Did you hear?

This is the worst way to bring in the new year.. But your hair will grow back even more lovely.
But now I have to ask why you didnt run out of there when she said 120 dollars for a relaxer.. even 85, they would've been left with the smoke from my NG and nothing more, nothing less

the relaxer was already applied to 40% of my hair when sshe said that.
wow I am sorry this happened to you!! You are a pro though, and you will be back where you were very quickly.
I am just a newbie in HHC, but haven't been to a stylist for years, just because I had braids on all the time. Now I am scared to go at all.

And ...to the ladies who bash all the others that have "let a stylist do that to them", maybe now you will be more understanding and realise its not their fault?

Girl, me too! That's why I bought some sheers and dusted it myself. I don't know if I will make it split more, but atleast it will be damage at my own hands and not somebody else's. And my hair is nowhere close to Sylver's.
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

Girl, me too! That's why I bought some sheers and dusted it myself. I don't know if I will make it split more, but atleast it will be damage at my own hands and not somebody else's. And my hair is nowhere close to Sylver's.

I am terrified to get a trim. I haven't cut my hair in over 2 years and I am going to do the trim myself because I don't trust anybody else to do it right. I went to the salon last November and I'm lucky that I didn't get heat damage. The woman blow dried my hair so close to my scalp that she actually burned my head and I had scabs all over. Oh da horrah
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti. but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.

You are one my hair heroines..your hair is gorgeous..and a few jealous women
are not the majority...

it will grow back of course it will .. :)

are you going to take any action with the stylist that did this
you have to them let know what was done and how wrong this was
that you went from wl to bsl..that is MAJOR
Wow! Everytime I think that I should find a stylist, I read one of these stories.:nono:

I am truly sorry. It is our hair and it is THAT SERIOUS!!!!! You've truly are a role model to many of us and you still are. :grouphug:
should we really have to go to a stylist that we have to watch every single move they make? If I felt I needed to pull out a mirror and watch my stylist cut my hair...i aint goin lol. Not trying to cause any rifts here, but it's something to think about when choosing a stylist

Oh... of course not..and DIY is always an option
but for those of us...who choose to go
I say YES dang straight ..you'd better monitor any trim..
from ANY stylist..yes yes yes

the only exception to that
being is if you do not care at all about retaining length
and focused solely on a good trim and not caring if it morphs into
an established cut..
and some people....do not!
their primary focus is having healthy ends
& not length

it's moot ....it's a no-issue
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Sylver2, this is not your fault in anyway. You paid for a service and you showed her what you wanted don't think for one minute this was your fault. The hairdresser made the mistake and she has lost a new customer not to mention all of us here.

I have a picture of your hair in my files to look at for inspiration. You are one of my HAIR SHE-ROES!!! Just remember your hair is already growing back. Thank you for sharing your painful experiences. I know your hair looks great now and will look even more amazing when you reach wl again.
I am so sorry this happened to you and it wasn't your fault. I am very blessed with my stylist that is why I also travel 120 miles round trip out of NJ to PA to get it done!!!!!!!!!!!! she knows what a trim is and what a hair cut is.
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Syl...am sad to hear about this mishap. God Bless You and fear not, Sis...you'll get the growth back because you are following great hair practices. HUGS to you!!!
aw sorry slyver that sucks!! :nono: that is why i never go to stylist for a trim because their version is always different from what we think! i was just telling my friend this the other day. she is natural and had full thick past bsl hair. now she is just touching her shoulders and each time her stylist tells her " i have to cut because you have split ends" and i think he is just scissor crazy because her hair is healthy and there is no reason that she should have lost that much hair if he was just cutting ends. i think you have beautiful hair and even though this terrible thing happened, i know you will grow your hair back in no time and we will all be waiting for the pics for inspiration! :grin:
You are one my hair heroines..your hair is gorgeous..and a few jealous women
are not the majority...

it will grow back of course it will .. :)

are you going to take any action with the stylist that did this
you have to them let know what was done and how wrong this was
that you went from wl to bsl..that is MAJOR

i told the mutual friend who will probably let the owner know. she may call me or she may not..but other then that im going to let it go and chalk it up as lesson heavily learned.
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

A lot of us love you too! :bighug:
i told the mutual friend who will probably let the owner know. she may call me or she may not..but other then that im going to let it go and chalk it up as lesson heavily learned.

I am so sorry this has happened to you. A lesson for many,Sylver2. Incredible...hair savvy Sylver was caught unawares so it's a lesson for us all-WATCH the jealous stylists!!...Your hair will be back to the before cut length in no time using your great techniques.
usually i never cared about getting my hair trimmed or cut to much..but i had made it to a point where i have had the loongest length in my entire life. my hair had never been this long and i loved it!
it bothered me so bad. especially when people see me and their reactions are :eek: u cut all your hair off!! or wheres your hair!
:bighug: Dang.....:nono: Girl, I know you are heated...I'm heated for you:wallbash:

What urks me about this whole thing is that she KNEW you only wanted 2 inches off, yet she did what she WANTED to do...and for that, she will reap what she has sown.

I'm sure your hair will grow back longer and stronger than ever. :kiss:
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.

OMG, I'm really sorry this happened to you!!:nono: We all know that creating fotkis and tutorials are very time consuming. We love and appreciate you for taking the time to share your hair journey with us. We have learned so much from you & I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!:grin:
Thanks so much ladies. I know a lot of people don't like me on here and i definately didn't want to make a big deal about it or even say anything except in my fokti.
but i had to honestly answer what happened and how i felt about it when i saw this thread.
Thank u so much ladies:hug2: i feel a lot better now.
Girl, there are lot of people on here who don't like themselves....bump them. I'm glad you told what happened because alot of these so called stylist need to own up to their responsibilities and LISTEN to their clients.
I am also sorry that this happened to you, but if anyone can move beyond this we all know you can.
I am sorry this happened to you Sylver.... I know it will grow back, but that sucks anyways. :ohwell: Even my DH took it personally, he has always been in love with your hair:grin: He is still in disbeleif and says he wont beleive it until you post your most recent pictures:lachen:

Well, was the cut nicely done at least? I remember the last time you got a touch up from a different stylist, the cut was uneven. Anyways, I am sure your hair is still nice and thick and you are still my number ONE inspiration on this board... Big hugs, love ya Sweetie :yep:
Wow, Sylver I sorry that she cut your hair like that. I know it will grow back probably by the end of the year. I hope you talk to the owner about this. There needs to be some kind of ramifications for this. You can't just let this slide. I will be praying for you and your hair that it grows back faster than ever.
i told the mutual friend who will probably let the owner know. she may call me or she may not..but other then that im going to let it go and chalk it up as lesson heavily learned.

Sylver, I think you should do more than that. I know you just probably want to forget the whole thing, but I think you should talk to the owner directly so she can understand the magnitude of this whole thing. She needs to know exactly how this has affected you.

I know your hair is going to come right back, and be better than ever! :yep: I can't wait to see your pics, because I know it's fly.
What a trifling b****! UGH, how absolutely ridiculous! Sylver I am SO sorry this happened. But as others have said, your hair is beautiful and I know you will regain your length no later than this time next year.

*sigh* Ridiculous. What part of "cut two inches" didn't this trick get? Sylver didn't say "make it even," she said CUT TWO INCHES. :rolleyes:

And if I am paying for a service, and I instruct you as to how I want the service, DO THE SERVICE THE WAY I ASKED. I guess now folx are supposed to go to the dry cleaners and make SURE the folx do a light starch, because if you don't watch them and they do it heavy, OH WELL, YOUR FAULT! :rolleyes: I really hope that if I take a pair of pants to the tailor to be hemmed and I tell them I want a two inch hem they wouldn't arbitrarily give me a FIVE INCH one because they think it looks better and because I wasn't there to stop them, I just have to accept that it's my bad on the five inch hem. GTFOH.
Sylver, be encouraged, your hair is beautiful and it will be back in no time. You are an inspiration so just know you have inspired so many.
I would definitely let that rat have it for cutting your hair, don't let this go. Unfortunately this just happened to my sister in law, she was BSL and now she is shoulder length due to a stylist who scalped her last week..this is getting out of hand
OMG!!! I'm so sorry this happened to you. You have gorgeous hair, and I believe it will be back before you know it because you're very diligent and disciplined with your haircare regimen.

Also, it's not your fault. Sometimes they (stylists) just catch you off gaurd, even if you give instructions, show them a picture, yada, yada, yada. Some of them are just plain jealous or truly don't know what the heck they are doing. I, like many of the ladies here, have experienced the "surprise cut," so don't feel bad or alone.
My heart is having pangs for you. What that Heffer did was so ugly. She'll reap what she sowed.

You've been an inspiration and helped grow many, many healthy heads of hair - so guess what? You'll reap what you've sowed, too.

Please disregard all the BS about that being YOUR fault.
I know you aren't buying it.
I wouldn't.

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