Did you have success with Biotin?

Have you had success with Biotin?

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In regards to Biotin, I used to take HSN a few years back (popping as many as 3 nightly, forgot the dosage though) and a few weeks back I was taking Biotin 600 mcg and now I'm taking Biotin 1200mcg with 500mg of MSM included. My question is, is this enough of MSM in proportion to Biotin or should I be taking an extra supplement? I'm also taking a Multi-Vit and B-Complex/Vitamin C Multi Vit, but how much Vitamin B should I take to counteract the acne problems?

Have a big hard and PAINFUL zit on my jawbone, hurt so bad I had to put ICE on it just to numb it. Even my mom felt bad, this bites... :nono:
I have used Biotin off and on in the past and wasn't sure if it was doing anything. Someone told me it made your hair grow then I learned what is really does is make your hair stronger/thicker. I started using it again this summer and now that I know what it does can tell you it works. I don't take a high dosage only 300mcg and have never experienced side effects like acne. I also by the GNC vegetarian brand which has less extra stuff added to it. I almost forgot how fabulous my nails look when I take it.
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:ohwell: No success, just lots of acne.:ohwell:
Biotin made the baby fine hairs on my face grow instead of the hair on my head; which I believe is what led to the acne that popped up in areas of my face that I've never had acne before.
I started taking Target prenatals (no biotin) as a multi-vitamin and 5000 mgs of pantothenic acid/B-5 a day to take care of my oily skin and breakouts. Not sure if I've received any extra hair growth from taking B-5, but I was more interested in what it could do for my skin. Pantothenic acid really works for breakouts and oily skin, but I've noticed that if I skip a day or two, my skin is back to being oily again. I don't get nearly as much breakouts that I use to get before.
I would highly recommend pantothenic acid/B-5 a day if you are suffering with acne. I prefer the GNC brand to the Vitamin Shoppe brand and Nature somthing (I can't remember the full name), because I got little bursts of energy with GNC that I didn't get with the rest. Hope this helps!
I forgot to add, I read somewhere it's best to take biotin with another 'b' vitamin to avoid breakouts--I take the b-12 complex, so that's another reason I may have not experienced any breakouts...

i also take biotin (5mg) with other B50 complex. I drink about 68oz of water daily. I haven't gotten any breakouts and I do think it has contributed to my hair being thicker. I can hardly see my scalp. Also my nails are harder.
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Yes, but it broke my face out something harsh. I rarely get pimples and at the time it looked like I had a rash on the side of my face.:blush: I tried taking B complex vitamin and that still gave me pimples and I'm the type to drink a lot of water.
Yes. i feel it made my hair thicker and helped it grow in places where it wasn't growing much before like around my edges. I take a small dosage (don't have the bottle with me but i believe its 1mg- it is an orange flavored lozenge by Solary (sp)). i don't think it helped with SPEED of growth though. i saw that more so with taking a good multi vitamin and eating better.

it also does not cause me to have acne. the one thing that made my acne just out of control was MSM. i have slightly oily skin and that stuff just made me feel greasy and break out on my face, chest, and back no matter how much water i drank.
I've been taking biotin for a couple of weeks now and have had no break outs. I started taking MSM a few weeks before that, and my multi vitamin has a b vits in it, so I think that helps. I've been drinking lots of water with it and I started using a scrub on my face every other day to help with oiliness. I already had oily skin, but the biotin made it worse. I also added a toner that I use about half way through the day.
I have been using biotin with msm and a 100mg b-complex vitamin and other proteins as well for about 3 weeks. I had about 2 tiny zits pop out in this whole time but they're so small, you can bearly see them. I cranked up my water intake to keep them from full flare and they seem to be disappearing now, thank goodness!
I am so glad this question was posted. I JUST bought biotin yesterday and was about to start taking it. I have the 1,000mcg (=1mg) tablets. I will start by taking 1 each day and will proceed with caution. So just to make sure I have this right, I should take it in low doses, with lots of water, and B vits.? I will try this and see what I get.

