Did you hear?

Sylver--this is "a black woman with long hair's horror story," but we all have experienced it. Even women with shorter hair have experienced this.

There is a sickness among black women, such envy, such low self-esteem, and it runs so deep when it comes to long hair, that I guarantee...whether conscious or unconsciously...she hated your hair right into the dustpan into the garbage.

:nono: but very true.

Having said all of this, I quote this stylist's own words "you have enough hair for 3 people" (that was when she decided to cut your hair...she couldn't stand it that your hair was so long).

Also true. When they tried to hike up the price b/c of the amount of hair she had:nono2:; that means 1 of 2 things:she doesn't want you to ever come back to her salon b/c doing all your hair is a hassle, or she doesn't want you to ever come back to her salon with that much hair on your head again.

Too bad you knew her Sylver.
I had a stylist in NYC say she was going to have to charge me $35 more than she originally told me for a style when she saw my hair. I told her I wanted to go get a snack at the corner store and left. I was already on the bus when she started blowing up my phone.

Im too threw with the shenanigans.

Exactly. I went to a salon by my school on one of the discount wash n set days a few months ago and they asked me to take my hair out of my bun to see how long it was, then tried to hike up the price on the special. I said to myself: they can't change the price on a "special" and bounced.

I'm mad on your behalf Sylver2.
I'm really sorry about your hair Sylver2.

But I don't think the stylist was jealous or hating.
Saying that Sylver2 had enough hair on her head for three people doesn't mean anything. It's true, isn't it?
And I've seen good stylists say that to clients all the time, even new ones..."girl, I hate you for all that hair"..."you have enough hair for ten people"...."I'ma steal your hair and make me a weave"...but they don't go chopping it all off.
I think that in this case, it was just that the stylist didn't know what the hell she was doing, or maybe some signals got crossed. She cut the front correctly, after all. The problems started when she got to the back. I'm thinking (and maybe this is just the new year hope in me trying to think the best of everyone) that she tried to make the front and the back more in line with one another and ended up cutting a ton off the back to reach that end.
It's already known that stylists will sacrifice length to keep style, and I think that it's what happened here. I don't think jealousy had much to do with it...I've seen jealous cuts. They're jagged, jacked up, and look like the stylist cut the hair one-handed with a power saw. And with a blind fold on.
That said, the stylist is still messed up, because nobody even asked her for all that. She should have given you what you asked for and nothing else. And if she really felt that she needed to cut more, she should have consulted with you instead of doing what she wanted with your hair. I hope that you mentioned it, or will be mentioning it to the salon owner, because she really needs to be reprimanded. If she can't follow instructions, then she's in the wrong business.
But you're a hair guru, and it'll grow back before you know it. :yep:

thats exactly what i think she was trying to do....and my hair in the front has alwasy been shorter then my back....sigh
Sue her. Im for real. Do you have pics of your hair before the relaxer (recent that is) Seriously they need to be held accountable for what they do to people. Im so mad for you.

ITA! I think we should present the stylists with a written contract clearly stating what services are needed and how they are to be carried out. Yes, I know, I know... Many of them will refuse to sign and blah, blah, blah. *sigh*
Sue her. Im for real. Do you have pics of your hair before the relaxer (recent that is) Seriously they need to be held accountable for what they do to people. Im so mad for you.

Theres pics of my hair everywhere from that event we were all at. i just won't be going back ever..not even for a wash & set and i will not be recommending the salon if others ask me about it. but i will not outright bash the salon. I still think the owner is a nice person.
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Giant (((((((E hug))))))) Fortunately you know what to do to grow your hair again.

I would be pissed if I were you tho! This is another reminder of how vigilant we need to be with these stylist come trim time.

4-5 inches is a years worth of growth for some so this is no laughing matter!

Best of luck to you hun!! I will be looking 4 great updates from you in the future hun :)
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.
No Sylver! I just saw you in that promotional video and sent you a pm about how gorgeous your hair was in it. Tell me it wasn't that place!!??!! I have been satisfied by their work in the past but I haven't ever gotten a trim there.
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

Naawwww... I don't believe that. I've only been on this board for a while though.

Well we love you and your hair... regardless.. don't we ladies!
Sylver, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your hair :bighug: I have always loved your hair, especially your signature braidouts!

