Did you hear?

OMG that irks me sooo much! I'm not anti-stylist, But I AM anti-inconsiderate-deaf-in-one-ear-I'm-gonna-do-what-I-want-to-the-client-because-there-is-nothing-she-can-do type of stylist. It's like no matter how polite and insistent we are about our hair (b/c Sylver2 was very clear on what she wanted), there is STILL a problem.
I too am sorry this happened to you Sylver, but as previously stated, you're a winner, correction, a champion hair guru and you'll bounce back just as beautifully.

Thanks OP for bringing this to our attention so that we can rally around our hair sister.
Excellent post and I couldn't agree with you more. That stylist was jealous plain and simple.

Sylver--this is "a black woman with long hair's horror story," but we all have experienced it. Even women with shorter hair have experienced this.

There is a sickness among black women, such envy, such low self-esteem, and it runs so deep when it comes to long hair, that I guarantee...whether conscious or unconsciously...she hated your hair right into the dustpan into the garbage.

Now we can certainly justify your experience with the truth...that your ends and hair look absolutely slammin' now and that it will be back by summer for sure with perfect ends. But this experience is so utterly traumatic...with all the TLC and work and all...that it is hard to understand these stylists.

Having said all of this, I quote this stylist's own words "you have enough hair for 3 people" (that was when she decided to cut your hair...she couldn't stand it that your hair was so long).

I think we are hair twins and I've taken to heart many of your suggestions and they work for me. The products you use, I tried and they don't work for me, but your technique does. I am curious (beating back the anxiousness) to see just how long my hair will get and will rejoice when it is at its longest. My V is just about grazing BSL with my next touch up, but absolutely healthy and so thick it snaps plastic holders. (I actually like when this happens because I see how far I've come from fitting all my relaxed hair into one of those clips).

I do think of you for inspiration, and as a fellow Pantene video try-out sister.

I'm great with hair, very talented and am considering getting my license as a second side career even though I am a dentist.

if anyone here needs a dusting and just does not trust anyone, i can do it...I live in Westchester suburbs of NYC.
What did her hair look like? She probably took your hair so she could make a lacefront out of it. I'm sure your hair still looks great.
Ohhhhhhhhh, heated, HEATED!!! :heated: :catfight: Thank the Lord for religion (in my case Christianity) because that's what I would have had to rely on!! I am such a proponent of DIY!! So sorry to hear about this Sylver, I'm sure it will be back with even better ends to 'floss' in that stylists' face!!
Before we start bashing the stylist, let Sylver come in and tell it. I love her hair and I'm sure it'll be banging regardless.

whts funny is after I saw the cut I tried to ignore it. Tried to act like I wanted her to cut that much..that's why I put I cut my hair to bsl because I neglected my ends in my fokti..but it just wasn't true. She freakin cut off A LOT of hair...sigh
That sucks, I'm sorry. :bighug: I'm sure your ends look gorgeous now and your hair will bounce back!

Can't wait to see pics.
whts funny is after I saw the cut I tried to ignore it. Tried to act like I wanted her to cut that much..that's why I put I cut my hair to bsl because I neglected my ends in my fokti..but it just wasn't true. She freakin cut off A LOT of hair...sigh

I was not trying to make light of what happened to you. I am SOOOOOOOO sorry to hear that she did this to your lovely hair. This pisses me off that clients patronize stylists' business and yet they handle their scissors so carelessly. It takes a second to cut what took months to grow.

It will grow back healthier and stronger. :bighug:
wow I am sorry this happened to you!! You are a pro though, and you will be back where you were very quickly.
I am just a newbie in HHC, but haven't been to a stylist for years, just because I had braids on all the time. Now I am scared to go at all.

And ...to the ladies who bash all the others that have "let a stylist do that to them", maybe now you will be more understanding and realise its not their fault?

I like Sylver, and she has some amazing hair, but it is her fault. If there was no mirror, she should've asked for one. She had never been to this stylist but once, so she shouldn't have just trusted her like that. Of all the horror stories we've heard, we all know stylists can be sneaky too. It is OUR hair, and OUR responsibility to watch them like a hawk.

I understand what happened and I can sympathize six ways from Sunday, but that doesn't absolve Sylver (or anyone) from their responsibility towards their hair.
I like Sylver, and she has some amazing hair, but it is her fault. If there was no mirror, she should've asked for one. She had never been to this stylist but once, so she shouldn't have just trusted her like that. Of all the horror stories we've heard, we all know stylists can be sneaky too. It is OUR hair, and OUR responsibility to watch them like a hawk.

I understand what happened and I can sympathize six ways from Sunday, but that doesn't absolve Sylver (or anyone) from their responsibility towards their hair.

This is true, I never really paid attention when my stylist was chop chopping. I've never been so afraid to go for a trim.

I have an appointment in January and thanks to you ladies I'll be watching her like a hawk.
I like Sylver, and she has some amazing hair, but it is her fault. If there was no mirror, she should've asked for one. She had never been to this stylist but once, so she shouldn't have just trusted her like that. Of all the horror stories we've heard, we all know stylists can be sneaky too. It is OUR hair, and OUR responsibility to watch them like a hawk.

I understand what happened and I can sympathize six ways from Sunday, but that doesn't absolve Sylver (or anyone) from their responsibility towards their hair.

I respectfully disagree ROBOTxcore. Sylver told her exactly how much she wanted cut. God forbid she was blind--what would the excuse be then? If a stylist can't follow simple instructions then she doesn't need to be doing hair.
I like Sylver, and she has some amazing hair, but it is her fault. If there was no mirror, she should've asked for one. She had never been to this stylist but once, so she shouldn't have just trusted her like that. Of all the horror stories we've heard, we all know stylists can be sneaky too. It is OUR hair, and OUR responsibility to watch them like a hawk.

I understand what happened and I can sympathize six ways from Sunday, but that doesn't absolve Sylver (or anyone) from their responsibility towards their hair.

and you are right. I take 90% of the blame. I shouldve known better. I know already....I know...I shouldve watched wht she cut even though I showed her. I shoulda been payin more attention
I'm sorry that happened to you Sylver. No matter how careful we are sometimes things happen to us that are beyond our control at that moment. The last thing you need is to feel worse than you already do about what that stylist from hell did to you.

Your hair is gorgeous, so I know that at bsl it is just as lucious looking as it is at wl.

On the bright side. You lost 3 inches that you didn't want to lose, but in as little as 6 months-- by the end of spring-- beginning of summer, you will have that length back, and it will be healthier and more beautiful than what you lost.

With love HHG!

Edited for content
and you are right. I take 90% of the blame. I shouldve known better. I know already....I know...I shouldve watched wht she cut even though I showed her. I shoulda been payin more attention

OMG... I'm sooo sorry this happened to you. Sylver, you're the first person I started stalking when I came to the board.

Anyhoo... as a fellow licensed stylist I usually try to warn customers of the "mirror" issue. Most stylist like and will cut in front of the mirror just to be able to get an angle on the style that they are going for. Not only that but the mirror also provides check and balance. Furthermore it allows the customer to see exactly what's going on. That's a big NO-No if they cut your hair without the mirror! Another NO-No is a fast talker. They usually aren't very good stylist because they're not attentive. They just want to get your money, set you up and send you on your way.

Ladies, please check your stylist and get to know them.

Sorry for your bad experience Sylver2.
I'm sorry this happened to you, its a shame. 4-5 inches?? Come on, you know she really wanted to cut it to shoulder lenght but probably knew there is no way she could get away with it. Such a shame.

I live in NYC haven't found that truly trust worthy stylist. Back when I was like 13 or 14 I had a terrible stylist, anyway I was making progress, because I was wearing braids more often. My hair was always ear to neck length, and in no time it finally reached full shoulder length and this stylist cut it off! Not only did she cut it, she cut it uneven!! about 2-3 inches shorter on one side. One side sit at the bottle of my neck and the other was like at me chin (I have a long neck too :ohwell:). And then she tired to hide it! :wallbash: I'm telling you that stylist was one evil witch! That really isn't even the worst thing she has done.

if anyone here needs a dusting and just does not trust anyone, i can do it...I live in Westchester suburbs of NYC.

