Stay texturized or go relaxed

Let me take this oppotunity to thank everyone for all the wonderful advice and support. Thanks to Allandra and Hairlove who have highlighted my downfalls in failing to adequately shampoo my hair in a manner that would confiscate some of hair problems,,tangles etc. My next step of action is to seek advice from an educated and professional stylist and to find products that may assist in detangling my hair.
Yes, I agree with Allandra! Immediately stop washing your hair this way. You will eliminate at least 30% of your tangles by washing in the shower or at least with your head back. What works easiest is a handheld shower. You can take it and position it exactly where you want it. And for you, also try washing your hair in sections...this was a saving grace for me. Don't wring your hair after you rinse either. Apply a creamy leave-in before you even get out of the shower like Suave Awapuhi. Then, get out and comb through.

Oh, you should also comb through your conditioner once your hair is saturated in it and comb through again as your rinse. What kind of conditioner are you using?
Yes,, my leave-ins are Arosci, Keracare, profectiv Breakfree, coconut oil, Wildgrowth and surge. Know i've never used the denman brush!!!
Are you combing through your conditioner in the shower now? Do you comb through when you get out of the shower after applying leave-ins?

The denman brush really penetrates to make hair tangle-free. If your hair is detangled with a wide-tooth comb, the denman will slide right through catching shed hairs and will make your curls pop. Ever read Tracee Ellis Ross' routine?
Den1 my best advice is for you to not put any more chemicals in it for the reason that something may go wrong. If you do use a corrective, do wait a few months.

Don't hate your hair. Your hair is beautiful. Your album actually is what inspired me to go natural. i am trying to catch up with you.
hairlove said:
Are you combing through your conditioner in the shower now? Do you comb through when you get out of the shower after applying leave-ins?

The denman brush really penetrates to make hair tangle-free. If your hair is detangled with a wide-tooth comb, the denman will slide right through catching shed hairs and will make your curls pop. Ever read Tracee Ellis Ross' routine?

[/ QUOTE ]

I washed my hair today, i detangled with my fingers a little, under the shower while shampooing, i haven't detangled with my conditioner yet. After appying my leave-ins, I detangled again with my fingers before twisting hair in sections. I have seen the Denman brush over here in London. I think i better invest in this product. if i want to get rid of the tangles.
I think it will be a good investment especially combined with my other tips. Next time you wash, try some of the things myself and others have recommended. We're going to help you get a handle of that beautiful hair of yours!
Thanks Hairlove, your so sweet. On my next wash i will incorporate your recommendations and see how my hair reacts.

You have such beautiful hair and u have always been an inspiration to me. U have received some great advice and I really can't add much more. I highly endorse washing the hair in sections and in an upright manner as opposed to bending over. I have found that this method alleviates so many tangles.

Additionally, I am dealing with some of the same hair issues that you face right now. I transitioned for 20 months amd ended up with about 8 inches of new growth and relaxed ends still hanging on, before I decided to texturize my hair. The fitst texturizer was not applied correctly and didn't do anything for my hair. The stylist thru some mild relaxer in for 5 minutes (whole head), combed it and washed it out. My hair laughed. i waited 2 months and than went to another beautician for a corrective. He sectioned my hair into 4 sections and texturized and rinsed each section separatedly before doing the next. He said that he didn't want to damage nor overprocess my hair and that to do it in sections was the only way to do it. My hair is now 100 percent better. I wet set it and it's good for the week. However there are still a couple of sections that are underprocessed even with the extreme care that he used. When I get a touch up in 4-5 months. I will see if its possible to deal with those sections. If not I will simply flat iron them occassionally when I wear my hair down.

