Did you have success with Biotin?

Have you had success with Biotin?

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I've taken biotin, b50, flax, and a multi consistently for going on 3 months and I have seen progress, however, I have been playing with the dosage to see how much I can stand and what is my threshold. My nails are stronger and growing fast as well. I've only has 3 pimples in 3 months, so not too bad of a breakout.
One of the things that one must consider regarding Biotin is that it benefits actually alleviate acne, not cause acne. Biotin increases fatty acid production and sweat glands in the body. So, because of this Biotin will contribute to the over oil production of your facial pores. So to counteract this you need to cleanse your skin more because of a oil build up from the Biotin. You also may need to scale back on the facial moisturizers that you use. Its also good to use a gentle face scrub everyday while taking biotin supplements to keep your pores clean and free of excess oil.

I take biotin 1000mcg a sista here told me to start w/a low dosage I also take it w/B-complex and I always drink alooooooooooooooooot of water but I have to anyway b/c I am nursing my son. But one major major thing I do is wah my face 2x a day w/the whole line of clean&clear and I havnt seen any break outs as well
I don't know if this will help anyone, but have you tried taking your Biotin and B-complex at night? I have been taking 5000 mcg since Jan 1st of this year, one pill per night (Puritan Pride brand) with a B-50 complex pill.

No breakouts whatsoever. I have never had bad skin but since taking it my skin is really blemish free! I also take about 3000 mcg of MSM each night before bed, mixed with my protein shake.

I don't really know what result I'm getting from Biotin, it's hard to judge until you have been taking a vitamin for a decent amount of time, which in my opinion is at least 2 months. I think a lot of people expect results after just a few weeks and give up way too soon, however if a vitamin is causing you severe breakouts, I don't blame you. My evening primrose oil broke me out into a rash all over my arms after taking it for 1 week, I haven't taken it since...

Sorry to hear that so many of you are breaking out!
i started with 500mg of biotin,and silica.

i thought this was way tooo much and i read u have to take biotin with b-complex to work ( got one hard pimple)

so i added flax oil and b-complex 50mg (returned the biotin) and still have the silica (dont take it much)

no break outs yet! (crossing fingers) i just started 2weeks going so we will see what happens.....im gonna go see my doctor tomorrow and run this pass her ( always consult your doctor!):yep:
one BIG painful pimple on my chin was good enough a reason for me to stop....I just bought a b100, nourishair which I had imported from the US through my sister as GNC in the UK dont do it. Thats working alright...so I will stick to that until it all runs out
I voted Yes.
It did really work and my hair grew like weed; ALL OVER.
I stopped using it because I was starting to get more and longer hairs on my arms, legs, and sideburns lol... clearly not the effect I wanted :nono:

Which brand did you use? I'm still trying to find a great brand.
you know what....all those responses are making me rethink taking that biotin....I already have strong nails....I don't use anything on my nails an they grow fast and very strong....the tips are white.....like a natural french manicure :grin:

But if I'm gonna break out so bad then I will leave it be....as we say in the caribbean "ah ent able wid dat" :lachen::lachen:
you know what....all those responses are making me rethink taking that biotin....I already have strong nails....I don't use anything on my nails an they grow fast and very strong....the tips are white.....like a natural french manicure :grin:

But if I'm gonna break out so bad then I will leave it be....as we say in the caribbean "ah ent able wid dat" :lachen::lachen:

