, caused bald spots or cut more than you firmly asked. If you were concerned with the health of your hair, you probably should have asked them prior to on whether or not the style will cause heat damage. Maybe even ask them to double up on their heat protectant. Did they put heat protectant on your hair prior to blowdrying? How much was used?

Yes I did. I asked them MANY times and she said she has 20yrs professional experience, that she wasnt gonna cause heat damage that she knows wat shes doing that I need to keep quiet. Yes I told them MANY MANY times to use heat protectant. They did not use enough and were not willing to use as much as I recommended. They were not willing to do ANYTHING I wanted, so I ended the session.
Sorry, I didnt mean to yell.
In the post i said the blow drying almost started a fight, which I thought everyone would understand that I was arguing a lot with them about what I wanted done on my hair. I also said I halted the treatment because of all the chaos. So I assumed that everyone would understand that as me speaking up for myself.

Ok, I understand. I assumed that was after it was over. When you said is was rough and whatnot, that's why I thought you didn't speak up. As you can see it's debatable about who has the responsibility. But next time you visit a stylist, if there is a next time, I highly recommend you go to the salon early and watch them do hair to see if that's what you want to go through.
Yes I did. I asked them MANY times and she said she has 20yrs professional experience, that she wasnt gonna cause heat damage that she knows wat shes doing that I need to keep quiet. Yes I told them MANY MANY times to use heat protectant. They did not use enough and were not willing to use as much as I recommended. They were not willing to do ANYTHING I wanted, so I ended the session.

I think you should have mentioned this in your OP. If you really want to sue their is no evidence that she made a claim that you will not have any heat damage. Your best chance, if any would be to just write a salon review.
Damn girl like you said you knew the risk so no case.

and secondly, I have had maybe two experiences with Dominican salons causing heat damage. I knew the risks going in, I wanted the style. When I washed my hair and saw the damage, sure I was upset but like I said I knew the risks going in. I just used a protein treatment and constantly monitored my hair.
Also, maybe someone has the answer to this but, if you take someone to court, does that go on your credit? I always see that question on applications and such and thought it goes on Public Record or something. Idk. Either way, I would weigh all of this out and judge whether you want to go through that drama after you've been through enough.
It doesn't matter if the stylist was trained or not. Your hair is not meant to be straight...this is why excessive heat and force and avoidance of water is necessary for you to wear a straight style. The most highly trained stylist, when given the instruction to straighten the coarsest 4b hair out there, by any means necessary (heat tools), may incur heat damage. ... they straightened your hair.

Good. So if you go to a highly trained pharmacist for back pain medication, and they give you medication that is fatal for blacks, and you get paralyzed, will you also say "They did what you asked them to do....they gave you back pain medication"?
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So so sorry this happened to you. This is the reason I haven't let heat touch my hair since going natural :nono: