Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

I haven't read the whole thread just some pages. I really want to get this. Is there any side effects besides breakouts and constipation? TIA

Speaking for myself, a slight headache the first few days was the only other thing I've noticed. (so far)

I've been so inconsistent with taking mine. I dislike the chalk taste and the added constipation on top of me already being constipated, was a bit much. Coconut oil really helps.

Any of you ladies notice hair growth?

I feel like my hair is growing, I'm 6 weeeks post and I have a sea of ng. However I'm in the Sulfur challenge and I use Ayurveda. The test will be post relaxer. I will be able to better gauge it, since I already know how much growth I'm getting from these 2.:yep:
I took this for 3 days and felt awful.

My skin turned grey and dehydrated.

I urinated constantly the 2nd night I had to go at least 6 times. 2 BM's nothing out of the ordinary and a mild headache but it was a different kind of headache. A short burst of energy that lasted about 2 hours followed by extremely tiredness the remainder of the day. I felt like or maybe I just thought that this stuff was or could be very damaging to my organs, so I got off.
I rarely drink juice, but I'll try DE in iced green tea. Maybe that'll work. Thanks for the feedback. Anybody else see hair growth results?
I put a heaping teaspoon full in a small bottle of apple juice in the morning. I then drink this as my mid afternoon snack. I honestly don't taste a bit of chalkiness. Its funny because I can see the chalk, but I can't feel it as I drink.
I took this for 3 days and felt awful.

My skin turned grey and dehydrated.

I urinated constantly the 2nd night I had to go at least 6 times. 2 BM's nothing out of the ordinary and a mild headache but it was a different kind of headache. A short burst of energy that lasted about 2 hours followed by extremely tiredness the remainder of the day. I felt like or maybe I just thought that this stuff was or could be very damaging to my organs, so I got off.

Hey GN1G!

Just a few things for reference...

1) DE can be dehydrating so you must consume a lot of water while taking it. It will cause constipation if you are not properly hydrated.
2) It is also a diurectic.
3) In reference to the extreme tiredness and grey skin, possibly the mild headaches... Possible DEtox symptoms (i.e. die off bad organisms in your body, etc.)

Another reason for the tiredness could be from the calcium contained in DE. Years ago I used to take calcium pills before bed. That stuff would put me out so fast I didn't even have time to think about going to sleep.

How much were you taking per day?
The first 2 days I took about 1/2 teaspoon the third day I took a teaspoon.

Hey GN1G!

Just a few things for reference...

1) DE can be dehydrating so you must consume a lot of water while taking it. It will cause constipation if you are not properly hydrated.
2) It is also a diurectic.
3) In reference to the extreme tiredness and grey skin, possibly the mild headaches... Possible DEtox symptoms (i.e. die off bad organisms in your body, etc.)

Another reason for the tiredness could be from the calcium contained in DE. Years ago I used to take calcium pills before bed. That stuff would put me out so fast I didn't even have time to think about going to sleep.

How much were you taking per day?
gn1g how much water are you drinking per day? I have read five hundred plus post on here about de and your one of the few that has had such adverse side effects. I think it may be that your not drinking enough water. BellaLunie earthworkshealth is a very reputable company. I just ordered 4 2.5 gallon jugs of de, they have super fast shipping, recieved my order in a few days! Sent some to my daughter in Fla and she got hers fast as well as a friend in Md.
Probably has to do with the dose. How much are you taking?

I'm not measuring so its not exact but I'm guessing its between 1 to 1.5 tablespoons in water each day. I'm putting it into a water bottle and refilling during the day.

BTW, I tried the DE mask about an hour ago and I like it. My skin felt smooth and a little tight. Next time I'll be sure to use less water. I was trying to use a minimal amount but messed that up and ended up with a soupy looking mixture. It still worked though. I applied it with a foundation brush that I use to apply my clay mask. Some of it dripped on my clothes because it was so watery but, after applying multiple coats, my face was covered with a thin white mask. The only weird thing was that it would flake off my face if I blinked or did something minimal like that. Hopefully it won't do that next time if I can get the consistency right.
I guess I'm like gn1g. The DE is not giving me any energy. It has decreased my appetite, I'm sleepy at night, and wake early in the morning but I never have any energy. I wake up before my alarm clock but I have to drag myself out of bed (this is not a change). I was hoping for a burst of energy.
Hey Slick - what did you do to lose the weight last summer?

I did the Jorge Cruise diet. It's all in the reduction of SUGAR grams. It worked like a charm. Lost the weight in July and kept it off until February when I started on some new multi-vits and the DE. (admittedly, I may have also been fudging my sugar habit more)

But, I highly recommend it. There's a thread on it in the Health and Fitness forum.
Urgh. I upped my doseage to the 1tbsp a few days back because I didn't know a tsp wasn't enough.

Last night I had a loada gas and I started getting palpitations of the heart too. I panicked and called the ambulance then just tried to eliminate the masses of gas:look:
I finally went to sleep still with occasional palpitation. This morning felt better but when I did a bit of exercise my heart went haywire again. I am supposed to go to the hospital but I really don't want to. This has made me suspicious of the DE in my case. I do see many people have reported heart pain that is linked with stomach problems, gas and acid reflux but it has not been proven scientifically.
Urgh. I upped my doseage to the 1tbsp a few days back because I didn't know a tsp wasn't enough.

Last night I had a loada gas and I started getting palpitations of the heart too. I panicked and called the ambulance then just tried to eliminate the masses of gas:look:
I finally went to sleep still with occasional palpitation. This morning felt better but when I did a bit of exercise my heart went haywire again. I am supposed to go to the hospital but I really don't want to. This has made me suspicious of the DE in my case. I do see many people have reported heart pain that is linked with stomach problems, gas and acid reflux but it has not been proven scientifically.

Heart palpitations can be considered a detox syptom (or possibly a sign that you're dealing with parasites, too).

Other detox sympstoms include; weight loss, emotional upset or depression, skin eruptions, bowel changes (from loose stools and excessive gas to constipation and even cramps), headaches, achy or flu like symptoms, body odor, cravings or hunger and fatigue. I'm sure you I may missing some more stuff hopefully you get the point.

If your body is harboring something harmful DE is going to draw it out.
I am doing 1 tsp over the course of the day for the silica. Any more than that will have me doing #2 too much (four times a day is enough, isn't it?).
Update on my personal DE experiences....

Noticing a reduction in my keratosis pilaris...:grin:
Still dealing with skin eruptions but in constrast skin is still improving...:spinning:
Battling with a bit of fatigue but not like before DE... :yawn:
Still loving the hardness of my nails... :yep:

I've been taking 1-2 tbsp of DE a day in my iced green tea w/ lemon. :lick:
However, I still need to up my water consumption. :rolleyes:
I'm thinking about starting back tomorrow. I won't be taking a tablespoon, I will decrease it to 1 teaspoon for about 2 weeks then maybe go back up.

It did have my blood pressure in check, and I notice it creeping back up to borderline high. It did help me sleep like a rock and I did wake up before the alarm went off.

I think there is some still in my system from over a week or so ago. :look:
gn1g how much water are you drinking per day? I have read five hundred plus post on here about de and your one of the few that has had such adverse side effects. I think it may be that your not drinking enough water. BellaLunie earthworkshealth is a very reputable company. I just ordered 4 2.5 gallon jugs of de, they have super fast shipping, recieved my order in a few days! Sent some to my daughter in Fla and she got hers fast as well as a friend in Md.

I drank a gallon each day.
I have some eczema on my cheeks so I thought I would try a DE mask. Well the little dry scaly patches on my cheeks are clearing up but my face broke out on the nose and between the eyebrows :blush:. I can't seem to win for losing. :nono:

I'm going to assume that this is part of the detox and keep it moving.

F.Y.I. I went to the Dr last week...my systolic BP was down :yep: but my diastolic BP was up :wallbash:. My BP was 1110/90 :nono:. I'm not sure why it was up my weight was even down. Everything was down but that darn diastolic BP. :perplexed...well I will keep working on it.
I had taken a 3 day break from taking my DE. I didn't do this on purpose. I simply forgot to take it but I amback on it.

I have noticed that I lost 3 lbs without exercise or dieting in the 3 weeks that I have been taking it, so I will continiue it again today and see if I'll lose anymore weight.

This alone is good news for me and my nails strength is also improving too thankfully. I have no idea what effect it has on with my hair though.
Heart palpitations can be considered a detox syptom (or possibly a sign that you're dealing with parasites, too).

Other detox sympstoms include; weight loss, emotional upset or depression, skin eruptions, bowel changes (from loose stools and excessive gas to constipation and even cramps), headaches, achy or flu like symptoms, body odor, cravings or hunger and fatigue. I'm sure you I may missing some more stuff hopefully you get the point.

If your body is harboring something harmful DE is going to draw it out.

Thanks so much x
I had taken a 3 day break from taking my DE. I didn't do this on purpose. I simply forgot to take it but I amback on it.

I have noticed that I lost 3 lbs without exercise or dieting in the 3 weeks that I have been taking it, so I will continiue it again today and see if I'll lose anymore weight.

This alone is good news for me and my nails strength is also improving too thankfully. I have no idea what effect it has on with my hair though.

:yep: I notice the weight seems to be falling off nicely. I'm also drinking ACV in one of my glasses of water throughout the day.

DE is helping me to lose the stubborn "pooch" and backfat.

At this point I could care less about hair growth.:lachen:

ETA: I'm not dieting, but I am exercising. However the weight loss from the DE was noticeable the first week of using it.:yep:
Is there anyone that is taking three tablespoons a day? And if your taking more than one tablespoon, did you see any improvement with taking more?
Fell off my DE regimen of 1.5 teaspoon every other day last week. I missed a whole week! Darn. Well, back on the horse tomorrow morning. So far, so good. I noticed a change in my energy level (it tanked more than usual) when I fell off. Back to basics! I'm loving what it's doing for detoxing my body, as well as helping teeth, hair, nails (body uses silica in place of calcium if calcium is low). So DE has so many benefits. I love it!
Yeah!! My face is clearing up!! Some of the bumps are going away and they are definitely not as itchy as they were on Saturday!T

I'm only taking one tablespoon/day. I'm not sure if I want to go up to two (I'm having a hard enough time remember to do the one :ohwell:).
I just read ALL the posts, watched the video and placed my order...I really am interested in the health benefits of this and if I get any inches in hair growth...well that's just the icing on the cake! :)
Is there anyone that is taking three tablespoons a day? And if your taking more than one tablespoon, did you see any improvement with taking more?

I take up 3 tbsp (but 2 minimum). I know for sure it will cause you to detox faster. But I noticed a great improvement in my nails after bumping up my dosage. They are literally hard as rocks! In addition, my eyes have become brighter.
My nails are growing!!! I can't believe it. No really ya'll just don't know. I have the type of nails that break once it grows over the nail bed. I think it was due to the acrylics and my nails were never the same after I stopped torturing them. I haven't had nails like this since I was pregnant.