Which brand are you taking?
I got good growth with biotin, and no acne. But thankfully I am not acne-prone. I think if you already have a predisposition to acne then Biotin will just worsen that.
I started taking "Vitamin Shoppe" brand Biotin about 6 weeks ago. I haven't had a problem with acne but then again, I'm only taking 1mg and I take it with other vits.
not sure.... honestly i take it wen i remember but i do think a pimple popped out here and there. wen frenz see my hair they dont believe its mine and ask me wat am i doin... i honestly dont even kno becuz i am a product junkie so i cant say wat is actually helpin me hair. im jus glad its growin to lengths i have never seen b4 in my life and im focusin more on thickness and edges. will start the cayenne pepper/sun flower oil asap
I'm currently taking Biotin and it's not affecting my face at all. But I'm also not entirely sure it's having any effect on my hair either. I'm taking the walmart brand, 2000 in the morning and 2000 at night
I’ve been taking GNC’s Hair, Skin, & Nails Formula (3000 mcgs of Biotin; 1000% of the RDA) for about a month and a half and haven’t had any problems yet. It's a little too soon to comment on success...
For those who consistntly get breakouts using it as I did, I found using it topically allowed me to enjoy most of the benefits without the breakouts. :yep:

I have details in my biotin review, in my Drugstore fotki album.
I started taking Nature's Bounty Biotin 300mg every other day and I got 3/4 of an inch of new growth in 5 weeks. I have to agree though, it causes horrible acne problems.
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I had just started taking biotin last week, but my scalp started itching like crazy only after a few days so I stopped. I may try finding a multivitamin with biotin in it since I can't seem to take it alone.
I voted no because when I started taking it, I broke out like crazy and my skin started looking really dry and kind of itchy, so I couldn't stick with it long enough to see any results. :ohwell:
Man I'm so glad I read this post and all the comments about the acne. I'm breaking out really bad which is a first for me...I"m letting this one go.
Like other have mention you have to take Biotin w/other B vits to balance it out. I take a lil over 5000mcg and I don't have any breakouts. ( I will also add that I take Proactive too, that might be the reason, I had a real bad breakout 2 years ago and stuck with Proactive since then-good stuff) I also take Flaxseed Oil, Ultra Mega for women, Hair, Skin, Nail vit, and garlic pill. I also work out-which make me drink plenty of water.

I can't say for sure the Botin has help my thickness, cause I do alot of co washing, and talk other vits. But I do know Biotin is the Hair Vit for Hair. HTH
I have had many beneficial results :
* thicker hair
* long nails (i keep them low)
* my skin is glowing

I've been taking them for a bout 2 months now
but i have the worst breakouts ever. I drink water like crazy and I get pimple in places i never had, not cool. I want to finish each bottle before i stop taking them though.
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I got good growth with biotin, and no acne. But thankfully I am not acne-prone. I think if you already have a predisposition to acne then Biotin will just worsen that.

Me too!!!, I have be taking Biotin for almost 2 months, and I have no problems at all with acne!! Thank God! My hair is much thicker, I'm not sure on the length, cause I'm 6wks. post relaxer, but I have a TON of NG.
Me too!!!, I have be taking Biotin for almost 2 months, and I have no problems at all with acne!! Thank God! My hair is much thicker, I'm not sure on the length, cause I'm 6wks. post relaxer, but I have a TON of NG.

Me neither. I've never had acne though, so I'm not sure. I'm not sure if my hair is really growing faster because of Biotin, so I'll just say yes. I've been transitioning!
I have been using biotin, and I think I have gotten good results. Well, it may be a combination of the vitamins I take(particularly biotin) and the way that I take care of it. My face really doesn't break out, fortunately. Like you, I drink a lot of water. I think the key to taking biotin is to not take it by itself, and to play with your dosage. I don't think that it is good to start taking it in a large dose without seeing how your body--especially your face--will react to it. HTH!!

Although my face does break out as a result of taking the Biotin, because I drink plenty of water (80+ ounces/day), the bumps are barely noticeable. In fact, I'm the only one who notices them. I concur with MsAngie in not taking Biotin by itself and playing with the dosage. Sometimes I take 5000 mcg and seldom 10,000 mcg - increasing the water with the Biotin dosage. Also, my nails tend to grow in spurts, at first they become very brittle and break off and then out of nowhere, they begin to grow super fast and hard - who knows?
I voted no.... I didn't have success, but the biotin did... it sucessfully gave me these mammoth spots and hair in places I didn't want hair! I'm stuck with 2 bottles cos I bought it on offer thinking it was going to work miracles.. *sigh* can't win em all ..