Did you move for love?


New Member
Hi All,

I'm just curious to hear some stories about people who have moved a significant distant to be with the person they love, especially any women who moved to Europe, or Europeans who moved to the US (but even different places in the US is fine). I'm moving to Germany for a 2 month trial period with my fiancee, but eventually I plan to move there permanently by next summer.
It wasn't across country, but I did move from NY to FL to be with my DH--he was stationed there before he retired from the military. It was an adjustment for me, but it didn't take long for me to get used to dealing with the mild temperatures in the South. I never want to move up North again.
i will be structuring my next pcs move around my boyfriend's move...he is in the military as well but in another branch

ETA: the only reason why i am doing that is bc im in the military and it wont hurt my career. i dont have to quit a job or anything
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I really would like to hear more stories of if it worked out or not, to know what pitfalls I should expect.

I really would like to hear more stories of if it worked out or not, to know what pitfalls I should expect.

my thing unless u are in a committed relationship I.e. engaged to be married in 6 mnths or so don't pick up your life quit your job and move your kids to be with a man
I recently moved to Charlotte to be with the one I love. So far so good. I am definitely enjoying him and the great weather!:grin:
My SO moved to Princeton,Texas a little over a month ago from Cleveland, OH. I went to visit him Sept 5 and returned to Cleve. Sept. 9. I love it there and I enjoyed being with him alot. It brought back alot of memories, we had a great time together (i also discovered that I love airplanes). I did not want to leave. Northern Texas is so beautiful. I plan on moving down there around January or February of next year...I can't wait. :yep:
One of my closet friends moved to the US from Canada with her now husband...She met him when we were on vacation, they courted for a year back and forth and then got married...It was a struggle for her at first, being that she had no family here in the US, the adjustment period took some time...However, they have a beautiful family now, and everything is as well as can be expected...
my thing unless u are in a committed relationship I.e. engaged to be married in 6 mnths or so don't pick up your life quit your job and move your kids to be with a man

Nooo...definitely not doing that, we're engaged to be married in the summer:love: No kids or anything on either part.

Ladybug33 - where did you move from? Did you have to give up a career?