Well that nice to know.. because I need a trim and live on the boarded of Westchester .. and looking for a better stylist.. just for chemical service and trims. If anyone knows of any in the north Bronx section let me know :grin:
and you are right. I take 90% of the blame. I shouldve known better. I know already....I know...I shouldve watched wht she cut even though I showed her. I shoulda been payin more attention

No, don't be too hard on yourself. You gave her specific instructions on how much you wanted cut. It's not like you sat in her chair and said, "Okay girl, ya betta get to cuttin"

Now on top of letting her know how much you want cut, you need to actually watch her? Seriously, has this stylist made it past the fourth grade? Instructions are instructions, they are not that difficult to follow. But it seems as if for some stylists- it's rocket science.
and you are right. I take 90% of the blame. I shouldve known better. I know already....I know...I shouldve watched wht she cut even though I showed her. I shoulda been payin more attention

Sylver... I am so sorry that this happened to you. When ever my friend and I had an appointment with a stylist, we would plan our schedules around each other's. We did this, so that we could have one another's back in cases like this. Try not to beat yourself up about it, this could happen to anyone. Wishing you the best!
I respectfully disagree ROBOTxcore. Sylver told her exactly how much she wanted cut. God forbid she was blind--what would the excuse be then? If a stylist can't follow simple instructions then she doesn't need to be doing hair.

Lots of have told stylists how much they wanted trimmed and this still happens. Stylists will do what they want - it's up to you to make sure they obey your wishes from beginning to end.

I'm not trying to defend the stylist at all because what she did was definitely dirty. I'm just saying that we ALL know how shady they can be, so we need to be watching out at all times.
and you are right. I take 90% of the blame. I shouldve known better. I know already....I know...I shouldve watched wht she cut even though I showed her. I shoulda been payin more attention

we all make mistakes, Sylver. it's the preventable ones that suck. shoot, i backed into someone else's car yesterday. :look: i felt so stupid because i should've known better. granted, they couldn't even park on a curb correctly, but it was my fault. i paid for it and now i know better.

your hair will grow back without fail. :yep: so please don't feel too badly!
I am so sorry Sylver, I love your hair, but I also know that it will grow back quickly. Your regimen is air-tight, and you are a pro at this. It's obvious your stylist had no idea what the heck she was doing (from the application of the relaxer, to the trim), but that's hindsight now. Thank you for sharing your story with the rest of us, hopefully no one else on this forum has to experience that. I am sure your hair is just as beautiful, shorter yes, but beautiful none the less, you will hit your target in no time.

.....playing devils advocate here...should we really have to go to a stylist that we have to watch every single move they make? If I felt I needed to pull out a mirror and watch my stylist cut my hair...i aint goin lol. Not trying to cause any rifts here, but it's something to think about when choosing a stylist.

(in response to another poster)...sure it could have been jealousy...or it could have been lack of training, which a lot of times it is usually the latter. Trims can easily become cuts when stylists lose their "guides" while cutting, when this happens the hair is choppy, and uneven...and usually the only way to fix this is by cutting more hair. Yes there is a such thing as scissor happy stylists, however there are also an equal number of stylists who aren't good at shaping, trimming, or cutting hair. Sad but true, I grew up in a salon and have seen a lot of botched trims/hair cuts, horrifying relaxer applications, and thermal straightening techniques that would make Madam CJ Walker cringe. It seems as though it is getting harder and harder to find good stylists, with more and more half-trained "stylists" entering the field who care more about the end result vs. the health of your hair.

If my mom isn't trimming my hair, I choose a stylist through word of mouth only. Maybe at some point, we can have a thread devoted to people who recommend stylists for various things such as trimming, relaxer, bkt, blow-outs etc. Just a thought.

