Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

For those of you who have been taking it for a few months, have you noticed changes in your hair texture? One lady here claimed that it significantly loosened her natural hair texture. She was relaxed but she had some new growth that she claimed came in looser. She stopped taking it bc she didn't like that it changed her texture.

I for one will definitely take it if it loosens my curl pattern. It'll be easier to stretch and tame my hair. I've only been on DE one week. I'm 3 weeks post now. I'll come back when I'm 6 weeks post bc that's when I can really tell I have new growth. I'll be sure to come back and report if I have any changes in my texture.
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Ok ladies I have a question regarding diatomaceous earth is there a visual difference between food grade and pool grade? I know it will be labeled but will I be able to tell the difference say if I have both together without labels?
Woah, check out this growth:


I'll have to track her posts to when she first started using it but I remember it helped her with her asthma, also.

Thank you for so much for posting this, Sheba! I've been taking 1 TBSP of DE with 1 TSP of Zeolite for 12 days and I have had some seriously crazy hair growth...which I'm happy with but also a little disturbed:spinning:...I mean this can't be natural, can it?!?:perplexed
I'd love to see a poll of the average NG while taking DE over a period of months.
I started taking DE two days ago. I've take a tablespoon spread throughout the day in a protein shake. I don't worry about taking it this way since farmers mix it with feed for their livestock.

Anyhow, yesterday I noticed that my circulation was much improved and my hands and feet (normally icicles) were hot hot hot!

And last night I slept like a log and woke up without my alarm feeling great only 7 hours later. I can't wait to see what other changes I see in the coming months.

Oh, and I got 6 pounds of perma-gaurd brand for $18 and free shipping from Valchemy on ebay.
I started taking DE two days ago. I've take a tablespoon spread throughout the day in a protein shake. I don't worry about taking it this way since farmers mix it with feed for their livestock.

Anyhow, yesterday I noticed that my circulation was much improved and my hands and feet (normally icicles) were hot hot hot!

And last night I slept like a log and woke up without my alarm feeling great only 7 hours later. I can't wait to see what other changes I see in the coming months.

Oh, and I got 6 pounds of perma-gaurd brand for $18 and free shipping from Valchemy on ebay.

I just ordered mine from the same place.

After lurking in the thread and doing some research, I finally decided to jump out there and buy it. Not just for growth benefits but for health. Me and dh will be starting this. I can't wait to get it. :grin:
I just ordered mine from the same place.

After lurking in the thread and doing some research, I finally decided to jump out there and buy it. Not just for growth benefits but for health. Me and dh will be starting this. I can't wait to get it. :grin:

That's great, RockCreak!

They ship quickly, too. Mine shipped next day and arrived two days later.

Diatomaceous Earth for the Treatment of dangerous strains of E. coli?

"E. coli are our friends: living in our intestines, they help digest our food and supply us with vitamin K. But there is an ugly strain of E. coli,that kills more than 200 people each year in the United States. These bacteria normally reside in the intestines of cattle; they reach humans through contaminated beef - as in the case of the outbreak that killed four people in Seattle in January 1993. (The source of infection was traced to a single fast-food chain.) The bacteria seeps through the damaged lining into the bloodstream. Kidney failute occurs within four to five days. Antibiotics are ineffective: they work by rupturing the bacteria, which only accelerate the spread of the toxin.
The University of Alberta has devised a way to stop the toxin in its tracks. They have created a decoy that holds off the toxin until the body can build up anti bodies to the bacteria, which takes about a week. Armstrong's decoys are made of sugar molecules. Each decoy is joined to a bit of diatomaceous earth porous sand that consists of the tiny skeletons of diatoms, which are a type of plankton. When the patient drinks the gritty fluid containing the decoys, the toxin molecules bind to the decoys and are then excreted along with the indigestible (diatomaceous) sand particles.
The decoy has already been tested on healthy volunteers with no ill effects. In clinical trials now under way in Canada, it is being used to treat children infected with toxic E. coli. (Children are particularly vulnerable to the toxin, apparently because their kidney cells carry more receptors for it than do the kidney cells of adults.)"

For the link click here

I love the way they describe what DE is in that link, also. They describe it as fossilized algae. So that makes sense, right? That it does so much good for our bodies? I mean, look at the chlorella thread and the use of spirulina and other algaes. Pretty cool...
Thank you for so much for posting this, Sheba! I've been taking 1 TBSP of DE with 1 TSP of Zeolite for 12 days and I have had some seriously crazy hair growth...which I'm happy with but also a little disturbed:spinning:...I mean this can't be natural, can it?!?:perplexed
I'd love to see a poll of the average NG while taking DE over a period of months.

What is Zeolite?
Preface: maybe a little TMI, but since we are all sharing...:look:
I have been taking DE for a couple of weeks now, first as a tsp daily in juice THEN I did the dilute method, described in an older post. I have been noticing that I either cough up a lot of mucus in the morning or expelling it via the "South Pole". I wasn't sure what was going on between that and the floating stools, but know I see it's the DE. I don't feel so bad. I will just have to stick it out a little while longer. I thinking drinking the herbal tea instead of taking the vitamins will help this as well. Oh, I have had some decent hair growth and retention, no magical inches; but it is helping my technique out.
Hmmm...I just don't know...I am just as skeptical as the next person but I just relaxed my hair bone straight on 2/3 and now I have some wave pattern (it's a little bit but dang) - I even had my husband check my hair wet and dry to make sure I wasn't going crazy...I have been taking the DE since the 2nd week in February ....

I have baby fine hair and normally -I don't see any type of growth until I am about 5 to 6 weeks into my relaxer - I will be 3 weeks on the 24th...

I will be checking again in couple of days when I wash my hair again to make sure I am not trippin' ...

Just thought I would share...
Hmmm...I just don't know...I am just as skeptical as the next person but I just relaxed my hair bone straight on 2/3 and now I have some wave pattern (it's a little bit but dang) - I even had my husband check my hair wet and dry to make sure I wasn't going crazy...I have been taking the DE since the 2nd week in February ....

I have baby fine hair and normally -I don't see any type of growth until I am about 5 to 6 weeks into my relaxer - I will be 3 weeks on the 24th...

I will be checking again in couple of days when I wash my hair again to make sure I am not trippin' ...

Just thought I would share...

I know how you feel! As I was doing my twists (on wet hair) yesterday, I was like - dang this is taking longer that usual! I am definitely seeing some growth. I should pull out my ruler and take official measurements, but I don't want to jinx it.
^^^ I took an official measurement of my bangs on the 19th. They were 2 inches past my lower lip. I set an alarm in my phone to take another measurement in a month. I'll report back next month. Hope my growth rate has increased by then. :crossfingers:
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As long as the kind you have is food grade DE it is good for killing roaches and safe for human consumption. < Looks silly when you see it written out.
how can it kill roaches but be good for humans...I realize we're not roaches but wouldn't that make it toxic? Just curious as this sounds really cool to include for overall health along with my chlorella.:grin:....off to do more research.
^^^ I took and official measurement of my bangs on the 19th. They were 2 inches past my lower lip. I set an alarm in my phone to take another measurement in a month. I'll report back next month. Hope my growth rate has increased by then. :crossfingers:

Alright, alright, stop twisting my arm! :lachen:

I'll do an "official" measurement tonight (I might even take a pic) and do re-measurements at 2 weeks and 4 weeks. Let's see if this is for real.

