Delightfully Delicious Challenge 2011 (Pt.1)


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Tonight I purchased Burt's Bees 2 Minute Deep Conditioner. Will test this out sometime during the challenge. Has anyone ever tried this?

Hair Repair Shea & Grapefruit Deep Conditioner - Burt's Bees

So far I'm seeing mixed reviews about this product on external sites but wanted to hear if you all have tried it and what you're experiences are.
Yesterday I deep conditioned with Aubrey Organics HSR with a mixture of Olive oil and Honey. Tomorrow I'm gonna do the same thing. I think my sulfur mix is drying out my hair so I'm gonna have to work that out.
I DC'd with Elasta QP DPR 11, Aussie Deeep, and Giovanni SAS mixed with oils with a heat cap for 45 minutes. This is my favorite mix and makes my hair feel very soft.
DC my hair with my random mix but less salt this time. Made too much and used it to cowash SO's hair and it came out SOOOOO clean i mean squeaky but still moisturized!!!! i decided to seal and wet wrap my hair to see the true benefits without heat...
Im so going to try your method, once I get to the store and get some garlic. This has been the worst winter ever. It feels like im just going bald and cant stop it.....
If you are experiencing massive shedding, it might take doing the treatment 2-3 times totally calm it down. Going forward, once you get it under control, you can catch it before it gets out of control and do the garlic treatment right when it starts. Now it only takes me one treatment to control my shedding because I attack it right when it starts.

There are many other threads on using garlic for shedding. I have tried prepooing with garlic and deep conditioning with garlic. Both methods work. It just depends on your preference.

Here are some threads that talk about shedding that I found for you - you'll notice that are many ways said to combat shedding - garlic, tea, coffee, henna, etc. I found that garlic was the easiest for me to incorporate since I could just add it to my prepoo or DC without having to do an extra step dedicated to combating shedding. You may find something better works for you....let me know how it goes. (check out post #10 of what I wrote).
DC my hair with my random mix but less salt this time. Made too much and used it to cowash SO's hair and it came out SOOOOO clean i mean squeaky but still moisturized!!!! i decided to seal and wet wrap my hair to see the true benefits without heat...
I know that salt has been talked about lately but I haven't paid much attention to it. Does it really helps and provides added moisture, etc? I know there is an active thread on this somewhere but I would like to hear your experience with it.
Just finished my weekly DC w/ no heat.

2hrs w/plastic cap on dry hair- Elasta QP
5min w/cap- Aphogee 2min Reconstructor
5min w/cap- Elasta QP
detangle in shower
moisturize & seal
If you are experiencing massive shedding, it might take doing the treatment 2-3 times totally calm it down. Going forward, once you get it under control, you can catch it before it gets out of control and do the garlic treatment right when it starts. Now it only takes me one treatment to control my shedding because I attack it right when it starts.

There are many other threads on using garlic for shedding. I have tried prepooing with garlic and deep conditioning with garlic. Both methods work. It just depends on your preference.

Here are some threads that talk about shedding that I found for you - you'll notice that are many ways said to combat shedding - garlic, tea, coffee, henna, etc. I found that garlic was the easiest for me to incorporate since I could just add it to my prepoo or DC without having to do an extra step dedicated to combating shedding. You may find something better works for you....let me know how it goes. (check out post #10 of what I wrote).

I already henna and that hasnt helped me this season....I did a treatment like 4 wks ago and will be doing another one like Monday or Tuesday.
It only makes my hair stronger.....

*Off to go check out the threads...*
Doing my first DC of the new year:woohoo::woohoo: I'm DCing with ORS Replenishing for 2 hours with a cap and then I'm going to do Pantene Intensive Restoration Treatment for moisture for 2 hours and then I'm going to wash and do a twistout (the dangling, not the flat twists). Any recommendations on what products to use for the twist out? This is my first one. I have some Oyin products and some Darcy Botanicals products on hand.
I would love to join if it isn't too late. I've been DC'ing since Dec. Currently I rotate between Silicon Mix, Mane N Tail, CON Nourishing &Tresemme Naturals. I co-wash 3x wkly and poo once on thurs when I DC using Silicon Mix. On Sat/Sun I DC overnite with Tresemme.
Yesterday I did a DC prepoo with my mixture I put in a spray bottle: Aloe Vera Juice, honey, and olive oil. After I saturaed my hair with this mixture I covered with a plastic cap and scarf. S/N - I had my hair in wash tuck and go style so the 'inside' was moist but outside was very dry. This mixture melted all the tangles away with just using my fingers. i left it on all day yesterday and washed it out this morning.
Now I'm using Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose mixed with JBCO and sitting under the dryer for 40 mins. So far my hair feels lovely!
Yesterday I deep conditioned again after I cowashed and it didn't go too well. I co washed with Aubrey Organics HSR and after I got out the shower my scalp was on FIRE! It was so itchy, but I toughed through it long enough to put my olive oil and honey mixture all over my head. As soon as I started applying the olive oil and honey, my hair felt hard, not at all like it did when I first did the EVOO&Honey. I don't know if it was because the first time my hair was in mini twists and I used much less opposed to now, with my hair being loose and I used way more. My hair and scalp were not feeling the deep treatment yesterday. After applying my heat cap for 20 minutes, I couldn't stand the itchiness so I rinsed it out. My hair felt better before I cowashed. I'm gonna DC again today. I ordered a new DC to try (Curl Junkie Curl Rehab) and I'm still shopping for some more to try out. I'd use my anita grant rhassoul but my hair is already so dry that I don't think it will work that well. Rhassoul is a cleanser. Idk though.

