den1's gonna cut her hair? (vent)


Well-Known Member
No kidding too!!!
I've already chopped 3 inches off the ends due to breakage.
I'm seriously thinking of starting over again. Ever since i allowed different stylists mess with my hair it has accentuated problem after problem. My virgin hair was underprocessed in dec 2003, I went back for corrective, the stylist left the relaxer on hair too long, to my horror the middle sections of hair were still terribly underproceesed causing extreme brittleness and serious end breakage, i spent months getting my hair on track, only to have another stylist straighten my new-growth instead of texturizing. In September 2003, my sister corrects the underprocessed areas for 5 minutes with the original affirm to even textures to match straightened areas, my hair seemed okay, it was softer and curlier. I'm currently battling with the demarcation line where inch of straight relaxed hair meets the texturized areas, i have already noticed a lot of breakage at these points. It doesn't matter how well i care my hair, it will eventually it will break off, especially as the straight hair is located at the top of my hair shaft. i've decided to completely grow it all out, YES starting from scratch. i give up!!! it burns me deep inside to know that all my hardwork is flushed down the drain. All i can sy is LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!.
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Den…take a deep breath gurl. *big ole hug* :kiss: Please don't do that. I would hate to see….lemme repeat HATE to see you cut that beautiful mane off because of a dumb *** stylist. You were so happy with your progress and your hair is so beautiful STILL.

How about some TLC to those areas until you make up your mind when your not pissed. What about consulting with some of the texturized ladies here? I'm sure they will have lots of suggestions for you to make it better.

Hold on ok?
NO NOT TWA, i haven't got the courage. i'll probably cut to shoulder length in a few months time and keep my hair braided until i have a substantial amount of newgrowth to cut again next year.
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear this. :nono: I also pray that the Lord give you the strength you need to hang in there. :kiss:
Honi, thanks for your kinds words and recommendations, the other day a friend of mine was begging me not to cut it, she also warned that i may regret it. i haven't a clue what else do, i feel soo sad i really thought that i was making great progress. maybe i should invest in a wig so lessen the mental stress of it all.

Honi said:
Den…take a deep breath gurl. *big ole hug* :kiss: Please don't do that. I would hate to see….lemme repeat HATE to see you cut that beautiful mane off because of a dumb *** stylist. You were so happy with your progress and your hair is so beautiful STILL.

How about some TLC to those areas until you make up your mind when your not pissed. What about consulting with some of the texturized ladies here? I'm sure they will have lots of suggestions for you to make it better.

Hold on ok?
den1 said:
NO NOT TWA, i haven't got the courage. i'll probably cut to shoulder length in a few months time and keep my hair braided until i have a substantial amount of newgrowth to cut again next year.

Oh okay. Well, if it's damaged and you've done all you can to save it then it needs to go. Again, I'm sorry that you have to go through this. With the damaged part gone, you hair will fare better. :)
Awwww Den1,

I hope you feel better. I am sure you can cut it gradually until all the damaged hair is gone.

I am sure your hair cannot be worse than mine at the moment.

Hang in there girl.:sad:

I'm having a similar dilemna. My hair is underprocessed, dry and brittle. And I've been suffering from breakage along the demarcation. I don't know whether to touch it up or not!?
I'm thinking of chopping as well.
Are you going to transition to natural hair and stay natural or haven't you made that decision? You were one of my inspirations to go natural and I felt a little uneasy when I read that you texturized your hair.

Good luck.
ThickHair said:
Are you going to transition to natural hair and stay natural or haven't you made that decision? You were one of my inspirations to go natural and I felt a little uneasy when I read that you texturized your hair.

Good luck.

It doesn't really make sense in continuing to relax especially with 99% texturized hair an 1% relaxed hair. i am certainly aware that some people were pissed at me for texturizing my natural hair. i don't regret it, i just wished i hadn't fallen in the hands of incompetent stylists, I wouldn't be in this predicament otherwise. Going back to natural hair, isn't really a major issue for me since I was chemical free for 25 years, i know what to expect and how to care for it?. The reason why i texturized, is for versality options. not out of HATRED for my hair texture, HOW COULD I POSSIBLY HATE WHAT GOD HAS BLESSED ME WITH?. I will never do the BC though, before acheiving at least 12 inches of natural hair.
I'm sorry Den1 to hear about your predicament :kiss: I am sure it will work out fine whatever you decide as your hair seems to grow lovely, thick and fast. Also my hairdresser is happy to give people advice without any obligation.
Oh, Den, I'm so sorry. :kiss: I'm so so sorry that you have to part with any of your beautiful hair.
Just echoing what has been said- you're definately one of my hair idols (natural and texturized). Your experience is making me scared to even think about texturizing just because I don't know what I'm doing yet I don't trust anyone else. I think every one of us can relate to your frustration. If I were you I'd go back to the crown and glory braiding until the hair grows out. But what ever you decide, I wish you the will all work out.
Oh my gosh den! I am so sorry to hear about this. The wierd thing is whenever I have the thought of texturizing, this senerio plays out in my head and scares me out of it. I wish you werent going through this.
Oh, Den, I am so sorry to hear about your hair. You have always been one of my hair inspirations (no matter natural/texurized). Maybe just give your hair a small trim and just keep it braided/bunned/twisted up for a while? Then just keep gradually trimming away the damaged areas?

Look at the recent posts about preventing breakage - they may give you some ideas.

kristina said:
Just echoing what has been said- you're definately one of my hair idols (natural and texturized). Your experience is making me scared to even think about texturizing just because I don't know what I'm doing yet I don't trust anyone else. I think every one of us can relate to your frustration. If I were you I'd go back to the crown and glory braiding until the hair grows out. But what ever you decide, I wish you the will all work out.

