Did you hear?

I've seen stylist cut 2 and 3 inches when someone has asked for a one inch trim. THEN they'll catch an attitude when the client starts to complain. A lot of times they think they know better when it comes our hair. More often than not though, they cut unevenly and have to keep cutting to get it even.
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Too bad you knew her Sylver.
I had a stylist in NYC say she was going to have to charge me $35 more than she originally told me for a style when she saw my hair. I told her I wanted to go get a snack at the corner store and left. I was already on the bus when she started blowing up my phone.

Im too threw with the shenanigans.

Good for you! I hate that game!
I am sad to read about what happened. This is def one of the times having a remote control to rewind life would come in handy. With your talent, your hair will grow back so healthy!

Hair does grow back, but I am becoming more and more aware that to protect the investment I put in my hair I must become a 100% diy. being a diy is not bullet/damage proof but it appears it may be one of the better ways to remain proactive in protecting my hair....just too big of a gamble otherwise imo.
If the stylist did cut too much, I am damn mad! I'm soo sorry Sylver, you should have complained to his/her manager so they know they have a scissor-happy stylist...put 'em on blast so no other lovely ladies with long beautiful hair will become unecessary victims. Sylver2 has been a major inspiration for me and an online friend. It makes me very angry to know that someone sacrificed her hard work and beautiful hair due to nothing more than jealousy. Her hair wasn't damaged, so what else could the reason have been for the excessive "trim?" MY GOODNESS I HATE JEALOUSY!! "JEALOUSY IS A DISEASE! GET WELL SOON!" -Taylor, Tough Love 2 <--My sentiments exactly, Taylor!

I don't let stylists touch my hair or anyone for that matter. My own mother used to cut too much hair off when I only wanted a 1/2" trim...it would be an inch and a half or more every time...we're talking over several years. Finally, I became determined to teach myself to accurately trim my hair MYSELF. That is what I do. That way, I don't have to get my nerves in a tizzy worrying about someone else calling themselves a "stylist" chopping off my hard-earned progress or damaging my hair with an improper chemical application.

Call me a complete DIY'er or call me paranoid, but no one touches my hair...I've had years of mismanagement by stylists, and haven't been to a salon in about 4 years, with the exception of one visit to get highlights. That came out okay, but at the time my hair was quite short (ear length), so I guess I didn't have to worry 'bout the chick being jealous and offering a self-imposed "trim." {SMIRKS}
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Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

I don't think that is true:nono:.

Naawwww... I don't believe that. I've only been on this board for a while though.

Well we love you and your hair... regardless.. don't we ladies!

Yes we do love her!

((((hugs)))) Sylver, I'm so sorry about the setback. I wish I could smack that stylist upside her head!
whts funny is after I saw the cut I tried to ignore it. Tried to act like I wanted her to cut that much..that's why I put I cut my hair to bsl because I neglected my ends in my fokti..but it just wasn't true. She freakin cut off A LOT of hair...sigh

Wow, I know how you feel, Sylver! I have been there!! PLEASE PUT THAT BEOTCH on blast. There is no way anyone can confuse 2 inches with 5...anyone with common sense and who is licensed to be a "professional," that is. No matter what other posters say, it's NOT YOUR FAULT. Like others have said, if the stylist can't obey simple instructions, even those who come with illustrations (i.e. holding up a ruler and pointing to the 2 inch mark, or holding your fingers approx. 2 inches apart to denote the length to be cut), then they don't need to be doing hair or any other beauty service. Your hair will be back in no time, with thick healthy ends.

Don't worry about responding to the thread because of others on here who "dont like you." That's their problem, not yours. Haters gon' hate. Hell, they likely don't like themselves, which is the primary reason for jealousy anyway...ppl resent others for their position, who they are, haves/have nots, etc. I just let it blow over like the wind...God made you shine for a reason, and please don't turn down the lights on account of some trivial online personalities or silly women with too many insecurities to count.
..."girl, I hate you for all that hair"..."you have enough hair for ten people"...."I'ma steal your hair and make me a weave"...

to say any of these things is unprofessional and shows something about that sylists mindset. These types of word are a huge red flag in my opinion.
..."girl, I hate you for all that hair"..."you have enough hair for ten people"...."I'ma steal your hair and make me a weave"...

to say any of these things is unprofessional and shows something about that sylists mindset. These types of word are a huge red flag in my opinion.

I don't agree.
The woman who was been taking care of my mother's hair before she moved always said stuff like this to her clients. She didn't mean anything by it; there wasn't a drop of hate in her. It was just her way of speaking and joking with her clients. My mother would get a trim with every touch up, and her hair stayed a healthy BSL. And I never witnessed her scalping any of her other clients either.
I've also been to stylists who also say things like that, and are just joking around. So just because the woman in question said that Sylver has enough hair for three people doesn't automatically mean that she wanted to chop off all of Sylver's hair.
I agree that some stylists who say such things mean it maliciously, but not always. And it probably is unprofessional to say, but it's definitely not always indicative of any kind of mindset. And I really do think that in this case, the stylist wasn't being malicious when she cut Sylver's hair.
Not all non-LHCF-sanctioned stylists are evil, jealous, or black-hearted. Most of them don't listen to their clients and think that they always know best, but their intentions aren't always bad.
I'm not defending the stylist...what she did was wrong. She should have done what she was asked and nothing more, and taking liberties with a client's hair is unacceptable. But I don't think her heart was in the wrong place.
Sylver I just want to give you a big:bighug:There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. Just giving you a lil support and encouragement.
As i read through your responses and think back to that day. I really don't think she was acting out of jealousy or malice. The stylist was an older lady. i do however think she messed up while cutting my hair.
i think she cut to much by mistake and then tried to even the rest up. yes It SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really does. im hesitant to post the pics cause im getting use to it and i don't want to hear 'Damn she really did cut off a lot'!! which i have heard. and get sad all over again.

but again...thank you so much ladies for your support.
As i read through your responses and think back to that day. I really don't think she was acting out of jealousy or malice. The stylist was an older lady. i do however think she messed up while cutting my hair.
i think she cut to much by mistake and then tried to even the rest up. yes It SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really does. im hesitant to post the pics cause im getting use to it and i don't want to hear 'Damn she really did cut off a lot'!! which i have heard. and get sad all over again.

but again...thank you so much ladies for your support.

Girl, you are not your hair. You'll be just as fly as ever and don't let anyone, including yourself, tell you different.

You have youth, health and beauty on your side! You still have hair and it will grow back. For some of us, it ain't the case.

End the pity party now and let's get this New Year party STARTED!!! WOO HOO!!!!

Girl, you are not your hair. You'll be just as fly as ever and don't let anyone, including yourself, tell you different.

You have youth, health and beauty on your side! You still have hair and it will grow back. For some of us, it ain't the case.

End the pity party now and let's get this New Year party STARTED!!! WOO HOO!!!!


thanks....ok i won't talk about it anymore. i wasn't talking about it in the first place... until this thread was started......
As i read through your responses and think back to that day. I really don't think she was acting out of jealousy or malice. The stylist was an older lady. i do however think she messed up while cutting my hair.
i think she cut to much by mistake and then tried to even the rest up. yes It SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really does. im hesitant to post the pics cause im getting use to it and i don't want to hear 'Damn she really did cut off a lot'!! which i have heard. and get sad all over again.

but again...thank you so much ladies for your support.

If you don't want to post the pictures then just tell me: In the picture where it is WL but one side is longer than the other...did she cut the longer side up 5 inches? or did she cut the shorter side up 5 inches and then even up the longer side. If she just made the long side even then it is not so bad you know....that is kinda what you wanted in the first place. But if she shortened the already shorter side then that is alot.

I think the only way I would be shocked at the picture is if you were between apl and bsl now.
I’m so so sorry this happened and thank you for sharing your experience Sylver2. i’m sure your hair still looks as beautiful regardless of it’s present length. Your hair will grow back to its previous length and longer in no time at all :yep:.
I have been watching ur hair since all hiphop forum, I am so sorry about ur hair. I have a stylist I go to who trims and relaxes my hair and she has encouraged me to keep it healthy and she is black. I am with the people who say put her on blasted. Shoot you paid her money, it wasnt like it was free.
girl, i know how u feel! i' one of ur hair stans from wayyyyyyy back. I got cut from APL to collar bone and I was devasted. I'm at BSL now, but growing back my hair was frustrating. You'll be back in no time. Just swear off stylists. I have become a DIY, trims and all!
be encouraged sylver! you have been a true, generous blessing to all of us on the lhcf and other places! i rank you along the lines of trailblazers like adrienne0914 and others, who have helped to shift how ALL OF US on here do and KEEP our hair! i have personally been encouraged, informed AND instructed by your stretching method and thank you for being so open and giving in spite of the unkind people over the years.

and if you're feeling sad about sharing your pics, i would say go ahead and post them, share your story and see it like this: the Bible says for every humiliation, there is an exaltation. so i would go ahead and just do it and just pray to the Lord for the comfort and blessing in store for you after being humiliated. no shame in your game cuz the little woman was overwhelmed! you know your stuff!

after all, you more than have what it takes to get back where you were in record time! thanks again and praying for you! HHG! :rosebud:
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thanks....ok i won't talk about it anymore. i wasn't talking about it in the first place... until this thread was started......

I'm sorry Sylver, that's not what I meant. I meant for you to be of good cheer because you're still ALL that! :hug2:

I know you didn't start this thread. It was started out of love for you. :kiss:
why when i read this was i clutching my chest :lachen::look: smh you read soo much about your hair guru's on here its like you think you know them to read this has shocked me!!!!:nono::nono:
i had a similar ordeal but my hair was no way near as long so i can only imagine the pain and upset

once you vent you will be fine sylver2 sometimes you need to just get these things off your chest till you can heal again:yep:
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

When that thought begins to arise, think of the movement to get your FOTM title :yep:. Sorry about the botched trim, I'm sure you will forget about it by your next touchup.

This is why I will forever push Feye's Self Trim guide http://community.livejournal.com/feyeselftrim

So sorry for what happened to your tresses but like everyone else said it will come back in no time. Because of you, I was encoraged to try a one year stretch. My last texlax was 1-2-09 and come Saturday I will have hit the one year mark. If I can get my hair to anywhere near yours, I will be happy.

Be of good courage (and conditioner) and it will all be back!
the relaxer was already applied to 40% of my hair when sshe said that.

Mess like this pisses me off! This chick put an updo in my hair for a wedding (which I didn't like) and told me it would be 75.00. She was not getting 75.00 out of me. She just put a head full of weave in my friend's hair for 70.00. She told me, "If I knew before you sat down you had this much I wouldn't have done it." Fine, you should have said that BEFORE you started! :rolleyes: And I showed her how much how I had with my hand and told her it is very thick! She said, "I didn't think it was this much though." Guess I was lying then huh. :spinning: She then said 65.00 would fine. Like she did me a favor. This is the same chick who do hair for 35.00 in her city I was told. But since i had enough hair for 3 people :rolleyes:...They can so miss me with that. But I digress

She was wrong for cutting that much of your hair. I have been in your shoes and know EXACTLY how you feel. I cried too. We shouldn't have to watch them like a damn hawk with a camcorders and witnesses when clear directions were given.

Sorry you had to deal with this. :snuggle:
and you are right. I take 90% of the blame. I shouldve known better. I know already....I know...I shouldve watched wht she cut even though I showed her. I shoulda been payin more attention

I'm sorry Sylver, I disagree with you. It's the idiot stylist fault! You told her how much to cut. She can't be that dense not to know the difference btwn. 2-3 inches and 5 inches. She's suppose to be a professional?! It sounds like this "hair-hater-troll" did this on purpose! I'm so sorry this happened to you. With your unique regime, your hair will grow back in no time. You're such an inspiration to so many of us on this board. You'll have waist-swinging hair in no time. Stay encouraged! :rosebud:
Sylver2, sooo very sorry to hear what happened to you, but as others have already said, some stylists are so selfish and very stubborn - you told her what you wanted a she should he respected you for that. PERIOD.
If she thought you wanted the front and the back the same length, she should had asked. She obviously was not professional and unfortunately you trusted her which we all have done before, en though we know better.

You are truly a beautiful lady, know what your hair likes, how it wants to be treated and how to care for your hair -- so growing back will not be a problem. This is just a temporary (yet painful) setback, but on the bright side you have all of us here to support you, cheer you on, ready to give that chick the beatdown she deserves :lachen:LOL, but more than ever wishing you the best new year ever because in 2010 your hair will be even longer and you will look back next year and just have the biggest SMILE to once again achieve your hair goal.

Be blessed, happy hair growing, thanks for sharing and when your ready share pictures of your progress. You will ALWAYS be my hair idol:yep:!!!!!!!! HNY
Aww Sylver I'm sorry this happened to you :grouphug: but I know 2010 will be a great hair growing year for you...don't worry! We are all here cheering you on! But I do have 1 question tho..besides the fact that she cut off so much hair was it an even cut? Don't be embarassed this is nothing that was your fault...and forget about the haters they don't matter! :yep:
Sylver sorry about your hair :( I hate when stylists do this to people....I too think its hateration. It will grow back quickly and know that you are a inspiration to us all natural,, tex-laxed or relaxed.