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New Member
Good morning Ladies,

I really like this guy that I'm seeing and he's telling and showing me that he feels the same.

I recently learned that he is seeing someone and he continues to tell me that he is going to fix the situation and that he isn't happy in the situation.

I just learened this over 2 weeks ago. My thoughts are to give it a little time and not bring it back up say about for 3 weeks and see how it pans out. Initially I thought it was best that I keep it moving but now I'm playing a waiting game.

So what are your thoughts?

ETA: Shortened OP to get feedback.
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I would tell him that we are not seeing each other until he is single and move on. Dont get anymore invested emotionally until his relationship is clearly over!
How long has he been seeing this other person; Also if he isn't happy why don't he just leave?
No dilemma at all. You need to leave this guy alone, especially if you had to find out about the girlfriend yourself without him telling you. He's had more than enough time to end his previous relationship. Also, the fact that he'd just be out of a messy relationship would give me pause as well.
I would tell him that we are not seeing each other until he is single and move on. Dont get anymore invested emotionally until his relationship is clearly over!

These where my initial feelings but considering it's so new and I really like him I wasn't 100% sure this was what I wanted to do.

How long has he been seeing this other person; Also if he isn't happy why don't he just leave?

He said 6 months.

No dilemma at all. You need to leave this guy alone, especially if you had to find out about the girlfriend yourself without him telling you. He's had more than enough time to end his previous relationship. Also, the fact that he'd just be out of a messy relationship would give me pause as well.

He told me, well I was the one who asked.
Here's the OP but I figured it was a long read and shortened it;

I have a slight dilemma that I was hoping to get some insight on. Here’s the deal;

I’ve been seeing this guy now for about 3 months. The first 2 months was getting to know each other (we see each other everyday on our commute) and occasional small dates.

Around the end of month 2, I had this sneaky suspicion that he may have a girlfriend, so I asked and he said “no, but he was talking to someone”. I wasn’t thrown off b/c I’m talking to other people as well although I didn’t confess that b/c I don’t believe any of my situations were important enough to tell.

So after those details, I was thinking nahhh I like this guy so I’m going to keep it moving since he has someone. That same day he asked me out to dinner and I said “no” but didn’t tell him it was b/c of his situation and he begged and begged until I said yes. So he picked me up and the date was incredible! It was our first real date and it was crazy how much chemistry and compatibility we had. That night we had our first kiss and he confessed to me that he was very interested and attracted to me, that he has been liking me for awhile and even though I was caught up in the moment but I was still using my head and I asked how this was so with him talking to someone? He said he was not happy and that he would take care of the situation. The night we stayed up talking, flirting to about 7am, overall the night was great.

So the next day he’s texting me how he thinks I’m the one and how he’s never had that amount of chemistry with anyone and he believes we would be great together etc. I didn’t bring up his situation again, I figured I made myself clear the night before. Since that night he calls me everyday, he plans dates with me in advance, we workout together, he picks me up for work and does all the right things.

Fast forward to this past Saturday he stopped by for a quick visit and so happened 2 of my girlfriends were over. One of my friends launched a full interrogation on him that I tried to shut down but he was like no it’s cool I’m fine.

Well, she asked him if he had a girlfriend and this dude said, “yes, I do have a girlfriend” and I was thinking huhhhh???? But I kept my poker face although I was like what the hell? But he follows up with my intentions for 5+5 are good and she’s the girl that I would want to be with.

When we walk outside I confront him about him having a girlfriend and he said he thought he told me that. I told him I thought he was just talking to someone and he said the relationship is almost over and he’s going to take care of it. When he left he sent me a text saying “im going to fix this so we can be happy”.

Here’s my dilemma, I really like this guy and wish he was fully available so that we could proceed. However, this isn’t the case…so I was thinking I would give him about a month to take care of his situation and not bring it up until then or is that a good idea?
He told you that he was seeing you and another person and you accepted it. Why get up in arms right now? Find a guy who isn't seeing other women. Seems pretty clear cut to me, unless you are ok with dating a guy who is dating other's.

Seems that you might be slightly embrassed now that other's know that he is seeing or has an actual girlfriend and you are still dealing with him. Him seeing someone and\or girlfriend, potato\patato you know you are not the only one and you sorta knew that from jump.

If the other girl is truly the girlfriend, I doubt she knows about you. Seems like he is having a nice party with all the cake he can get. (Not saying your are giving up the cookie) Don't be surprised if you later find out their is a 3rd....... women (women) involved.
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Fast forward to this past Saturday he stopped by for a quick visit and so happened 2 of my girlfriends were over. One of my friends launched a full interrogation on him that I tried to shut down but he was like no it’s cool I’m fine. Well, she asked him if he had a girlfriend and this dude said, “yes, I do have a girlfriend” and I was thinking huhhhh???? But I kept my poker face although I was like what the hell? But he follows up with my intentions for 5+5 are good and she’s the girl that I would want to be with.