Anybody else want to join in??
Anyone buy a 50lb bag of Perma Guard? If so, what does the front of the bag say? Lol, no, I didn't buy a 50lb bag.
I mixed some DE in a gallon of spring water to make some of that silica oxide water that was mentioned earlier. Today, I got the bright idea to mix a little of that silica rich water (been sitting with DE in it since yesterday) in with some Silicon Mix con and do a DC with it. My hair is sooooo soft! :heart: I mean, really amazing.
The more I research the better this stuff sounds. Be careful sheba1^^^ I was reading in another thread on long hair community and it makes sense...that there are little shards in there. That's what cuts up the exoskeleton of the ants and other critters. You don't want little shards tearing away at your hair. It may not be great to do over a long period of time (you may notice damage). I could be wrong, but it does make sense that that is a possiblity. In your system it seems fine as we need to have the intestinal lining cleansed and it sort of "buffs" in there. But you don't want your hair "buffed".
^^^never mind re read and saw that it dehydrates them. Not sure how it doesn't dehydrate us...will continue research.

Hi LD...out of the crazy research that I have done on this - it does stipulate to stay hydrated - so if one already drinks..let's say 64 oz a day that should suffice...
Hi ladies. This all sounds really interesting. I've skipped over this thread for so long, but came in because I was a bit bored but not yet sleepy - glad I did!.

Prior to reading all I knew about DE was that it could cause lung cancer (as can anything that aggravates te lungs). But I'm really excited about all of the overall health benefits. I'm thinking about taking a silica supplement. Right now, I have some horsetail to use up.

Anyway, I'm wondering if someone can tell me what oter necessary minerals/nutrients that are in the DE besides silica. I would do it, but it's hard to navigate multiple websites from my cell.

Thanx in advance ladies. Good luck on your journeys.
some testimonials I found online:

From Rhonda V. studio36****@aol.com, December 31, 2009

I wanted to report in on my experience with DE. I purchased 200 lbs from your company at the beginning of the year. I started using it right away for pest control and didn't start adding it to my food for a several months because I was skeptical. The more I researched it - the more I realized that, as weird as it sounds, there must be something to it. I thought I would first give it to my 3 German Shepherds and see what happened. Within a few weeks their coats completely changed. Their fur texture changed from coarse to soft and their black coloring shined. Also, the shedding was greatly reduced.
My 6 year old male was starting to slow down and after about 4 months of eating it - his energy and stamina are like it was when he was 3. I wanted to point out that these are dogs who were already eating quality nutrients. I feed mostly raw grass-fed beef (not always - but mostly) and put chia seeds, coconut or olive oil and live algae in their food - so they were already being fed better than most pets, or people for that matter.

So the fact that there was a noticeable difference in them was very impressive. This convinced me to add it to my regime. Before I added the DE, I had also have been eating the chia, algae and coconut oil for about 6 months - so I thought I was pretty nutritionally sound. I put a scoop in my chia water and about 2 weeks later I could tell a difference in my skin. It is so hydrated and moist that, if you scratch it with your fingernail and try to leave a scratch mark, you can't. I read on a testimonial that it takes away sunspots - so I started watching mine - I had a lot [of sunspots] because I have been a sun worshipper my whole life (42 years). It took a few months but they started going away. Now it has been about 6 months since I started eating DE and they are almost all gone. Everyone who has known me for some time is asking me if I have had work done because they say I look better than I ever have, and I get comments about my skin from people that I have just met. They want to know why it looks so good and ask me what kind of make up I use. The funny thing is, I actually stopped wearing make up and I look better than when I did. Go figure - at 42?

Also my foot pain (plantar faceitis) that I had on-and-off for about 3 years, and had become chronic, stopped after a few months. I was having to go to the podiatrist every other week for cortisone shots in my heels and had to take 800 mg of ibuprofen 2-3x/day.

I had 2 knee surgeries on my right knee - one, a reconstruction 15 years ago and was having chronic knee aching and weakness and now, that is gone as well.

This stuff is truly a miracle and definitely something that our bodies need and is missing from our diets even when supplementing. I hope this information is useful and I hope everyone that reads this at least gives it to their pets. Their diets are so bad, unless they are being supplemented, and they are eating a lot of raw food. DE will do so much to enhance and preserve the health of pets and it is so inexpensive, yet does so much. They will live a much healthier, and I am sure, longer life.

