Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

You might be able to find food grade DE at a local tack shop. A lot of people feed it to their horses in their feed.
I have been taking it daily for two weeks now. I did miss two days this past weekend. I don't measure my hair often, but in a few months when I measure my hair and it is past APL, then I will credit the DE with that as I have been stuck at APL for almost a year. I was constipated for two days, but then went back to being very regular, but very regular with a bullet (smile). I was concerned that for a couple of days my stool (TMI, I know) sank to the bottom when it always floats, but that passed. It gives me alot of energy, so I have to take it early in the day as once when I took it late afternoon, I did not sleep well -- still too revved up.

When I mix it into my conditioner, I get really strong hair. Since I seem to have a problem retaining length, I believe adding DE to my conditioner will be a keeper. When I add DE and then go under my heat cap (wet a stocking cap, microwave it, wring it out, put it on my head and go under the heat cap, which creates a steamy environment) it does something miraculous to my hair. My hair is strong, silky, detangled and shifts easily through my fingers, but the curls are very loosened, but what curl is left is very defined and each time I rewet my hair, my hair still looks and feels exactly as it did right after the bootleg steam treatment -- even a week later when I wet it to do my weekly shampoo. I couldn't believe it. I would co-wash every night, but now I am just rewetting my hair, putting in the leave-in and sealing (cherry kernel oil is the bomb, BTW, for sealing) and co-washing just once a week. Dry my hair is fluffy, soft, with lots of body like it is after I add rose petal powder to my conditioner, which I haven't done in a long time -- and so strong and voluminous.

I love how now I have to really twist my hair up tightly (it used to be loosely) to get it all in my comb with which I secure my bun. The DE makes my hair feel coated with a satin-like protective barrier. I know the word coated is a bad word around these parts and I do not like my hair to feel coated, but this is coated in a good way. I am getting no breakage or stray hair in my fingers when I comb my fingers through my hair and I am able -- wet or dry -- to do this with no snags, which alone is worth the price of admission :grin:. If you decide to add DE to your conditioner, make sure you follow it up with a moisturizing/hydrating conditioner or a steam treatment.
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This stuff sounds interesting. But, my issue is that I really don't need to lose any weight and my blood pressure is normal.

Do you guys think this will make me extra small and lower my bp even more or does it adjust itself to the needs of the individual?

Any thoughts are appreciated.
I bought mine today at my local health food store in the pet care aisle. Its food grade so I believe its the correct kind. I'm just torn on how I want to take it. My biggest concern is the binding properties of DE absorbing my Chlorella and other vitamins. On the other hand, I don't want to take an amount that's not beneficial. Since I've heard great testimonies of 1 tblsp in orange juice or water is working I may just give that a try. I'll first try it at night to see how it goes and take my other vitamins during the day. I'll definitely report back my findings and progress. Thanks
When I mix it into my conditioner, I get really strong hair. Since I seem to have a problem retaining length, I believe adding DE to my conditioner will be a keeper. When I add DE and then go under my heat cap (wet a stocking cap, microwave it, wring it out, put it on my head and go under the heat cap, which creates a steamy environment) it does something miraculous to my hair. My hair is strong, silky, detangled and shifts easily through my fingers, but the curls are very loosened, but what curl is left is very defined and each time I rewet my hair, my hair still looks and feels exactly as it did right after the bootleg steam treatment -- even a week later when I wet it to do my weekly shampoo. I couldn't believe it. I would co-wash every night, but now I am just rewetting my hair, putting in the leave-in and sealing (cherry kernel oil is the bomb, BTW, for sealing) and co-washing just once a week. Dry my hair is fluffy, soft, with lots of body like it is after I add rose petal powder to my conditioner, which I haven't done in a long time -- and so strong and voluminous.

ADW - what conditioner are you mixing with the DE?
You know, I was trying to figure out what it was that was making me breakout. Just last week I had gorgeous skin. Even during my period, it was one of the first times that I didn't get a pimple. But then this week, there have been pimples forming all over my face.

I then realized that the only thing I've been doing differently is taking DE in my tea. I had started getting more consistent last week. I'm thinking that if DE has detox properties, that may indeed me what's going on.
You know, I was trying to figure out what it was that was making me breakout. Just last week I had gorgeous skin. Even during my period, it was one of the first times that I didn't get a pimple. But then this week, there have been pimples forming all over my face.

I then realized that the only thing I've been doing differently is taking DE in my tea. I had started getting more consistent last week. I'm thinking that if DE has detox properties, that may indeed me what's going on.

Try mixing DE in a gentle cleanser like cetaphil for your face. I bet it would dry those breakouts right up.
I got my D.E yesterday, I have not started taking it yet, But I had a consultation with A lady that has been selling it and taking it for over ten years, She advises to take it atleast 30 minutes before any vitamins/supplements.

taking it at night causes some people to stay awake.

