Did You Marry Your Father?

Yep...Their birthdays are 1 day apart. I should have ran when I found that out. Lol, but no I wouldn't change him for the world. We complete each other in a weird way.
I hope to. My dad is patient, loving, and very loyal. But I need an extroverted DH lol, I am introverted like my dad.
NO. My father was a male chauvinist without a sense of humor who never complimented my mother. He never helped her around the house. He was a couch potato, weekend drunk, stingy bastard (rest in peace).

My husband is TOTALLY opposite to my father! I didn't want any part of any man who even remotely reminded me of my daddy.

Nay- good for you. How did you break the cycle?
Country gal, that dad of mine was SO bad that it was easy to not even be remotely attracted to any man who gave off any vibes similar to his. I didn't want a man who looked anything like him either. To this day light skinned guys with green eyes give me the heebie jeebies :lol:

Another thing that's funny is I never wanted to drink alcohol because of his drinking ways, and to this day I have never had a drop of any kind of alcoholic beverage.

And get this, my sister also married a man who was 100% opposite of my dad.

Unfortunately, my brother turned out to be the spitting image of my daddy's evil ways. Heck, he makes my father look tame. I'd say my brother's treatment of women (his lack of respect for them) is probably the worst I've ever seen! But he gets lots of women and they put up with his nonsense because he has a ton of money. It's crazy the choices we make (good and bad) because of our parents' influence.
No, my dad wasn't very ambitious and future oriented. Dh is both. My dad is and laid back and somewhat lazy...dh is the complete opposite. My dad has no problem whining and complaining about how life sucks.....again dh is opposite. I'm glad about those differences at least.
I am always attracted to men that remind me of my father. I have tried to break this habit but i cant seem to. I was a daddy's girl and my father was wonderful but i think my choices have a lot to do with my fathers untimely death.
My first love was a man who looked, acted and sounded like my father. All the rest have been versions of him in one way or another.
I know someone who married a man who looks and acts like her father's child. It is so uncanny that people ALWAYS think that her husband is her father's child and she is the in-law.
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Yes, I did!
Both my DH & my Father's Dads were rolling stones...I say that b/c they were both primarily raised and surrounded by LOTS of women (mom/sisters/aunties).

Very kind-hearted but can come across as too nonchalant at times (for my taste anyways). Can handle lots of dramatics on a daily basis but wont necessarily get involved. Very sensitive to women and in-tune with a woman's needs but demand a subtle aire of masculine/bravado control. Not a showman in uncomfortable/new spaces, but can definitely turn it all the way live! Also they both require their own personal space/outlets (sports, fishing, hunting, etc).

*sighs* Again, yes I did!

Physically, both dad and DH have VERY DISTINCT eyebrows and lighter brown eyes. That might be just a coincidence though.
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I was raised by a step-father whom I despised. I made a list of his objectionable qualities and how they manifested in practical every day ways. When I was dating, if I saw any of these behaviors or qualities in a man, I would not see him again. It was that serious.

I ended up marrying a man who is nothing like him. I often look at my daughter and think how happy I am that she has a good, loving and mentally stable father.