:nono: So far, I'm not doing well with this
I know that salt has been talked about lately but I haven't paid much attention to it. Does it really helps and provides added moisture, etc? I know there is an active thread on this somewhere but I would like to hear your experience with it.

well ive used it 3 times to DC with it so far and i love it. At first i was like maybe its the the DC im using but the second time i put too much salt and it dried my hair out . This time i put the same amount as the first time and a higher concentration of DC apparently because i made too much (i rarely make too much) and it worked out better than the first time! I just used water as a moisturizer and sealed with an herb infused coconut petroleum jelly and his hair is still moist and non-greasy. I sealed with and oil mix and air-dried and my hair came out straight and moisturized..
Yesterday I deep conditioned again after I cowashed and it didn't go too well. I co washed with Aubrey Organics HSR and after I got out the shower my scalp was on FIRE! It was so itchy, but I toughed through it long enough to put my olive oil and honey mixture all over my head. As soon as I started applying the olive oil and honey, my hair felt hard, not at all like it did when I first did the EVOO&Honey. I don't know if it was because the first time my hair was in mini twists and I used much less opposed to now, with my hair being loose and I used way more. My hair and scalp were not feeling the deep treatment yesterday. After applying my heat cap for 20 minutes, I couldn't stand the itchiness so I rinsed it out. My hair felt better before I cowashed. I'm gonna DC again today. I ordered a new DC to try (Curl Junkie Curl Rehab) and I'm still shopping for some more to try out. I'd use my anita grant rhassoul but my hair is already so dry that I don't think it will work that well. Rhassoul is a cleanser. Idk though.

:nono: So far, I'm not doing well with this
Ouch that sounds painful...sry you had to go thru that. What else are you using on your hair? What type of DC did you use? Your hair may have too much protein. I've never used Aubrey Organics HSR, so I don't know what's in may want to read the ingredients and make sure there isn't any sodium lauryl. Also, you said you used olive oil, too much of it can weigh your hair down and if you didn't detangle properly could cause roughness. Try some aloe vera, it helps restoring your ph level...HTH
Ouch that sounds painful...sry you had to go thru that. What else are you using on your hair? What type of DC did you use? Your hair may have too much protein. I've never used Aubrey Organics HSR, so I don't know what's in may want to read the ingredients and make sure there isn't any sodium lauryl. Also, you said you used olive oil, too much of it can weigh your hair down and if you didn't detangle properly could cause roughness. Try some aloe vera, it helps restoring your ph level...HTH
I use natural products (my staples lines are Qhemet, Oyin, Aubrey Organics) so none of them have sulfates, silicones, etc. The only conditioner I use is the HSR, but like I said I'm looking for more options. Right about now I'd probably be using the Qhemet Biologics Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee, but I don't have any at all so I'm really I haven't really been using any styling or moisturizing products because my hair has not been acting right. If my hair isn't even a little bit moisturized after I wash and DC, then my other products won't be too effective. I haven't detangled because my hair isn't moisturized.

I don't have any aloe vera on hand right now but I may have some ACV. I'll try that. I've got some conditioner in my hair right now because when I woke up my hair was so dry and matted. I'm trying not to use up a whole 'nother bottle of my AO HSR so I used my Mozeke Carrot Protein Masque on tope of a little bit of the HSR. I didn't want to but I'm trying to use the Mozeke up anyway to get rid of it. I've had it for a while.
Dced today and for the first time i never had any shedding. This is a great improvement.. will be dcing always
This week I've been dcing nightly with light applications of my indian oil combinations (amla, shikakai, etc.) and coconut oil on the ends, sleeping with silk bonnets. Pre-poo'd last night with Palma Christi the length of my hair.

Today I applied my home made mayo mix with avocado & carrot oil 30mins under a plastic cap. Poo'd with Cream of Nature. Steam DC for 30mins with Nioxin Structure and Strength & Aveda Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer mix. Final rinse with white vinegar & water combo.

Roller set with Infusium/Giovanni leave-ins. Sitting under the dryer now, will follow up with Vitapoint at roots and Coconut Oil on ends.
I did a good clarifying/chelating shampoo and I've been DCing for about two hours plus with a mixture of ORS Replenishing Pak, Mizani Moisturfusion Silk Cream Conditioner, Mizani Perphecting Cream, Honey, and EVOO covered with two plastic caps and wrapped with a towel. I normally apply each thing on individually whenever I mix stuff, but today I put everything in a bowl and whipped it all up until it looked like banana pudding :lick: so we'll see how my hair likes this method. Just before I rinse I'll add Mizani Moisturfusion Intense Moisture Concentrate for a extra little kick of moisture (my hair has been kind of dry lately) for a few minutes.

If nothing more my hair is loving the extra attention with the regular DCing. I had really been neglecting it since I've been on this deployment :nono: but I can already see it getting back to it's normal self. I looked at some pictures I took around 4th of July compared to now and I see a major difference, so I'm definitely getting back on track with taking care of my hair.
*sigh of relief*

My hair is starting to feel normal again. I rinsed out my conditioner (no ACV) and my hair felt better. Maybe I needed a dose of protein? Whatever the case, I applied my Oyin Hair Dew and now I'm about to twist my hair up with my Qhemet AOHC.
I used Silk Elements to DC for the first time. I mixed in some JBCO and grapeseed oil. I really liked the texture and the smell was very strong but tolerable. I left it in for about an hour with a plastic bag. After rinsing it out, I noticed my hair looked and felt thicker and fuller.