I bought 1KG of it, So I have loads :spinning:

The mixing it in conditioner sounds great Den_1 *(An ex LHCF member)
Used to always rave about silica.

I'm wondering if i can add it to my leave -in's as well as my conditioner?

lets keep this thread alive :yep:
I tried DE (about 1tsp) in my conditioner (HE TMS) last night and my hair was very silky afterwards. I did a bantu knot-out on my hair and this morning, my hair was still very soft. I'm transitioning, so my hair is usually very dry and rough. This is definately a keeper!
I have opted to take mine in the morning - otherwise I am up at night looking like this :look:

I have been breaking out a little bit as well...hope it is part of the detox

I am putting it in my orange juice in the morning..(I tried to put it in "thinner drinks" i.e. water, tea - but I can taste the chalkiness - :nono:)

Then an hour later I am taking my Maxi Hair and Flaxeed,Borage, and Omega Capsules -

I like the energy it gives me in the morning and it lasts throughout the day ...

I found a 50% off coupon for a nursery that sells it here so I will be going by there to check out their prices and get a larger bag...

I may try to mix some with some Silicon Mix and see how that works out...
I have been taking it daily for two weeks now. I did miss two days this past weekend. I don't measure my hair often, but in a few months when I measure my hair and it is past APL, then I will credit the DE with that as I have been stuck at APL for almost a year. I was constipated for two days, but then went back to being very regular, but very regular with a bullet (smile). I was concerned that for a couple of days my stool (TMI, I know) sank to the bottom when it always floats, but that passed. It gives me alot of energy, so I have to take it early in the day as once when I took it late afternoon, I did not sleep well -- still too revved up.

I thought I was the only one! I didn't say anything because I thought you guys would have thought I was crazy!, But it is very disconcerting to see your stool sink when it usually floats! :lachen:
When I mix it into my conditioner, I get really strong hair. Since I seem to have a problem retaining length, I believe adding DE to my conditioner will be a keeper. When I add DE and then go under my heat cap (wet a stocking cap, microwave it, wring it out, put it on my head and go under the heat cap, which creates a steamy environment) it does something miraculous to my hair. My hair is strong, silky, detangled and shifts easily through my fingers, but the curls are very loosened, but what curl is left is very defined and each time I rewet my hair, my hair still looks and feels exactly as it did right after the bootleg steam treatment -- even a week later when I wet it to do my weekly shampoo. I couldn't believe it. I would co-wash every night, but now I am just rewetting my hair, putting in the leave-in and sealing (cherry kernel oil is the bomb, BTW, for sealing) and co-washing just once a week. Dry my hair is fluffy, soft, with lots of body like it is after I add rose petal powder to my conditioner, which I haven't done in a long time -- and so strong and voluminous.

Hmmm. I gotta try this out. Just dont want to inhale any DE from the steam.:perplexed
I have been taking it daily for two weeks now. I did miss two days this past weekend. I don't measure my hair often, but in a few months when I measure my hair and it is past APL, then I will credit the DE with that as I have been stuck at APL for almost a year. I was constipated for two days, but then went back to being very regular, but very regular with a bullet (smile). I was concerned that for a couple of days my stool (TMI, I know) sank to the bottom when it always floats, but that passed. It gives me alot of energy, so I have to take it early in the day as once when I took it late afternoon, I did not sleep well -- still too revved up.

When I mix it into my conditioner, I get really strong hair. Since I seem to have a problem retaining length, I believe adding DE to my conditioner will be a keeper. When I add DE and then go under my heat cap (wet a stocking cap, microwave it, wring it out, put it on my head and go under the heat cap, which creates a steamy environment) it does something miraculous to my hair. My hair is strong, silky, detangled and shifts easily through my fingers, but the curls are very loosened, but what curl is left is very defined and each time I rewet my hair, my hair still looks and feels exactly as it did right after the bootleg steam treatment -- even a week later when I wet it to do my weekly shampoo. I couldn't believe it. I would co-wash every night, but now I am just rewetting my hair, putting in the leave-in and sealing (cherry kernel oil is the bomb, BTW, for sealing) and co-washing just once a week. Dry my hair is fluffy, soft, with lots of body like it is after I add rose petal powder to my conditioner, which I haven't done in a long time -- and so strong and voluminous.

I love how now I have to really twist my hair up tightly (it used to be loosely) to get it all in my comb with which I secure my bun. The DE makes my hair feel coated with a satin-like protective barrier. I know the word coated is a bad word around these parts and I do not like my hair to feel coated, but this is coated in a good way. I am getting no breakage or stray hair in my fingers when I comb my fingers through my hair and I am able -- wet or dry -- to do this with no snags, which alone is worth the price of admission :grin:. If you decide to add DE to your conditioner, make sure you follow it up with a moisturizing/hydrating conditioner or a steam treatment.

