Did you meet online and are now happily married?

My mother just got remarried last year,
and she met her man online, they dated for about a year and a half I think.
she is in looooooooove. :kiss:
I met my husband on Crushspot.com. It was totally free.

Funny though, I found that site because my friend was talking about another member she thought was cute... I signed up, found it fun and all of a sudden BAM.
I met my husband on Blackplanet over 7 years ago. He just dropped me a note saying that he liked my picture. Neither of us wanted a relationship at the time or to find someone to date on there..We were friends for a few months and then the rest is history..
I met my DH on BP too. We just got married this August after dating for a year and a half. We both were not looking for love but fell for each other. It's so funny because I was hardly on the site when he sent me the note but I decided to reply. We chatted online and brief phone calls for two months before meeting in person. My friend met her fiance on there too.
My husband and I met thru a telephone service called the Affection Connection. This was WAY before online dating was popular. We've been together 12 years, married 10. We talked on the phone for two months before we actually met. We lived in the same city. It was really kinda nice, because I got to know him as a person first.
I guess you could say we met online. He saw my yahoo profile and sent me an email. Granted I answered back because his name was familar to me (my bestfriend totally egged me on to send an email back) And we started talking. We talked every day for 5 months until we met. The rest is history.

I was in no way looking for a relationship, it just sort of happened.

Next year makes 10 years.

My husband and I met thru a telephone service called the Affection Connection. This was WAY before online dating was popular. We've been together 12 years, married 10. We talked on the phone for two months before we actually met. We lived in the same city. It was really kinda nice, because I got to know him as a person first

I think this is the benefit of online dating and meeting via telephone svcs before you meet someone. You get to know people better than if you would have offline. I've had some deep conversations with people.
I tried this and met some reall jerks :ohwell: or either they are too far. Maybe I'm not patient enough.
I'm in an LDR and it is HARD on so many levels. Just be sure you have wiiiiiiiide lines of communication. And pay attention to everything he says and that you are communicating too.
I met my DH online. We dated for 2 years and we recently got married a few months ago. It didn't come easy though, I dated A LOT of jerks online before I met him. :perplexed
I met DH on blackplanet. We went to highschool together but never knew each other. We dated for 6 months, got engaged and married almost a year to the date of meeting each other. Been married 4 years.

The key is just to meet in a safe place...and let others know where you will be. After that first meeting, it's just like you met him in a mall.
Cool to hear ladies..

I wonder if online dating is a good option for black women in general because it can be so hard to meet men who share your goals and interests, especially if you don't live in cities with large black populations.

I tried online dating but I'm at a point where I can't deal with long distance relationships anymore. Who knows what the future holds tho..
Kamilah, how far are you two, if you don't mind me asking?

Any tips on LDR communication?? tia
I'm in an LDR and it is HARD on so many levels. Just be sure you have wiiiiiiiide lines of communication. And pay attention to everything he says and that you are communicating too.
I met DH online. He wasn't the first I met online, but (and I know this sounds so silly) it was love at first sight. I took the online dating thing half-seriously...just something to do. He lived an hour and a half away, and I was not trying to date someone in the boonies, but I gave him a chance because he seemed so NORMAL and had his ish together, from what I could tell. We spent a lot of time together immediatey...I just ended up driving out to his place and staying on the weekends, then driving home late on Sundays to go to work. He proposed 6 weeks later because he got tired of me leaving every week. I moved into his house and got a job in his city. We've been married five years now and have a two year old :D

Sometimes, taking crazy chances can work!
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My gf met her man last year on eharmony and he proposed for new years!!!

I joined that sucka immediately.

Plentyoffish.com is free. My other gf uses that one.
Yes through yahoo personal ads in 2000. My friend and I were just playing around and decided to write personal ads for each other on yahoo, we werent really thinking we would meet anyone decent....I got about 25 responses, only like 3 of them that I considered serious. One of them was my husband, he was a senior in college at the time too, had just gotten out of a relationship a few months before just like me. We emailed back and forth for about a week and talked on the phone for hours and hours for a few more weeks and then we met, the rest is history. We have been together for almost 9 years and we are happily married.
How has Eharmony been for you?

Horrible. IN the past I was on for one month. I was not happy with who i was matched with, except this cool dude on the other side of the country.

Right now, I have only been back on for 3 days. I have no matches!

I think they are playing me, because I completed the profile under two different email addresses, and my other email address, the one where I did not buy the subscription, I have 20 matches!!! Same personality!!!

About to call customer service!

I waited, maybe 2 years from previous time I joined. They had been begging me to sign up, and finally offered me 3 mos for 39$. When my friend got her proposal, I took their offer!
Wow, I forgot about BV 11 years ago it used to be better than what it is now. Before it was bought out by AOL.

Actually we used to access it THRU AOL. You would sign in and hit a link and it would take you to blackvoices. They had another nice one called netnoir too. When I went back several years later, it was out on the web all by itself. Then AOL bought it and it has become some sort of hell hole...lol.
to freinds of mine met guys onlline, the first one met him through myspace where she found a christian group. she just got married.
the second met her guy through eharmony and theyre living together but I met him and even though he seems nice but somethings a little off.
here's the thing though they both admitted that they had to talk to and/or have 1-2 dates with alot of REAL JERKS before they met the one. IMO i don't think its better than meeting someone in person cuase at least if you talk to them and see them you can save time and frustration. taking online is not the same.
Im going to start a new post or blog on this.
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Eharmony, this $39 deal, is the worst! YOu cannot reach customer service! There is no phone number, just email, and they do not answer. Then, you're on auto renew after 3 mos and you cannot get rid of it.
I met my SO on Chemistry.com. So far so good. I agree about E-Harmony. It is definately not worth the money.
I met my SO (soon to be husband when he gets out of the military) on a business networking site. We had profiles and blogs up and he was the youngest member on the entire site, besides me. So I contacted him, found we had an extrodinary amount of things in common, and began emailing, then calling each other everyday, this went on for about two years and finally we just spent the last two weeks together, and are totally commited to each other. Neither of us were looking for love, or even looking to date, but we found each other.
I know a chaplain who met his wife on e-harmony and they have been married for over a year. they are a really nice couple and just had a baby.