When we walk outside I confront him about him having a girlfriend and he said he thought he told me that. I told him I thought he was just talking to someone and he said the relationship is almost over and he’s going to take care of it. When he left he sent me a text saying “im going to fix this so we can be happy”.

Here’s my dilemma, I really like this guy and wish he was fully available so that we could proceed. However, this isn’t the case…so I was thinking I would give him about a month to take care of his situation and not bring it up until then or is that a good idea?

Wow :blush:

Girl forget how much you like him, and deal with the facts.

1) He was on the prowl even when he had a girlfriend. Do you want that kind of man?

2) He told you I'm just ''talking to someone'' but uses another stronger label to define that relationship ''girlfriend'' to your friend but states that he is happy with you?? Actions speak louder than words and if he truly felt you were ''the one'' he would have immediately cut homegirl loose and not put you in this disrespectful situation.

3) That's all I've got :lol:

I know you like him but the longer you allow yourself to be ''the other'' woman, the more you're allowing him to disrespect you and his girlfriend. He's the only one benefiting from this situation.

Let him go, and if he comes back as a single man... I'd still give him the side eye but you can make it work then, I guess.
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I would keep it moving.. Even if he calls it off with the other person, he still wouldn't have any time to "get over it". To me it would be been too soon and to early to deal with another woman.
I'm sorry to hear you're into someone else's man. But you need to bounce for you're own good. There are too many single men in the world!

Concealing his girlfriend is :nono: What else has he lied about? Be careful when treading with someone else's boo because the fights don't always come from her. Look for that thread when friends slashed a girl's face.
Don't get giddy because you two are compatible and have oodles of chemistry, if you stay, he may view your 'staying' as being okay with the situation, leave before your feelings grow and it become even harder to get out of the relationship ...

If he's really serious he will 'fix' the situation as he says...don't settle for being second best
OP...with the new details provided.

I suggest you leave:

1) he has a gf and was seeing you; what if when he decides that the chemistry dies down he does the same thing to you?

2) if a person isn't happy why not just leave; leaving is so much easier I just don't understand why people don't just do it instead of stuff like this.
It's quite obvious dude is playing games and your role will continue to be that of "the other woman" until you ditch him. Frankly, I wouldnt want to have a relationship with someone who is obviously so disloyal and not on the level.
When I read the shortened first post my thought was that if you are casually dating and he is dating with no real commitment to anyone then you shouldn't be to worried. Then I read the full version and my only issue is that he is not casually seeing the other woman he has admitted that she is his girlfriend and I am willing to bet she has no idea how unhappy he is.

I think it is in poor taste for him to start shopping around before he has ended things properly. And if he is willing to do this to her he will def do this to you.

I know how hard it is when you have chemistry and you are in that limerence stage getting to know someone, but my advice is to put him on the back burner and start looking for someone available.
He told you that he was seeing you and another person and you accepted it. Why get up in arms right now? Find a guy who isn't seeing other women. Seems pretty clear cut to me, unless you are ok with dating a guy who is dating other's.

Seems that you might be slightly embrassed now that other's know that he is seeing or has an actual girlfriend and you are still dealing with him. Him seeing someone and\or girlfriend, potato\patato you know you are not the only one and you sorta knew that from jump.

It's an issue now b/c at first I thought he was talking to someone just as much as I was talking to others, but I wouldn't call anyone I'm seeing a boyfriend so him calling her his .girlfriend. is a game-changer.

I wasn't embarrassed at all, my friends was aware that he was talking to someone (not that he had a girlfriend) and their thoughts were to give it some time and that he's so into me and will dead ole girl in no time. It was a big deal to me b/c had I known she was a .girlfriend. I would have done things differently, so not a matter of saving face for my friends.

When I read the shortened first post my thought was that if you are casually dating and he is dating with no real commitment to anyone then you shouldn't be to worried. Then I read the full version and my only issue is that he is not casually seeing the other woman he has admitted that she is his girlfriend and I am willing to bet she has no idea how unhappy he is.

These were my feelings after he told me he was seeing someone that's why I continued to see him b/c I'm casually dating and seeing others as well. But I've since grown to like him and he was making way on my other guys so with this chick having a title I feel like we're def. not on the same page anymore.
I wasn't embarrassed at all, my friends was aware that he was talking to someone (not that he had a girlfriend) and their thoughts were to give it some time and that he's so into me and will dead ole girl in no time. It was a big deal to me b/c had I known she was a .girlfriend. I would have done things differently, so not a matter of saving face for my friends.
So you were willing to wait it out? WOW.