Don't be scared, I just wouldn't allow any incompetent person touch my hair. My sister did a great job at my corrective and last touch-up at home, better than any hair stylist i've seen. That dreaded inch of straight relaxed hair done my a stylist last June ruined everything. My textures won't co-operate equalling breakage. I've already started on the crown and glory technique, i'm wearing cornrows right now, my hair has grown out 1 inch in the back sections and just over half an inch in the front sections all in just three weeks, plus i haven't taken any vitamins other than noni-juice for health reasons.
Sascha said:
Oh my gosh den! I am so sorry to hear about this. The wierd thing is whenever I have the thought of texturizing, this senerio plays out in my head and scares me out of it. I wish you werent going through this.

LOL, this used to happen to me all the time before i finally took the plunge and texturized.. I think i'll eventually get over the mental trauma of it all, intially it certainly will be hard at first, because i have a lot of length and thickness. Robin Woods has suggested I cut a little off the ends everytime i remove my braids instead of doing a major cut. I'll definately think about all my available options before making any harsh decisions, i'm really counting on support from you ladies.
Pradalover: Once again thanks for your support, i still have J-van's number i'll give him a call, it would be beneficial to receive a second opinion on my hair.

GIGI: Thanks for recommending the posts on preventing breakage. I'll let know if i found the posts helpful.
i think cutting your hair will not hurt. if you think it's for the best and will help stop the breakage and put your hair in better shape, GO FOR IT! So after your cut it and then grow it out with braids, are you going to be texturized or relaxed? Best wishes on all your hair goals.
Awww Den! I feel your pain girl!

Your goal is to have long healthy hair…right? If cutting your hair and braiding it up is the best thing that you know you could do for your hair in order to make it healthy again…then u gotta do whatcha gotta do! You know that holding on to damaged hair for a long period of time won’t give you long healthy hair.

Den, this is what I have to tell myself when I find myself in a situation like yours, but I always choose to cut. I’ve never had braids in my life...and I really don’t know why, but braids could have helped me too.

Den, it’s your decision. Do whatcha gotta do...and GOOD LUCK!!
Poohbear said:
i think cutting your hair will not hurt. if you think it's for the best and will help stop the breakage and put your hair in better shape, GO FOR IT! So after your cut it and then grow it out with braids, are you going to be texturized or relaxed? Best wishes on all your hair goals.

Hi Poohbear, the breakage on my ends have stopped since i trimmed last week, I'm really concerned with the demarcation line where the straight hair meets the healthier texturized portions. I think cutting away some length will make it eaier to manage grow out the texture thats all, i'm currently in braids and will possible schedule a cut around may/June. I will quit texturizing until i grow out that straight section so i can start a fresh. Thanks for your advice and really admire how well your progressing with transitioning, i can definately learn a lot from you.
blaxalrose said:
Your hair is pretty, but if its damaged, don't chop it all off, gradually trim the damage, maybe that will be less traumatic.

I don't think my entire shaft is damaged only areas where this stylist relaxed straight and at the demarcation points. I'll think through my options before doing anything drastic.
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Sorry to hear about your experiences with the stylists. It sounds like your sister knows what she's doing better than the stylists, so if you decide to texturize again, that's the way to go. :)

Perhaps you can give yourself a strong protein reconstructor to strengthen the weaker areas and gradually cut off the other hair. You can wear braids or a wig while you grow it out. I don't think that you should do anything drastic at this time.
CurlyCrly said:

Sorry to hear about your experiences with the stylists. It sounds like your sister knows what she's doing better than the stylists, so if you decide to texturize again, that's the way to go. :)

Perhaps you can give yourself a strong protein reconstructor to strengthen the weaker areas and gradually cut off the other hair. You can wear braids or a wig while you grow it out. I don't think that you should do anything drastic at this time.

Hi Curly, thanks for suggesting a good idea on using protein to nuture weak spot, so far my hair appears to be doing well in the cornrows, i hope it won't be too bad when i remove them in three weeks. I currently shampoo/deep condition and CW once a week. I use protein treatment every 3 weeks. I'm mainly concerned about detangling without causing breakage at the demarcation points!!! So i'm open to suggestions on this subject.
Den, I'm sorry to hear that you are going thru all this drama! You are my hair inspiration...I love your hair whether its a TWA or its waistlenght...I'm here for you.:)
Alli77 said:
Den, I'm sorry to hear that you are going thru all this drama! You are my hair inspiration...I love your hair whether its a TWA or its waistlenght...I'm here for you.:)

Hey Alli77, my hair Dramazzzz never end lol, trust me if i ever decided to do TWA I would never post pictures. Ideally, i would love keep the length and gradually trim away. I'll keep everyone updated with my progress, i'll try to post pictures. Thanks ladies for all ur love and support. God Bless you all.
den1 said:
Hey Alli77, my hair Dramazzzz never end lol, trust me if i ever decided to do TWA I would never post pictures. Ideally, i would love keep the length and gradually trim away. I'll keep everyone updated with my progress, i'll try to post pictures. Thanks ladies for all ur love and support. God Bless you all.

Den, is it that bad that you’re actually thinking about a TWA? I didn't realize that it was that bad. I thought that you were debating on whether or not you should transition. That’s why I was said cut it...meaning trim off the ends until the damaged ends are gone, and keeping braiding you know that that will help a lot.