Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

My DE should be arriving today. I can't wait to start taking it. I will be documenting the progress of both my hair and nails.

Off subject: I started using Nail Magic in December and my nails have improved drastically. Now that I can actually grow some nails, hopefully DE will move things along quicker! If I can get them to 1/2" I will be happy. I have never been able to grow my nails longer than 1/8" without acrylics. My nails are currently at 3/16".

Happy, Nappy Hair Growing!
I continued to read the thread in Long Hair Community about DE. I've had DE since the beginning of January and love the fact that it has absolutely no taste :grin:

Here's a comment from one of the members on the thread (I started doing it this way since yesterday and I think it makes a lot of sense):

In order to have proper absorption and receive optimum benefits from silicon – dietary silicon must first be converted to orthosilic acid – the biologically active form of silicon

Taking DE by the spoonful will not be as effective as adding it to a large volume of water, letting it settle out then drinking the water. Silica is very poorly absorbed, so taking a half or full teaspoon at one time will not increase absorption. It will only mean more passing right through the system.

This is why I add a spoonful to a gallon of water. Then I let it settle out. The water will dissolve a tiny amount of the silica forming orthosilicic acid. The excess silica settles to the bottom as a mud. I leave that there. Then I drink the water above the mud throughout the day. This allows me to absorb a small amount of the silica each time I take a drink. This will improve absorption even if stomach acid is low.

As the water level goes down I add more water to dissolve a little more of the silica. Just keep repeating this process. A spoon full of silica will last several years. but I usually change out the silica about every 6 months.
The additional advantage comes from the higher daily levels being absorbed.

To understand this lets say a capsule of silica contains 500mg. And let's say that the body only absorbs 1mg each time you take a capsule. If taking capsules 3 times daily as most capsules are supposed to be used this would a total of 3mg being absorbed daily. That is based on people actually complying and taking 3 times daily like they should. Now if you absorb 1mg per glass of water with DE dissolved in it and you drink an average of 8 to 14 glasses of water throughout the day we can see you end up with a lot more silica in your system at the end of each day.

Thank you for posting this. Not only will the body absorb more but the DE will last longer :yep:, that stuff aint cheap. I've been using the above method for the last two days. I already notice a huge decrease in appetite, I don't know what else it could be from since this is the only thing I've changed. I let it sit all day (a 32 ounce container) and drink when I come home then refill it about three more times. DS is even drinking it thinking it's just water :lachen:
I should have mine by tomorrow myself and I can't wait to start taking it. I need to take my start pics of my body, hair and nails on my start date and take progress pics as I go along.
I should have mine by tomorrow myself and I can't wait to start taking it. I need to take my start pics of my body, hair and nails on my start date and take progress pics as I go along.

I should be getting my delivery today as well! The snow slowed down delivery time. Maybe we will start at the same time and can document our progress together!
I ordered some and mine should be here tomorrow (hopefully). Heard it's supposed to snow tonight in my area. I'm excited about this. I've tried so many other things and nothing really helps so I think I need a good detox and I feel like I've gained a few pounds as well. My skin needs clearing up and my thin edges need to be filled in. I would also like my super slow (1/3" a month or 4 in a year) growth to be faster. Even if I only get 1/2" a month, that's still an improvement.
^^^ Who did you order from and how much did it cost? I see you're in Texas too.

I ordered from earthworkshealth.com. I got a 10 lb bag. It cost me $14.00 but they charge a grip for shipping. So in all I paid $27.20. It's all good though. I could afford it. If all goes well with the 10 lb bag. I'll order the 50 lb bag that costs $27.50. Should last a while.
I was taking my tablespoon of DE with juice, but have recently changed to water. I think it's better with water (but, i don't know specifically why).
I was taking my tablespoon of DE with juice, but have recently changed to water. I think it's better with water (but, i don't know specifically why).

Do you mean taste wise? DE is a bit drying and nothing hydrates better than water. I plan to take mine with 8 oz of water twice a day.
The name of this stuff reminds me of an L. Ron Hubbard SciFi book commercial from when I was a kid :lol:.
okay. My package has arrived. I tried it, not too bad. Gave some to my cat also. I will document my growth, just for the hair portion since there aren't too many pictures on the net. I'm looking forward to experiencing many of the health benefits as well. I can't tell if it's giving me energy or not because I drink FRS Healthy Energy and that keeps me going all day! Hopefully, I'll have some good news on Monday!
I should be getting my delivery today as well! The snow slowed down delivery time. Maybe we will start at the same time and can document our progress together!

I think that this would be a great idea. I may start taking mine on Sunday or Monday coming though. I am trying to finish off some other vitamins that I don't want to cross over into my use of DE.
I decided to take a couple of tablespoons of DE powder and put it into 32 oz of water, and then I'll wait for it to settle, then take 8oz drinks from it (not ingesting the mud), and repeat this process over and over for a few months, then change out the soot. I think this will help me more than ingesting the whole teaspoons in OJ daily. Will update.
Thanks to adw425 :kiss::kiss:, I added a heaping tablespoon of DE in my deep conditioner this past Sunday and I was amazed at how I experienced relatively little breakage. The shedding was cut down substantially as well, and I only comb on wash days, which are every Sunday. I'm going to continue to add DE to my deep conditioners and may add to my co-washes as well. I'm trying to get through a 6-month stretch. :yep:
Can this be purchased locally?
The shipping was as much as a 10lb bag.

I'm interested in energy, clean colon, de-worming, lightening dark spots, overall skin benefits and any other hair benefits.

I want to know this as well, it doesnt make since how much shipping is?!?
Oh, BTW. I started taking mine in chocolate milk. Works a lot better for me because it's already kinda thick and I can't taste it in the milk.
Oh, BTW. I started taking mine in chocolate milk. Works a lot better for me because it's already kinda thick and I can't taste it in the milk.

Doesn't that kinda kill the thrill? :look: That's a lot of grams of sugar you'll be ingesting from chocolate milk as well. You shouldn't be able to taste DE at all anyway. Just throwing this out there :drunk:
Started taking mine 4 days ago-thought it would make me regular but havent used the bathroom since...I have to tinkle alot because of all the water I drink but I was hoping to do the #2...I have food grade from earthworks...
Day 1: I ingested my first serving last night. I just added a tablespoon to some tea. I drank all of it. I will try the water thing later, not too interested in doing it right now.

Last night my tummy was making a lot of noises when I laid down to sleep. I slept like a baby too!
Update: Ive been getting such good sleep. Last night I took Aloe vera, chlorella, and MSM (as usual) and I was out like a light. I didnt hear my phone at ALL when I got notifications and stuff. My tummy is flatter and I dont eat as much. I also eliminate easily and sometimes twice a day (since I started taking DE).

This is so good to hear what brand are you using? I want to sleep like a baby
I am so excited about this regarding removing toxins, virus, hair growth, killing worms which steals all our nutrients, etc. Someone posted to make sure we get the right brand how would we know can you guys post which brand is working for you I am pushing towards Earthworks please respone before I order this afternoon thanks for all your help.