Did you have success with Biotin?

Have you had success with Biotin?

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Hey I was wondering if I could get a bit OT and ask a question about vitamins ( I know yall arent doctors, I just want to know if someone else has done this so I dont sound crazy when I ask my doctor if I can do it)

Can you take Hair Vitamins and Prenatals at the same time? My favorite prenatals (no, not pregnant or getting knocked up, lol just take em for health) have all the B vitamins I want, and my favorite hair pills have MSM and biotin and zinc, etc. that I like for my hair, skin and nails. Would that be too many vitamins? Cant you get sick from that? I wanted to know because both have a lot of repeats and if it would be safer to just get a B vitamin complex...
Hey I was wondering if I could get a bit OT and ask a question about vitamins ( I know yall arent doctors, I just want to know if someone else has done this so I dont sound crazy when I ask my doctor if I can do it)

Can you take Hair Vitamins and Prenatals at the same time? My favorite prenatals (no, not pregnant or getting knocked up, lol just take em for health) have all the B vitamins I want, and my favorite hair pills have MSM and biotin and zinc, etc. that I like for my hair, skin and nails. Would that be too many vitamins? Cant you get sick from that? I wanted to know because both have a lot of repeats and if it would be safer to just get a B vitamin complex...

One of the things you have to take in consideration when doing this is the side effects from taking TOO MUCH of one vit. Here is a website to determine toxicity levels of vitamins: http://dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov/Health_Information/Health_Information.aspx

I also would like to suggest a better vitamin other than prenatals:

Rainbow Life Complete Nutritional System

This company also as other vits that may suite you best. I have found these to be the best vits on the plant! No fillers, just straight up good vits.

My personal thought is that you get better results if you take what you need instead of one hair nails and skin tablet. In addition to a good multi, antioxident complex and Amino Acid complex.
Vote yes or no regarding your success with Biotin then post your experience. I have been using biotin 5mg for almost a month and now I'm getting bad acne. Very hard pimples! I was told to drink plenty of water, which I have been doing. I drink about 51 ounces a day. I read in a post about using castor oil, but I want to get feedback from my peers. I'm trying to decide if I should continue the Biotin:wallbash:

Yes, it made my nails and hair grow like crazy, but I can't deal with what it does to my skin. :nono:
One of the things you have to take in consideration when doing this is the side effects from taking TOO MUCH of one vit. Here is a website to determine toxicity levels of vitamins: http://dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov/Health_Information/Health_Information.aspx

I also would like to suggest a better vitamin other than prenatals:

Rainbow Life Complete Nutritional System

This company also as other vits that may suite you best. I have found these to be the best vits on the plant! No fillers, just straight up good vits.

My personal thought is that you get better results if you take what you need instead of one hair nails and skin tablet. In addition to a good multi, antioxident complex and Amino Acid complex.

omg thanks youre so helpful! I had no idea there were lists like that! :)

i appreciate it!:drunk:
Honestly...I couldn't take it long enough to tell. I broke out in huge painful thistles along my jawbone that wouldn't go away for anything!:nono:

ITA! I took it consistently for about 1.5 weeks and started to break out something awful. And not just little bumps- the pimples were enormous and painful! I had to stop taking it.
I take Biotin since April and I feel like it works becaise my hair seems to grow a little bit faster and thicker, but I take other vits too.. So maybe it's the combination that gives this results...
The bad point is that it gave me skin issues... :perplexed
Biotin at 5mg works great for me. I use it after I get trims for a few months for a growth spurt. Anything more than 5 mg gives me nasty red bumps on my chest irrespective of how much water I drink and coupling it with another b vitamin.
ITA! I took it consistently for about 1.5 weeks and started to break out something awful. And not just little bumps- the pimples were enormous and painful! I had to stop taking it.

I know, right? I don't think I've ever had a zit throb before!
Well i just started using it last month so its to early to tell, but I also take other vitamins to. So i wanted know exactly how the biotin itself would contribute.
I also wanted to add that Biotin without the amino acid methionine is nothing. Biotin doesn't work without it. So, if you are taking biotin only for hair growth without MSM or an Amino Acid supplement that contains methionine, you will not see any extra growth outside of the average hair growth.

Just an FYI :look:

what is an Amino Acid Supplement?
I've been taking 2000mcg Biotin for 4 months...
last week I slacked up on my water intake
and I got this big ugly crazy zit...
You really have to stay on top of the
water intake and taking it with the B Vits.
I get about ½" of growth anyway, but it
may have sped up since I'm past the 3 month mark.
Biotin worked for me when it was built into my HSN supp. But taking it a la carte didn't do anything for me at all. I got acne either way, regardless of water intake and b-vitamims.:perplexed
I take 5000mcg of Biotin along with a b-complex and other vits (I take lots of dietary supplements) and I am happy with what I see.

If you already have medium or thick hair you might not notice the benefits as much as someone with thinning hair. Biotin is recommended for people who are balding or have thinning hair.

Another positive with Biotin is that it helps to metabolize fats and carbohydrates.

This is the reason I initially started taking Biotin. I follow a low carb diet (usually) I didn't know people took it for hair growth. I had been taking it months before I found it on this forum. I also take b complex with it. I have always had acne here and there-my whole life-so I don't think biotin contributes, if anything I think it helps a little but maybe I'll conduct a little experiment and just use BT-no biotin and see if my skin improves. I'll try 1 month no biotin.
what is an Amino Acid Supplement?

