Did you have success with Biotin?

Have you had success with Biotin?

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I started in the beginning of the month taking the HSN with Lutein & MSM (it's combined altogether in the vitamin) and already my nails are growing back (I cut them down 2 weeks ago) and my hair is thicker. My mom told me this morning that my hair was growing. I can actually begin to see it myself. I need to start measuring my length. I've also experienced no breakouts. I normally get them around my cycle anyway and I have PCOS but I haven't seen it on a reg basis.
I think I got good growth but, stopped because it just wasn't worth the breakouts and having to try to clear my complexion (which I'm working on now).
i took them on for a few weeks consistently last year when i started my transition, then sporadically (probably like 2x a week which probably didnt do much for my hair, but made my eyebrows grow ridiculously), and then i started taking ultranourish hair and then hair skin and nails from gnc... i noticed the breakouts, but i know i didnt drink enough water and the potency was too high in the 5000mcg biotin (i ended up throwing them away)...i havent been taking vitamins for about 6 months or more now, but i plan on introducing them back into my regi soon, esp. a multi for overall health, and when i do i will def be upping my water intake and lowering the dosage..im trying to clear up my face now and i dont need any setbacks
i think it has helped me alot this year- i take 3000mg of biotin in a hair, skin, or nails formula and this is the only vitamin ive taken consistently, as for the breakouts ive always had them but not as much while taking the hsn vits
I have been using biotin, and I think I have gotten good results. Well, it may be a combination of the vitamins I take(particularly biotin) and the way that I take care of it. My face really doesn't break out, fortunately. Like you, I drink a lot of water. I think the key to taking biotin is to not take it by itself, and to play with your dosage. I don't think that it is good to start taking it in a large dose without seeing how your body--especially your face--will react to it. HTH!!

You'll lose weight too. It is key to take Biotin with other nutrients. I had no problem with it.

I've use biotin successfully without any acne problems...very weird. I took 3000mg per day and retaining my hair was easier. No skin problems. I took it in conjunction with my daily multivitamin though and my multivitamin had b6, b12 and some other b vitamins in it that was 100% of my daily value. So that could be a reason why I didn't break out.