Did You Marry The Man You Thought You Would?


Well-Known Member
When I was younger and thought about being married I always thought I would end up marrying an architect or scientist.(odd but I did) It's so interesting as an adult the men I attract/date. I've had a few boyfriends and none of them had the career path I thought they would. I'm not married yet but I ask my friends who are married and some say they married someone they would have never thought and others say emotionally/character wise they married who they thought they would. When I ask about career they all say that's not something they thought about when they thought about their husbands.

I know career is not the most important thing when considering who you will marry but I don't want to feel super crazy so I have to ask when you thought about your life mate did you think about what they would do for a living?

I don't know why this was on my mind.
I honestly never thought about the career or money piece of the puzzle (probably because I grew up around "successful" couples/men, so I just assumed things would fall into place for me- and they did). There were other characteristics that were important to me and my husband has those qualities.
I thought I would marry the life of the party, Mr. Personality, an L.L. Cool J mixed with Martin Lawrence type....thank God that didn't happen for me. I married the man that loves working with his hands and also works in my field (I never thought I could find guys that were handy around the house and corporate types at the same time but that's all I've attracted since graduating college...thank God).
I thought I'd marry the ladies' man. Mr Cool Kid. Mr. Personality. My brother is like that minus the ladies' man and I really look up to him. lol I'm glad I didn't though because he can be a jerk at times. My DH is the opposite. Very quiet but will speak up when the time is right, laid back, nerd, athletic, anime lover, thinker. We're both super smart. It's so refreshing to have someone you can have an intellectual conversation with.