Amino Acids are basically the DNA of protein. They are basically what make up proteins, as proteins are chains of amino acids. They are what makes vitamins and minerals perform their jobs and work properly for the body.

They are really the foundation for all vitamins and minerals, but are always overlooked. Vitamins and minerals cannot function without amino acids. If you are deficient in a vitamin or mineral, but most likely due to a lack of an amino acid.

There are 28 amino acidds that are combined to make various types of proteins. Some of the 28 our body remanufacturers on its own, but some considered "essential aminos" have to be supplemented because our body cannot remanufacturer them. The essential aminos are:

Histidene-plays an important role in the growth and repair of tissues.

Isoleucine-needed for hemoglobin forming, stablizes blood sugar and energy levels.

Leucine-essential for the healing of skin, bones and muscle tissues.

Lysine-is one of than main culprits to the formation of protein. Lysine is necessary for the growth of bones during adolesence and helps maintain calcium balance as adults. It helps with the building of antibodies, hormones and enzymes and also helps skin retain collagen levels. If you find your skin lacking elasticity, then it's mainly because you are deficient in Lysine and none other.

Methionine-A very good source of sulfur (has more creditbility than MSM). Helps breaks down fats. Prevents brittle dry hair, helps detox the body of heavy metals and lead.

Phenylalanine-Promotes alertness. This amino acid is what the chemcial drug dopamine mimics. Alleviates PMS, high blood pressure, diabetes and anxiety attacks.

Threonine-Important for the forming of collagen and helps maintain proper protein levels of the body.

Tryptophan-Is necessary for the production of vitamin B3. Good for migraines.

Valine-Source of energy for the body.

You can do a more extensive research on the internet by googling the above names or Amino Acids.

Biotin 5mg successfully gave me strong nails --and big, hard zits on my face :nono:
Wasn't worth it.....so I decreased the dosage drastically to 1mg and my face has cleared up.
Same here with the BIG, HARD ZITS! I have never had this in my life. My HSN has Biotin in it so I'm just sticking with that. I can't have my face looking like this. It's not worth it:down:
Same here with the BIG, HARD ZITS! I have never had this in my life. My HSN has Biotin in it so I'm just sticking with that. I can't have my face looking like this. It's not worth it:down:

One of the things that one must consider regarding Biotin is that it benefits actually alleviate acne, not cause acne. Biotin increases fatty acid production and sweat glands in the body. So, because of this Biotin will contribute to the over oil production of your facial pores. So to counteract this you need to cleanse your skin more because of a oil build up from the Biotin. You also may need to scale back on the facial moisturizers that you use. Its also good to use a gentle face scrub everyday while taking biotin supplements to keep your pores clean and free of excess oil.

One of the things that one must consider regarding Biotin is that it benefits actually alleviate acne, not cause acne. Biotin increases fatty acid production and sweat glands in the body. So, because of this Biotin will contribute to the over oil production of your facial pores. So to counteract this you need to cleanse your skin more because of a oil build up from the Biotin. You also may need to scale back on the facial moisturizers that you use. Its also good to use a gentle face scrub everyday while taking biotin supplements to keep your pores clean and free of excess oil.


Great advice. Thank you Keclee!
One of the things that one must consider regarding Biotin is that it benefits actually alleviate acne, not cause acne. Biotin increases fatty acid production and sweat glands in the body. So, because of this Biotin will contribute to the over oil production of your facial pores. So to counteract this you need to cleanse your skin more because of a oil build up from the Biotin. You also may need to scale back on the facial moisturizers that you use. Its also good to use a gentle face scrub everyday while taking biotin supplements to keep your pores clean and free of excess oil.


I agree. I use St Ives Medicated Apricot Scrub faithfully everyday and night if im not too lazy. Been using it since the 12th grade. Hardly see pimples or blemishes on my face. Then moisturize my face with an oil free lotion concotion i made. lol im always in the lab(bathroom) working something up. :grin:
Don't sleep on Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap in liquid form. That's what I use on my face and it is wonderful. I use either the Pepperment formula or the Tea Tree. As a moisturizer, I use a little bit of Ambi for normal skin. My skin is flawless and glowing.
I forgot to add, I read somewhere it's best to take biotin with another 'b' vitamin to avoid breakouts--I take the b-12 complex, so that's another reason I may have not experienced any breakouts...

MSM has the same effect for me. When I'm taking it along with the Biotin, I don't get breakouts. But don't let me run out of my MSM a couple of days before time for me to purchase more vits. If I'm taking the biotin by itself, I've gotten breakouts.

ETA I know it isn't always best to add something to your regimen to combat the side effects of something else, but both of these products are good for overall health, and the hair, skin, and nails.
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I take a normal dosage of Biotin 300 mcg once a day and have experienced no side effects. I have seen some people taking extremely high dosages and I don't know how many times a day they are taking it but maybe that could contribute to your side effects like acne. I also take the GNC which do not contain preservatives, articial colors, artificial flavors, glueten, wheat, dairy, yeast etc...
I think that i had success with Biotin. Unfortunately, I had to give it up because it was causing hair to grow in places that I did not want hair to grow. I have been waxing my face for years and I usually get it done about once a month. When taking the Biotin, I looked like I needed to wax every week. :nono: