Did you meet online and are now happily married?


New Member
A lot of post here about online dating sites. Just wondering if anyone met their SO/DH online and are happily married or committed?:yawn:
a friend of mine met her husband online
they just got back from their honeymoon and appear very happy
I met my bf through and online forum, not a dating site but they have a section for people to meet for various things and that's how we started. Been together over four years.
-My aunt met her DH online. They been married for 11 years now
-My cousin met her DH on myspace. They been married for 3 years now
-My uncle met his fiance online, they been together for 4 years and wedding is July,
Wow thanks for the replies. I have a girlfriend back home who was skeptical about and getting serious with someone she met online, but I had heard that a lot of people end up very happy. Thanks for confirming that!
Interesting. I have been on those sights but I am scarred. I talked to one guy on the phone once. But I don't remember why I never called again. He must have been a loser. LOL
My aunt her husband met on BlackPlanet got engaged 9 months later and within a year and a half of the first internet contact, they were married.

My SO and I met on OkCupid.com late Feb 2008. My SO lives in TX and I in MA so we had to wait until Memorial Day Weekend to meet, but we communicated over the phone CONSTANTLY for 3 months (5-6 times a day; once in the morning a couple of times in the afternoon, once while I was walking home from work and the last call later that night), sent each other packages, e-mailed silly videos, etc. We formed a deep love and appreciation for each others souls before we even embraced or kissed.

Meeting was a smooth transition to say the least lol. If you have seen some of my pictures (located in my profile) from Memorial Day Weekend, Its amazing looking back at those pictures since we sent such a small amount of time together in person (give or take about 12 hours) and how comfortable and in love we look.

Things are extremely well, he will move up here in June, we've met each others parents and we already have had an in depth discussion about marriage & kids (which will happen when we can afford it :-/). I was always sketched out about the idea of dating someone that I met online, but my experiences with my SO makes me want to recommend it to EVERYONE! Just be cautious and make sure to analyze everything about the person's character to make sure they're not crazy. He proved to me his character without me prying; I was lucky this time around. But believe me I have come across my share of weirdos online (only one that I met who proved to be a WEIRDO) so be cautious.
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*Takes note of Militant Ivy*

so where did the rest of ya meet up (websites)?
im trying a few but wanna know where people have been most successful....
Me and my honey met on Blackplanet.... dated for 9 months and were married today. Jan 29 will be our 2 year wedding
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If I were single now I would most definately try to find someone online along with conventional methods :yep:
Why not try any method that is available?
I know so many that met online... Even here at my job, there are couples that met from different countries even that now live here in Sweden, happily married or co-habitating. :)
My husband and I met online (not at a dating site though.) Met in person twice before we got married. Now happily married for 4 years.
I met mine online.

married almost 5 years.

I DID talk to a lot of jerks but it was worth it to meet DH.

Were you guys in the same area when you met? I met this guy online but he is many states away and I was wondering ig I should even consider it. We have been back and forth with pics and emails and phone calls but I dont know. The online thing scares me. I dont want to find out hes something I thought he wasnt or vice versa. Shoot its hard enough when they live in the same state. :nono:
^^^ Shoot, I am down.. Club/Lounge hoping... Professional events... i mean just getting out there.. most of my friends are in relationships, and or have kids, and me going out solo is still unchartered territory...