Describe your hair at the start of your journey.


New Member
For inspiration, I'd like to ask you ladies to describe your hair at the start of your journey. What was the length and condition. I'm feeling furstrated with some damaged end so I'd like to see some of you beautiful haired ladies tell about your beginnings.

Mine was a mess. Broken off ends, extreme heat damage from flat ironing constantly. It was very dry and fragile, terribly uneven...

I couldn't get past the idea that my hair was ugly and frizzy. When I was a child I didn't know any natural haired black women or girls. I honestly thought they all had naturally straight hair and something was really wrong with mine and my sisters.:(

It wasn't until I cut off many inches of damaged hair and started washing frequently and avoiding all heat that my hair started to improve.
TORE THE HECK UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP let me take that back THIRSTY looking hair like its been in Death Valley for a week. I was always worried about CUTE HAIR and not healthy hair. Then reality kicked in and I started going to a salon that cared more HAIR HEALTH than being on the cover of a magazine with HARD AS NAILS SPRITZ'd up up'do's.

I never thought my hair could grow past neck length and it has and I plan to keep this GOING for as long as I can. I stopped running to the creamy crack so often and wore more styles to protect my hair and then began LURKING on this site as well as Reneice's fotki and got inspired really quick and now Im on my way.

My hair isnt LONGGGG YET but its HEALTHY and HYDRATED and Im happy about that. :D
I have not reached all of my goals, but I have been on my journey for about 8 months. I have to say this is the longest and thickest my hair has been.....since I can remember. Last year I curled my hair daily,relaxed my hair 10 times,never moisturized. I look forward for what tomorrow will bring for my hair journey.hhg
Dry, split ends, broke when I heat styled, or sometimes even when I combed or brushed it. Never got past around shoulder length, it just broke off.
My hair has always been thick and full of body, but everytime it grew to a little past shoulder length I would get see through ends. I would then have to do a big trim to get it full to the ends again. My hair was really dry, and I didn't know how to take care of it. I thought oil sheen was a moisturizer. So at the start of my hair journey I had just gotten another big start over chop to chin/neck length.
Well, I just started my hair journey and much to my dismay, my hair AIN'T long yet. Put it this way...have you ever seen a dessert? That's how my hair was. I joined this site in July and immediately started co-washing and bunning. I then got braids (though advised not to by some ladies on this board--listen to them!!!!) in an attempt to protective style. Unfortunately, the braids were too tight, and I did not take care of them as I should have. As a result, my hair was really tore up.

Nevertheless, after many tears, I trimmed off about 2 inches (back to nape of neck length) and decided to start over FOR REAL this time. Yesterday marked the start of my journey. We can work together if you'd like. I know that it will be hard, but so many women on this board had tore up hair that is nice and flowing. Stay album will be posted soon.
I think this is a wonderful, inspiring thread! I too am just begining the hair journey. I'm a hair stylist but as you all know, they don't teach you how to truly CARE for the hair, just do it! I've always managed to take wonderful care of other's hair, except my own. It just seems that no one else had hair as coarse as mine.

Long story short, my hair was:
roots so wiry that they would break on contact
end so dry they would break on contact
and never had hair reach my shoulders

Now with the addition of helpful oils and other stuff, I'm getting comfortable with my own hair. However I have a looonnng way to go! I officially started in June 06. :)
I'm a newbie and just started @ 3 weeks go myself, but I can promise you, no one on here hair from the beginning is as jacked up as mine. We are speaking of THIN, FRIED, SPLIT, SHORT, BROKEN, HARD, UNDERPROCESSED, OVERPROCESSED, NAPE practically BALD. You know how they have the feature of the month for the best hair- mine would be for the worst.- no seriously. When I look at those who started out- NONE compared to how I started out. But the best thing of when you catch hold of a site like this is the wealth of knowledge and support to go through. Trust me, I know how frustrating it is and patience is key.

Don't be hard on yourself, There's no room to go but up. I'm going to keep you as a favorite because I will keep you posted on my progress. I'm waiting for some pics to develop now.( no web cam or digital cam yet)

I can honestly say in the 3 weeks I have been applying a regimine, my hair has had about 150% remarkable improvement. It's remarkable. I have 3/4 inch growth and it's getting softer and ends are silkier thanks to the baggie. My damage is getting under control and my nape is filling in.

Bottom line- stick with it. You'll see
I had finally gotten my hair back on track, after having had to cut off 7" due to overprocessing and damage by my last hairdresser. Every time I would go to a hairdresser they wanted to use me to experiment on with new cuts. My hair is very fine and soft. They would process to long. I am extremely tenderheaded, it would take painkillers for me to sit there and let them pull my hair tight in rollers etc.

It was a cycle of grow, grow, grow, let hairdresser destroy (because they are the professionals they know best). After the last hairdresser over processed me, cut my hair 3" every time I had an appointment, and ripped my hair and scalp to shreds with untipped bobby pins I had had enough.

I started wearing my hair up. It grew like wildfire and I started looking on the internet to find out how to better take care of it.
Here I am.

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nomoweavesfome said:
I'm a newbie and just started @ 3 weeks go myself, but I can promise you, no one on here hair from the beginning is as jacked up as mine. We are speaking of THIN, FRIED, SPLIT, SHORT, BROKEN, HARD, UNDERPROCESSED, OVERPROCESSED, NAPE practically BALD.

This totally describes me too! I too, just began this journey about 3 weeks ago. I really just stumbled across this board doing some searches on hair care, and I've been addicted to this board ever since. All the ladies here are truly an inspiration.

I always thought my hair "couldn't grow", but now I'm inspired that I can do something about it. My hair has always been no longer than to the bottom of my neck, and always felt like hay. The past 3 weeks I've been taking some tips found here, bought me some products, and boy, my hair has never felt like this--soft, manageable, great. I think through stretching my relaxers and avoiding heat I can achieve my goals...thanks to all! :D
clairol hydrience 52 blk pearl.jpgbefore

back in 2003 my hair was 3 inches all around, broken damaged and dry due to a bad weave (the first and last timme ill ever wear one).
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Lots of ladies here use curl activator or spray to keep hair moist, use vaseline or oils to protect their ends. Some use the Crown & Glory (braids) method to get their hair on track. There are many different things the women here do but it all hinges on careful treatment, being healthy, moisture, and staying away from stylists who always want to cut off your progress.

It is important to treat your hair well. Comb GENTLY with a wide tooth comb to detangle. ABSOLUTELY NO RIPPING ALLOWED. Many of us only detangle in the shower when the hair is saturated with conditioner.
A lot of us here no longer brush, many brushes rip up the hair. If you brush don't do it while hair is wet and use a natural (boar) bristle brush.

There are many reviews as to safe and unsafe ingredients in hair products. What will dry the hair. What will moisten, what will strengthen (protein) etc. Read these and compare your products.

Also people here will list their hairtypes and textures. This is great because the products that work on someone with your same hair type may have a better chance of working for you.

Always protect your hair at night. Like with a satin scarf or pillow case.
It may be of an advantage to start off with a fresh cut if your ends are all split and beyond help. This will only make it easier for you since the splits will not be getting any worse.

I hope this info is helpful
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Below Shoulder Length, Thick, Relaxed, and seemingly healthy evn though it i stopped getting alot of growth.

Now I'm the same length natural with highlights. No stunt in gowth yet.
At the beginning of my hair journey my hair was broken off, shedding like no one's business. I remember when I use to comb my hair, it use to be all over my bathroom. When I was out and about, it was all over my clothes and car. My hair was really damaged.

My longest length was to my shoulders and some weren't. Check out my fotki album, you'll see. It was bad:mad: :eek:
my hair was a mess, it was breaking and soooooo thin and i had no length, i started taking care of my hair at the beginning of the year after stumbling upon another hair forum, since taking better care of my hair it has done a 360. it took a lot of patience and i grew my hair out alot with cornrows and keeping my scalp clean.
Before I cut my hair, it was in pretty good condition (minus the split ends) and was near BSL. Hopefully I can get back to this length and pass it :)
I've haven't started my journey yet, but now my hair is a real mess, tangles easyly, split ends everywhere, front all broken, matted ends, dry, brittle. Look at my album, I'm not proud at all. :(
Dry.... very thin..... weak and brittle..... everytime I combed my hair lots of little, broken hairs on the back of my shirt and the floor....... limp....... short...... :(
Severely damaged (HEAT:eek: ), brittle, breakage, different lengths:( extremely dry (=itchy scalp and dandruff even:eek: )...
The best way I can desribe it is a HOT MESS!! MY hair was SO damaged and DRY as the desert from the constant heat I used, my ends were just plain raggedy and to think I held onto those raggedy ends because they were giving me a lil bit of length, I shudder to think about my hair 3 years ago when I started, Im just glad I did something about it.
My hair was horrible when I first started my jouney. It was overprocessed, dry and abused. The only thing that save my hair was that I started using children's relaxers, since I relaxed myself, it saved me a lot of damage! I have a picture below. You can see where I still held on to the damaged, overprocessed hair. My hair did well until I decided to switch relaxers, then it all went down hill. I decided to transistion, failed and transistioned again and now I'm 100% natural.

19 May 2003


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My hair was in horrible condition. I had a big bald spot in the middle of my head and on both sides of the front. It was uneven. probably about neck lenght. My damage was do to extensions and applying the relaxer on my previously relaxed hair. I would also relax my hair and then apply extensions right after.