From Larry A., Sterling KS, ldean**@*****mail.com, August 23, 2008

I see you're waiting to get some testimonials from people who are taking DE themselves. Well, fasten your seat belt and be ready to pick your chin up off the table!!

I had never heard of Diatomaceous Earth until I read an article on our local area paper, The Rocket, about its use for pest control and being totally nontoxic. It sparked my interest, so I got on the internet, and there I was for 5 days!! I could hardly believe what I was reading. I was skeptical at first, but decided to give it a try and ordered 50 lbs. of it. We started taking one heaping tablespoon a day June 23, 2008.

I had been in great pain from lower back (I blew out the bottom 4 vertabrete in 2002) for about 3 weeks prior, and right knee had been trying to lock up on me, also causing great pain. On the THIRD day, I realized when I raised up off the ground that I was completely pain free, both back and knee!! And have not had any pain from either since! About a week later, I realized that my skin, which has looked like a dried up river bed for the past 15 years or so, was soft and actually shiny!

I drug my finger nails up my arm, and lo and behold----NO CHALK LINES!! AND, I FEEL GREAT!

I decided that people needed to know about DE, so I set out to find 24 people who were willing to listen for a while about it, and if they decide they want to try it, I supply them for three months, and at the end of the 3 months they pay me for the DE with a written testimonial of their DE experience, good or bad. My first "DE Buddy" was my mail lady. As we visited about it, she told me her father had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 or 3 weeks prior. In my research, I found that cancer cannot survive in a body sufficient in silica, and the the 1939 Nobel Prize winner proved, scientifically, that life on this earth could not/would not exist, if not for silica. So, she convinced her father to try it, taking 1 heaping tablespoon, twice a day (AM and PM). He'd been taking DE about 12 days when he had the next blood test done for cancer cell count, but there was no change. On the next blood test just this last week, his count went from 8 down to 4!! And he's only been taking it for about two months!! This is, of course, the kind of news that makes the tears roll! The joy in her face and heart was just plain overwhelming. And do you know what it costs me to supply him daily with 2 heaping tablespoons? About $.032!! What would the bill have been, both in the check book and the body, if he'd gone ahead with chemo? An un-Godly amount!! And, she has lost 7 pounds, and has not changed her diet!

I could go on for hours about DE and it's health benefits. I have read testimonials and university studies on it.... The good news is spreading, and let's all keep it going that way! People need to know about DE. We live in a toxic world these days, chemicals in the ground, in the air and in the food we consume. And our bodies are paying the ultimate price for it.

So, do yourself a huge favor, and get some DE ASAP! You will not regret it one little bit!
Hi ladies. This all sounds really interesting. I've skipped over this thread for so long, but came in because I was a bit bored but not yet sleepy - glad I did!.

Prior to reading all I knew about DE was that it could cause lung cancer (as can anything that aggravates te lungs). But I'm really excited about all of the overall health benefits. I'm thinking about taking a silica supplement. Right now, I have some horsetail to use up.

Anyway, I'm wondering if someone can tell me what oter necessary minerals/nutrients that are in the DE besides silica. I would do it, but it's hard to navigate multiple websites from my cell.

Thanx in advance ladies. Good luck on your journeys.

other ingredients/minerals are:

calcuim magnesium,sodium,potassium,copper,zinc,iron,phosphorous and selenium
Hi ladies. This all sounds really interesting. I've skipped over this thread for so long, but came in because I was a bit bored but not yet sleepy - glad I did!.

Prior to reading all I knew about DE was that it could cause lung cancer (as can anything that aggravates te lungs). But I'm really excited about all of the overall health benefits. I'm thinking about taking a silica supplement. Right now, I have some horsetail to use up.

Anyway, I'm wondering if someone can tell me what oter necessary minerals/nutrients that are in the DE besides silica. I would do it, but it's hard to navigate multiple websites from my cell.

Thanx in advance ladies. Good luck on your journeys.

I would like to chime in to say that if you want a rich source of silica, you should use bamboo supplements. Horsetail maybe only has 5-10% natural silica while bamboo supplements have about 70%
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