You are a pro at growing your hair out so I know you will have it back in no time!

And as for people not liking you here, I don't know where this is coming from but you're great in my book!!!
usually i never cared about getting my hair trimmed or cut to much..but i had made it to a point where i have had the loongest length in my entire life. my hair had never been this long and i loved it!
it bothered me so bad. especially when people see me and their reactions are :eek: u cut all your hair off!! or wheres your hair!

Sylver, I felt your pain. Your hair was soooo long and beautiful and there is no question that it will grow back. But you worked hard on your hair to get it to that length. How can someone just chop it away like that. But we live and learn. I'm in need of a touchup and was thinking about getting it professionally done, but it will not be happening. I will contact my friend and ask her to do it for me.
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

Girl you crazy, it was really nice of you to share. I love seeing your pics!

I'm really rethinking this self trimming thing now.
that woman need someone to make a dust mop out of her hair.

Sylver i hope you past there and say hi when your hair grows back so you can make her green with envy
Giant (((((((E hug))))))) Fortunately you know what to do to grow your hair again.

I would be pissed if I were you tho! This is another reminder of how vigilant we need to be with these stylist come trim time.

4-5 inches is a years worth of growth for some so this is no laughing matter!

Best of luck to you hun!! I will be looking 4 great updates from you in the future hun :)

Heck, that's a over a year's worth for me. I would have been ready to :clubu::boxing: AFTER I discussed the incident with the owner. Sylver, your hair is beautiful and it will be back in no time. You are still one of my hair idols!
I hope it's not jealousy, cause I don't know how these folks sleep at night if so. They probably don't consider the hard work, determination and commitment it takes to grow black hair that long.

Anyway, I think the stylist was probably overwhelmed and out of her depth. It's quite a skill to cut/trim hair. And deep down she was probably concerned about cutting hair with so much length and volume.

You'll more than likely regain the lost inches in record time sylver. :)
I find it a sad indicator of the state of black haircare when people are willing to let the costumer take the blame for the idiocy of a stylist. Syler didn't ask for a complicated style, she didn't come in with some blueprint of how her hair was supposed to come out, she said cut 2 inches. If the average stylist is mentally incapable of measuring what 2 inches is without me breathing down her neck then they all need to be shut down. You'd call CPS for a child who couldn't measure 2 inches after years and years, why are we kanyeshrugging when a freaking stylist can't do the same thing?
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I always love to check your fotki & see your videos. You are still my hair idol at any length - WL, MBL, BSL, APL, SL, NL, CL. I am still amazed that you can stretch for a year at a time.

I'm sure that with your techniques and knowledge that your hair will be back to the prior length in no time.

If she did cut your hair out of spite or jealousy, I hope that karma comes back on her before 2009 is out.
I read your story and just covered my mouth
Good Lord! OMG I'm so sorry this happened to you! Sending big hugs and growing hair angels your way from Boston. I hope you told the salon owner. Please don't go back there again.
Yes, I was aware of it, but I thought sylver2 should be the one to explain or not when/if she chose to. It's HER HAIR afterall.

I'm glad she got to talk about it and feels better, but having the convo initiated for her :nono:
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You know what? There should be a LHCF beauty salon in every part of the world!!! For real! I know that the amount of members we have here, there should be at least one hair stylist from each state, continent and country that could band together and make sure that ish like this doesn't happen to such gorgeous heads of hair like Sylver2 and many others here have again!!! :wallbash: I know Dontspeakdefeat is one stylist that's a member, chevelure618 is another

LHCF hair powers, activate!!! :lachen: Sooo sorry that this happened to you Sylver2, but I know you'll bounce back with even more hair! :bighug: Patiently awaiting your pics.
if a stylist cut my hair from wl to bst. oh oh it would be on! she would get a few slaps and some kicks and best believe her hair would be in my hands!!!! seriously...:look:
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

You kidding me? You have people here with Sylver2 shrines at home LOL
I'm sorry this happened to you Sylver. I know that as women (esp. on a hair forum), our hair becomes a big part of our identity, but we're the same people with or without our hair. I think you're going to be an even bigger inspiration to people after this setback!
:sad:oh man. i just feel so bad sylver2. i just took a couple deep breaths. theres nothing that can be said on here that would bring your hair back but for what its worth, im sorry:nono:. ok ladies, can we just learn to do our own cuts and trims!? please. becuase stories like these are hard to hear! i trim my own hair and will not trust anyone else to do it EVER, can we all just be do-it-ourselve-ers?? we should start a thread about teaching ourselves how to trim our OWN D@MN HAiIR! NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!!
Sylver--this is "a black woman with long hair's horror story," but we all have experienced it. Even women with shorter hair have experienced this.

There is a sickness among black women, such envy, such low self-esteem, and it runs so deep when it comes to long hair, that I guarantee...whether conscious or unconsciously...she hated your hair right into the dustpan into the garbage.

Now we can certainly justify your experience with the truth...that your ends and hair look absolutely slammin' now and that it will be back by summer for sure with perfect ends. But this experience is so utterly traumatic...with all the TLC and work and all...that it is hard to understand these stylists.

Having said all of this, I quote this stylist's own words "you have enough hair for 3 people" (that was when she decided to cut your hair...she couldn't stand it that your hair was so long).

I think we are hair twins and I've taken to heart many of your suggestions and they work for me. The products you use, I tried and they don't work for me, but your technique does. I am curious (beating back the anxiousness) to see just how long my hair will get and will rejoice when it is at its longest. My V is just about grazing BSL with my next touch up, but absolutely healthy and so thick it snaps plastic holders. (I actually like when this happens because I see how far I've come from fitting all my relaxed hair into one of those clips).

I do think of you for inspiration, and as a fellow Pantene video try-out sister.

I'm great with hair, very talented and am considering getting my license as a second side career even though I am a dentist.

if anyone here needs a dusting and just does not trust anyone, i can do it...I live in Westchester suburbs of NYC.

I really like the way you put it. I wish I lived in NYC I would go to you, but I am in California.
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

I am new to the board but I dont see how anyone here cannot like you . You seem like a really nice person that takes ALOT of time updating your fotki. Thanks for letting letting us know what happened.
This is the worst way to bring in the new year.. But your hair will grow back even more lovely.
But now I have to ask why you didnt run out of there when she said 120 dollars for a relaxer.. even 85, they would've been left with the smoke from my NG and nothing more, nothing less
some people on here dont like me either., but ask me if i care. sylver2 everything will work out. cant wait to see your hair this summer. its gonna look bangin!!
hey ladies..here is the story.
i went to a new salon closer to my home. i had done a hair event with the owner and knew her thru a close mutual friend. she absolutely loved my hair and took many pics. They did a wash, set blow for that event that i was very pleased with.
She was a sweetheart and i figured i would support her by going to her salon for my touchup and trim.
i already wanted to trim only about 2-3 inches of my hair because i wasn't happy with my ends.
sooo..1st AFTER the relaxer was being applied to my hair they tried to say it would cost $120 for a touchup cause my hair takes a lot of product and its been 6 months since my last touchup. GTFOH! never in my life have i been charged that much. $65 at my usual spot in DC even when i went 1 year w/o a touchup and $45 when i go back up home to nyc. i talked with owner and we settled on $85.
so then the stylist pulls the relaxer all through my hair saying i have so much hair enough for 3 heads..rubbing it all over. i was horrified and told her don't do that please. i hurried her to get me to the sink. i made her do a couple of treatments bcus of that.
now im sat down with no mirror anywhere in site. its trim time.
i specifically showed her how much i wanted taken off. 2 inches. physically showing her. she did the front which is shorter then my back.
then she trimmed the back. i wasn't alarmed since i saw her trim the front.
she rollerset it. after it dried, they took rollers out and i left exactly like that. i don't get a blowout when i get touchups.
it was not until i got home that i saw how much she chopped off. At least 4-5 inches. im between bsl and mbl now. crazy! i wanted to cry. hell..i did cry. i feel like im starting all over. I OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULDVE KNOWN BETTER!! and im so embarassed about it....this will indeed be my last lesson learned with stylists.
im in better spirits about it now and a new year a new beginning. im going extremely hard on my reggie now. i want to be back by summer!
pics this weekend.

I am so sorry that this happened to you. I too need to get my ends trimmed, but am afraid to go to a stylist. I bought a pair of sheers and dusted it myself. I hope I don't make it worse by doing it myself, but I just do not trusts stylists.