Hi Adw425,
I'm currently doing a weekly Irish Moss (thanks for putting me on to it) do you think using both would be too much for hair? Thanks
When I add DE and then go under my heat cap (wet a stocking cap, microwave it, wring it out, put it on my head and go under the heat cap, which creates a steamy environment) it does something miraculous to my hair.

This is an ingenious way to do a steam treatment! So much easier than the towels. I'm going to have to try this.

Hi Adw425,
I'm currently doing a weekly Irish Moss (thanks for putting me on to it) do you think using both would be too much for hair? Thanks

Off to figure out how to do an irish moss treatment, also. All hat mucillage sounds :lick:
Hi Adw425,
I'm currently doing a weekly Irish Moss (thanks for putting me on to it) do you think using both would be too much for hair? Thanks

I love irish moss. It makes my hair so soft and manageable. The DE makes my hair strong -- even stronger than a protein treatment, but I am adding to a mane and tail conditioner, so this is my weekly protein treatment. My thinking is that the kind of tensile strength the DE seems to give my hair will help me with retention because no way should it be taking this long to get past APL. I would add the IM to the moisturizing conditioner for the steam treatment.

What's a stocking cap? Is something you buy or are you cutting pantyhose?

I just cut off a pair of clean pantyhose to make my stocking caps.
Found some more benefits of DE:

Beneficial effects of silica per Gerhard Leibold, N.D.
- Stimulates cell metabolism and cell formation.
- Inhibits the aging process in tissues.
- Necessary for the structure and functioning of connective tissue.
- Strengthens and stimulates the immune system.
- Silica is important for the development of healthy nails and hair and regular intake can stop unnecessary
hair loss.
- Strengthens and stimulates the vascular system; lowers blood pressure and improves the condition called
- Increases elasticity and firmness of the blood vessels.
- Silica is indispensable for the elasticity of lung tissue and, therefore, is a basic therapy for lung and respiratory disorders.
- Has anti-inflammatory disinfecting, absorbing and odor binding effects.
- Some of the disorders that benefit from regular silica intake include: Disorders of the throat, nose, ears and
teeth, disorders of the digestive and secretive organs, bone injuries and problems, skin problems and
injuries including itching, rashes, abscesses, boils, acne, callouses, warts, eczemas, burns, frostbite,
benign skin sores, insect bites and bed sores, female illnesses and as a base therapy for cancer treatment.*
*Cancer occurs mainly in middle and older ages at a time when the human body contains less silica. Silica
especially influences the degenerated white blood cells of cancer patients, activates the regeneration of normal
protein and increases the immune system against cancer. Silica helps support the healing process.

To read all 44 pages click here
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OK, checking in...........I've been taking DE for about 2 weeks now. When I read about ladies getting 1" growth in one week I was like :rolleyes: seriously??? Well, I may owe ya'll a heart felt apology. Now I'm not claming an inch or anything because I did not do any measurements prior to starting, but I will say this - because I fell asleep last night with out covering my hair, this morning, I applied a mixture of aloe vera gel and ORS Olive oil to my hair to "tame" it. Now I haven't washed since last Sunday, because I've been having tendon problems in my wrist, so my hair is basically straight (it gets straight after about 3 days of not being washed). Anyhoo, I put it in a loose bun and put on a scarve(sp?) for the drive work. By the time I got here the bun had fallen out. I get to my office and pull out my comb. I catch a side view of my hair in my mirror and.............low and behold my pony tail is noticeably longer. I had to take a second & third look.

Ladies I apologize! {off to have my morning tea with a heaping tablespoon of DE)

OH, went to the doctor yesterday to get a steroid shot in my wrist, my BP was 125/70, a marked improvement! I was previously hovering in the 140's. I think DE has a lifetime customer!
OK, checking in...........I've been taking DE for about 2 weeks now. When I read about ladies getting 1" growth in one week I was like :rolleyes: seriously??? Well, I may owe ya'll a heart felt apology. Now I'm not claming an inch or anything because I did not do any measurements prior to starting, but I will say this - because I fell asleep last night with out covering my hair, this morning, I applied a mixture of aloe vera gel and ORS Olive oil to my hair to "tame" it. Now I haven't washed since last Sunday, because I've been having tendon problems in my wrist, so my hair is basically straight (it gets straight after about 3 days of not being washed). Anyhoo, I put it in a loose bun and put on a scarve(sp?) for the drive work. By the time I got here the bun had fallen out. I get to my office and pull out my comb. I catch a side view of my hair in my mirror and.............low and behold my pony tail is noticeably longer. I had to take a second & third look.

Ladies I apologize! {off to have my morning tea with a heaping tablespoon of DE)

OH, went to the doctor yesterday to get a steroid shot in my wrist, my BP was 125/70, a marked improvement! I was previously hovering in the 140's. I think DE has a lifetime customer!

Thanks for the update! I'm happy you're experience positive results!