Sylver girl, don't trip...and don't worry about what other folks may say when they see your hair. The beauty of it is that it WILL grow back.
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Sometimes when they trim the stylist gos over the hair so fast by the time you even try to stop then they done cut off a bunch, and you have no choice to even it up.

As careful as you try to be they still got the upper hand, if they want to jack it up they probably can find a way, real quick
I'm sorry to hear about your hair cut. It's just getting ridiculous. Even with a mirror, if you're sitting in a chair, how could you possibly see how much they're cutting off, esp. with your length?

If, if, if, if, if, if, IF you ever let a stylist near your hair again, whether they cut, relax, color, I hope you can take a very good friend that can sit and watch them from behind and enforce your wishes. I know stylists hate to be watched, but the bad and/or inexperienced ones really leave you no choice. Let's just be thankful she wasn't bold enough to cut off more.:yep:

Sylver2 clearly told and demonstrated to her what she wanted. She should not have to watch her. If you do, then should not have to tip cause that's extra work on your part. If the stylist made it through school following instructions and demonstrations then there's really no excuse in this case. People really need to stop justifying ignorant stylists (I'm not talking about the good stylists, so unroll your eyes unless you're one of them) with "It's the client's fault b/c they didn't watch them." No, it's the stylist fault b/c she didn't do what she was told. That's like telling me, if I go to a restaurant, I'm at fault for the bad meal because I didn't watch the chef cook the food. GOOHWT:nono:

Place the blame where it really lays.
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Too bad you knew her Sylver.
I had a stylist in NYC say she was going to have to charge me $35 more than she originally told me for a style when she saw my hair. I told her I wanted to go get a snack at the corner store and left. I was already on the bus when she started blowing up my phone.

Im too threw with the shenanigans.
Lots of have told stylists how much they wanted trimmed and this still happens. Stylists will do what they want - it's up to you to make sure they obey your wishes from beginning to end.

I'm not trying to defend the stylist at all because what she did was definitely dirty. I'm just saying that we ALL know how shady they can be, so we need to be watching out at all times.

I see your point. I just think it's pitiful that stylists seem to be getting a pass when they are getting paid for their services.
I'm really sorry about your hair Sylver2.

But I don't think the stylist was jealous or hating.
Saying that Sylver2 had enough hair on her head for three people doesn't mean anything. It's true, isn't it?
And I've seen good stylists say that to clients all the time, even new ones..."girl, I hate you for all that hair"..."you have enough hair for ten people"...."I'ma steal your hair and make me a weave"...but they don't go chopping it all off.
I think that in this case, it was just that the stylist didn't know what the hell she was doing, or maybe some signals got crossed. She cut the front correctly, after all. The problems started when she got to the back. I'm thinking (and maybe this is just the new year hope in me trying to think the best of everyone) that she tried to make the front and the back more in line with one another and ended up cutting a ton off the back to reach that end.
It's already known that stylists will sacrifice length to keep style, and I think that it's what happened here. I don't think jealousy had much to do with it...I've seen jealous cuts. They're jagged, jacked up, and look like the stylist cut the hair one-handed with a power saw. And with a blind fold on.
That said, the stylist is still messed up, because nobody even asked her for all that. She should have given you what you asked for and nothing else. And if she really felt that she needed to cut more, she should have consulted with you instead of doing what she wanted with your hair. I hope that you mentioned it, or will be mentioning it to the salon owner, because she really needs to be reprimanded. If she can't follow instructions, then she's in the wrong business.
But you're a hair guru, and it'll grow back before you know it. :yep:

I THINK IT WAS JEALOUSY. I always had a decent length of hair BUT it wasnt untill i stopped going to my stylist that my hair grew past apl as an adult i was addicted to healthy ends/blunt but that is no excuse if you explained what you wanted :wallbash: DO NOT BE EMBARRASSED you are still an inspiration. anyone who can do a yr stretch is!!!! we still want vids :grin:
and i know it will be right back with your reg
Sue her. Im for real. Do you have pics of your hair before the relaxer (recent that is) Seriously they need to be held accountable for what they do to people. Im so mad for you.