I know that it is so frustrating when u pay good money to get your hair done and it doesn't turn out the way that u want. That's sort of how I feel right now. I however found consolation in knowing that my hair is pretty healthy right now and that in time, i will achieve my hair goals. So will u Den! So many people would die to have that beautiful head of hair that u have. If you wait 4-5 months b4 getting a corrective, condition and take excellent care of your hair as u have always done, I bet u will be able to obtain a slight corrective procedure without doing serious harm to your hair. Make sure that it is applied only briefly in sections and promply rised out b4 moving t the next section to be processed. Also maybe u can try wet setting your hair and wearing it up or pulled back in a protective style until u are able to get the corrective. U have so much hair that u really do have many styling options pending getting a corre ctive, if u decide to do so. Keep your head up as things will be better b4 u know it. Stay well and strong!
I really agree with doing it in sections. I would suggestsectioning the hair in four parts and tie off with cutoff panty hose. Moisturize each section by applying moisturizers and spraying with moisturizing products.(Wrap in saran wrap and do "moisturizing" treatments only). I would repeat this for one week and then mix Vitamin C crystals in distilled water and spray the scalp and hair with it and then apply moisturizers for the same amount of time. This should miminize damage if you decide to go through with re relaxing. Also you will see what is what when you do a rollerset.You will less likely get what is dried and needs moisture separated from what is underprocessed. When you deal with the "sections that need smoothing by relaxing, conditioning, neutralizing and follow up with a deep moisturizing leave in----but only one secion at a time. Be sure to section off the re relaxed areas before you move to the next area or section to prevent overlapping.. Hope this helps. I am rooting for you Den1. Bonjour.
Aww thanks very for Mahalialee4 and deborah, i'm going to also do a search on self-relaxing tips, my elder sister who has a lot of experience with relaxer, has decided to correct the underprocessing for me, I haven't decided when yet, but i'm gonna make sure my hair is in good condition.
Den, u are such an inspration- wheteher u relax or not we got yr back- i don't rem if i heard this tip here- never comb or brush dry hair.Always use a leave in cond or some kind of serum b/f styling. A friend of mine finger combs her hair. I am sorry if my tips didn't help. I wish I had yr beautiful hair instead of my damaged relaxed mess. ;-(
Natrlchallenge said:
Den, u are such an inspration- wheteher u relax or not we got yr back- i don't rem if i heard this tip here- never comb or brush dry hair.Always use a leave in cond or some kind of serum b/f styling. A friend of mine finger combs her hair. I am sorry if my tips didn't help. I wish I had yr beautiful hair instead of my damaged relaxed mess. ;-(

Thanks Natrlchallenge, i solved all my hair woes in Sept when i did a corrective, my hair is still texturized and i'm so happy with my hair now, thanks again for the tips.

I understand your frustration as I am going thru much of the same thing. i transitioned for almost 2 years--just shy of 2 years and decided to get my hair texturized. The first couple of times, I went to a professional to have it done and I too had underprocessed hair. His theory, which I appreciated, was to gradually straighten my hair in levels to determine what worked for me, because if u straighted too much the first time, u can't go back and undo it. He texturized my hair in sections (5) so as to not overprocess my hair. I really didn't like the first texturizer because it was not in long enough to really do anything for my hair and I still had lots of frizzies. i waited 3 months and he did another, better but results still uneven. I waited 4 months and decided to try corrective for myself and results are better. i did the back/middle section of my hair, using affirm mild. I put it on the new growth and and then the middle and finally left it on the ends for 3-4 minutes. On those ends where my hair was totally natural, I left it on for 7-8 minutes. I had a whole section on the right hand side that was basically still natural. This has helped a lot and now I can wet set my hair or flat iron it straight and it seems to hold without becoming a ball of frizz within minutes.
I understand your pain because I too question whether the texturizer is the answer. For me , I have decided to go more straight to help alleviate the tangles and frizzies. My hair is not bone straight and actually still looks a bit wavy when wet but it is now not as bulky but still looks thick when styled. I think the answer for me is to ensure that its not too straight--maybe 80% straight so as to prevent breakage.
Also I decided to try doing it myself because I no longer want to rely on beauticians. I frankly am very distrustful of them and I feel that no one will care for my hairlike I do. If self-relaxing doesn't work than I will go back to a professional. Best wishes and good luck. You will conquere this problem. Just don't get any more chemicals put in your hair for a few more months, by then have decided what to do about it.

den please disregard my post as I now see this was an old topic. i must be still asleep. Your hair looks beautiful in the above picture.

deborah11 said:
den please disregard my post as I now see this was an old topic. i must be still asleep. Your hair looks beautiful in the above picture.

Aww that's okay, i enjoyed reading about your experience with a texturizer, its very encouraging, thank you.