I am not one to tell folks to dump folks, but no matter what we say here at LHCF if you like him and are willing because you see something in him wait it out. I think you are wasting your time though, dude is playing both of you ladies.
Do not let yourself be the other woman.

My advice would be to let him go. Tell him you are not the kind of woman that dates other women's boyfriends. And then run.....FAST.
He was not even honest with you about a relationship status. He is a player. Sorry this happened to you. Atleast you know now, rather than later.
The only person winning in this situation is the guy. He's getting a chance to see if you're "better" than her. Plus, who knows if it's only 6 months that he's being seeing her. If he's having that hard of time "fixing" the situation, then it's probably more like 6 years.

Also, I'm very analytical (overly) and don't like the terminology he's using, e.g. "fixing" the situation, "taking care" of the situation. What exactly does that mean? Is he ending it or not? And what does it mean if the relationship is "almost" over? It's not like he's getting a divorce......unless he is.

Don't be played, OP. This guy has been untruthful, at best, about the whole situation. Talking to someone and someone being a GF is world's apart, in my opinion. If you're really "the one", then he'd been have ended things and by now instead of her being the GF, there'd be nothing to say. I say leave it alone. If he's truly genuine, then he'll come back after everything is settled. I probably still couldn't do it, but at least he'd be free and clear.
You know what's going on. At this point he still has a girlfriend so if you chose to proceed you are going in with open eyes. Unless they live together and have kids, the breakup should be easy.
OP..been there..done that..and got a t-shirt. Move on please..save yourself the heartbreak. He is not looking to commit to you because he is already invested somewhere else. THE END.
Similar thing happend with one of my girlfriends. She told him that she didn't want to talk to him until he got out of his "situation". She didn't hear from him for 3 months. She actually forgot about him when he finally called her back, but they started dating and 3 years later they got married.
I know that this isn't the most important thing but he told your friend that he has a girlfriend :blush: and he's not talking about you. Have you been over to his house yet? I'm wondering what could make it so difficult for him to leave her.

Curiousity aside, this isn't a good situation for you. You should exit it now, with your heart and your pride in tact.
Thanx for all the insight ladies.

He just dropped me off at home from work and asked if he could take me out tomorrow. I felt indifferent the entire time in the car so I think I'm closing in on making the decision.

I told him we could go out tomorrow and as hard as it maybe to cut ties I think I'll go ahead and pull the trigger.

I just talked to my male BFF and he was telling me that the situation isn't that bad and that most men have someone when they meet a lady but they rarely disclose it b/c they may be on the way out. He was saying when he met his wife he had an unresolved situation that he had to handle first and he told his wife about it and was happy that she stuck it out.

So to be quite honest I'm still a lil' on the fence about rather or not I'll just continue to be friends with him and keep doing me but I'll make the final decision during our date tomorrow.
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Breaking up with a girlfriend isn't hard. He's been in the process of "taking care of it" for weeks and he's still not single?

I can only think of one reason why: He's married.

Ask him outright if he's married.

Have you ever been invited to his home?

ETA: If he really wanted to be with you, he would.

In fact, my husband (before we got together) was in a long-term relationship and ended it when we started talking. I didn't know about it at the time, but he took care of business because he wanted to be with me.

The fact that this is taking him so long is extremely fishy.
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Wow, op. How does it feel to be the other woman? :nono: I agree that you should make him back his words up. If he really thinks you are the one then he will be an adult and break up with his girlfriend.

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C'mon with all this other woman stuff I've only known he had a girl friend for 2 days...geesh I swear some of yall go hard as if I'm boning dude or posting asking for ideas on how to get him to dump the girl.

It's been almost 2 weeks since I've known he was "talking to someone", (what I believed to be non-committed) we're not nowhere close to having sex, I don't ask him for or to do anything, he's the one asking me out and toting me around.

I am talking to other people too so I assume we were on the same page until Saturday when he said it was his girlfriend and now 2 days later I'm asking for thoughts. Isn't this the single til married board?
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I just talked to my male BFF and he was telling me that the situation isn't that bad and that most men have someone when they meet a lady but they rarely disclose it b/c they may be on the way out. He was saying when he met his wife he had an unresolved situation that he had to handle first and he told his wife about it and was happy that she stuck it out.

So to be quite honest I'm still a lil' on the fence about rather or not I'll just continue to be friends with him and keep doing me but I'll make the final decision during our date tomorrow.
That is such a load of BS. Men will spin $hit any way to make it make sense. Come on 5+5 seriously, are you seriously buying that? Switch this whole scenario around what do you think would happen?
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