I wonder if the breakouts are a result of the biotin working to help the body get rid of toxins. I wonder if I did a major cleanse before I started taking them if there would be different results as far as the acne goes. It would probably help the body absorb the biotin quicker too.
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I've never had any breakout or other probs with biotin....did help my hair and nails....if any of you ladies need to stock up on it, Puritan's Pride is having their buy 2 get 3 free sale:grin: I'm definitely going to stock up on my vits for the new year.
I had success..... and i also paid the price for that success by turning into leatherface... I couldnt understand why something so good turned out to be my undoing... I was hitting my mark with water but i still looked like i was tanning my skin for a leather jacket...It got to the point where i was washing my face with foot scrub to ease up the dryness... I cut that out after it got to that point and it is been much better..
I use Biotin, MSM and Flaxseed Oil and I have had great success but I am not sure about using it alone.
Biotin is good for making your hair stronger, and increasing your metabolism. I haven't taken it in a while. I haven't taken anything for a while. I have to get back on the bandwagon.
I tried taking it for about 6 weeks (I figured that would be enough time to really evaluate it's effectiveness) but I didn't notice anything different. I didn't break out (I drink tons of water so that may be why I didn't) and I didn't notice any increased growth, thickness or shine. So I stopped taking it.
It seems to be working for me. I take HSN and the main ingredient is Biotin. I also take B-100 vits. I haven't had any acne.
I voted Yes.
It did really work and my hair grew like weed; ALL OVER.
I stopped using it because I was starting to get more and longer hairs on my arms, legs, and sideburns lol... clearly not the effect I wanted :nono:
I voted NO...well maybe!! It worked for my nails...they were longer than they had ever been in my life but I couldn't really tell if my hair actually grew any!! I eventually stopped taking it because it had me looking like an "oatmeal cookie" too!! It have NEVER HAD BAD SKIN IN MY LIFE!!!
Hey. My boyfriend had actually been taking Biotin, but he too started getting pimples. He's 23 and has NEVER had bad skin ever before. So, he switched to a Mega Hair vitamin, which has biotin AND other nutrients, which I think evens everything out.

This was me. I have always had really clear skin...no matter what I did, even on my period not washing my face...but that biotin made me incredibly rashy. I stopped and the rashes went away. I did it for a couple of weeks and didn't see and boost in growth.

ETA: It did help my nails and hair in other places. However, I've found that increasing my protein intake has a greater impact than the biotin on my hair.
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Ladies you must take biotin with a B Complex, I must repeat you will have great results with biotin without breakouts only if you take with a B cmplex
try taking it with B complex by Naturade and you will get beautiful long growing and thick hair. I repeat again you must take a B complex with biotin to combat the pimples breakouts. Try it with 10mg. of Freda Biotin and watch your hair grow and grow and grow. God Bless you all, and happy hair growing.
Ladies you must take biotin with a B Complex, I must repeat you will have great results with biotin without breakouts only if you take with a B cmplex
try taking it with B complex by Naturade and you will get beautiful long growing and thick hair. I repeat again you must take a B complex with biotin to combat the pimples breakouts. Try it with 10mg. of Freda Biotin and watch your hair grow and grow and grow. God Bless you all, and happy hair growing.
be careful with b-complex it made me BLOAT!:look:
Ladies you must take biotin with a B Complex, I must repeat you will have great results with biotin without breakouts only if you take with a B cmplex
try taking it with B complex by Naturade and you will get beautiful long growing and thick hair. I repeat again you must take a B complex with biotin to combat the pimples breakouts. Try it with 10mg. of Freda Biotin and watch your hair grow and grow and grow. God Bless you all, and happy hair growing.

I did this and I still broke out.
I started using a smaller dose at first - 300mcg. It made my nails really long and strong and I believe it helped my hair grow (along with other things I was doing at the time) but it seemed like it stopped working, even though I was consistent. Anyway, I did have really bad acne so I had to stop (long hair as opposed to clear skin, wasn't much of a toss up) Maybe you can limit your intake until your skin clears up, say take a pill every other day or every two days. Maybe that would help. (Chile, that Biotin can be a beast!!!)
i was taking an extra biotin supplement along with my HSN vitamins and after awhile my face started breaking out badly even when i did up my water intake. i got nice hair results but what it was doing to my face wasn't too pretty.
Hey ladies I know everyone has their way of using a product and results differ, however I would like to share some my thoughts with you ladies about my experience with biotin.

The first time I use biotin I broke out and I stop using it. After I did more research on biotin I realized that I was using it wrong because biotin in a water soluble vitamin it only makes sense to drink adequate amounts of water with b complex for balanced absorption.

Also because biotin is water soluble a will exit the body not only through urine/waste but it will exit the body through the SKIN. Thats what made me Cleanse my System of the bad oils before I started taking it, because biotin will push all oils out the body through the skin which will cause the breakouts.( just think about the foods you eat that have biotin in it you don't breakout because the biotin is balanced, other vitamins/minerals are present)

Not only that but like a poster before said to use biotin and b complex together, because for every vitamin you take theres another vitamin or mineral needed for the BALANCE ASORPTION. (For an example when you take calcium most likley you will need vitamin D or sun as well as magnesium)

Biotin plays a key roll in hair care internally and b complex has more important vitamins, minerals and amino acids such as panthotheic acid,l- methothine, l cysteine and l- tyrosine all play rolls in hair growth and care.

Good luck and happy growing be patient when looking for results vitamins will go to the most important part of the body first before your hair, skin and nails.