Dating & Hiv Testing

This is a good idea too:

Couples STD Testing
We’ve all been there. Starting a new relationship can be one of the most exciting and scary times of your life. Getting tested shouldn’t have to be one of those scary times.

With every new relationship comes a new set of firsts for you and your partner. Before you take the step toward your first sexual experience together, take the important step of getting tested.

Protect Your Partner
Partners who get tested before their first sexual encounter dramatically decrease the risk of transmitting a sexually transmitted disease to their new partner, avoiding any potentially uncomfortable situations down the road. When you know your status ahead of time you can seek the treatment necessary for any positive results, keeping your new partner safe. You can also assure them of your clean bill of health, helping to establish the honesty and trust necessary for any new relationship.

Protect Yourself
Likewise, it is important to take the steps necessary to protect your own health. Asking your partner to be tested before any sexual encounters helps to protect your reproductive health and establishes clear boundaries for your new relationship.

Existing Relationships
It’s not just new partners who need to be tested. If you are currently in a relationship but have had unprotected sex with your partner without being tested, we recommend you both seek out comprehensive testing options.

We want to encourage couples to take a step toward an even more healthy relationship by getting tested, together. That’s why we offer a 10% discount to couples who call in to schedule their tests with us. Should either of your tests come back with positive results, our physicians can get you both started with a fast and effective treatment plan.

For more information about our discount, or to schedule a test for you and your partner, call one of our care counselors today at 1-888-211-2365.

Thank you for bringing this up. I work in the lab. Recently I've seen a newly wed husband testing positive, people who have tested positive and don't follow through with confirmation/ treatment. So ladies please know that people will lie and they don't care. If they are not willing to get tested and share their results with you, someone they are willing to share their body with....RUN!
I ask potentials for their reports and get my report card done every 6months -year.

Wow :nono: sad
This is SUPER important. No man has ever asked me. My ex was appalled that asked him during our relationship to get tested. Let’s just say something wasn’t right on his end. My results came back clean. I couldn’t believe it so I had the tests done again. Same results. But he had no idea where the bug came from or how I didn’t have it too because he was faithful. Uh huh :rolleyes: I moved tf out
That's what irks me about men expecting sex early on in dating. :rolleyes: They don't consider they might pick up something? o_O It just blows my mind. Does conquest trump health?

Anyway so for the ladies who got STD tests before engaging, how long in dating did let him know no activities would be going on until you got test results?
That's what irks me about men expecting sex early on in dating. :rolleyes: They don't consider they might pick up something? o_O It just blows my mind. Does conquest trump health?

Anyway so for the ladies who got STD tests before engaging, how long in dating did let him know no activities would be going on until you got test results?
immediately. like first or second date. no kidding. the jokers run off immediately.

The ones who were down found the idea extra sexy :look:
That's what irks me about men expecting sex early on in dating. :rolleyes: They don't consider they might pick up something? o_O It just blows my mind. Does conquest trump health?

Anyway so for the ladies who got STD tests before engaging, how long in dating did let him know no activities would be going on until you got test results?

We didn’t have sex for the first 4 months or so of dating. When he came to me wanting to be exclusive that’s when I requested a panel in exchange for me giving him what he wanted. Him waiting until results were back for the both of us was nothing because we weren’t having sex anyway. Cant miss what you haven’t had yet.

My man is easily jealous and possessive when he feels threatened by other men, so I used that to my advantage. He was more torchered by the thought of me dating other people and who I was dating than sex.
Every relationship I got into, whether we used protection or not, it was required. I have never had a man not be ok with getting tested. I faithfully got blood work done every 3 months while being intimate. I do not play when it comes to my health and in this day an age, you don’t know if your partner is sleeping with someone else. I actually had an ex ask me to get tested before I asked him. Which I did not have a problem with doing so.
That's what irks me about men expecting sex early on in dating. :rolleyes: They don't consider they might pick up something? o_O It just blows my mind. Does conquest trump health?

Anyway so for the ladies who got STD tests before engaging, how long in dating did let him know no activities would be going on until you got test results?

One of my ex was a long distance relationship so we, Skyped for the first 3 months but had seen each other briefly in other states, as soon as we got on vacation lol he jumped my bones, but by then we had shared our results. One of my ex’s got tested within a week lol and he was so serious. So as soon as he got his results he was waiting for me at home lol.
Every relationship I got into, whether we used protection or not, it was required. I have never had a man not be ok with getting tested. I faithfully got blood work done every 3 months while being intimate. I do not play when it comes to my health and in this day an age, you don’t know if your partner is sleeping with someone else. I actually had an ex ask me to get tested before I asked him. Which I did not have a problem with doing so.

Have you ever had issues with dude not wanting to use protection cause he took the test?
Have you ever had issues with dude not wanting to use protection cause he took the test?
No, actually that has never been an issue. Most men I have been sexual with actually always had condoms, never declined on using one. I am very direct with what I want and don’t want. The men that I did not use protection with were men that I had long term relationships with and my EXH! I have had too many horror stories told by girlfriends to ever not be comfortable with asking a man to get tested. If he is bold enough to ask for the cat, we as women need to be just as bold and ask for STD and blood work.
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Serial monogamy is the largest reason for the spread of STDs. The media does not discuss it much but we are in the midst of an STD epidemic. Look it up.

People have a sequence of monogamous relationships (or so they think) and don’t get tested because they think they have to be promiscuous to get STDs. Or they think only “certain people” get it. So they just spread diseases from relationship to relationship. Stay safe ladies.
I actually know someone who did not know she was HIV positive until she was already married and was receiving STD tests as part of a routine pregnancy panel. And her hubby was she got it before and had exposed him to it. But lucky for him it is harder for men to get infected through heterosexual encounters (harder but not impossible of course). He is still negative. I don’t know if their marriage is going to survive this.
I'm a hypochondriac so I always asked for recent test results which eliminated quite a few penii from being added to my final body count. Honestly, if I had realized that genital herpes could be passed from kissing I might have never dated at all. I thought the worst I could get was mono from smooches but I am thankful yet horrified for my former lack of knowledge.

I'm married and am tested for STD's when I go in for my pap smears. I also have them test me for TSS. Did I mention that I'm a hypochondriac?

I'm told that most STD panel testing don't include testing for herpes unless that person has a break out at the moment to test for. So these guys may show someone test results that don't include testing for that.
We are both tested during our annual exams and I always get a copy of DH's because I watch his levels and overall health.

However thanks to the internet my eyes are wide-open. Women are getting tricked left and right by husbands. I used to think a woman could tell when a wife was cheating but the stories I have heard as of late have my second guessing my theory. They have me wondering if annually is enough - 12 months is a long time.
I actually know someone who did not know she was HIV positive until she was already married and was receiving STD tests as part of a routine pregnancy panel. And her hubby was she got it before and had exposed him to it. But lucky for him it is harder for men to get infected through heterosexual encounters (harder but not impossible of course). He is still negative. I don’t know if their marriage is going to survive this.

I remember a show where the girl had HIV or AID. She was dating this guy and was really in love with him. He eventually broke up with her, because it was too much to handle. I'm sure people would like to think their relationship could survive that but I could't handle it. It would be too much of an emotional battle to deal with.
Before we do the horizontal tango...We do full screening together and show each other the results. It's foreplay lol

I had to school my little cousins on herpes because most doctors don't test for that and don't even talk about it.
Before we do the horizontal tango...We do full screening together and show each other the results. It's foreplay lol

I had to school my little cousins on herpes because most doctors don't test for that and don't even talk about it.

Good job!
How are people really waking around not getting tested for STDs at least once annually?? I will be doing that until the day I die; I think that’s just common sense and should be a regular part of any health screening. I’m not dating anyone or sexually active currently, but the next person I date I will definitely ask them to get tested before we’re intimate and throughout our relationship. I’ve seen too many people pop up with dormant STDs even in what was seemingly monogamous relationships to not take precaution.
Being a healthcare worker, I just want to point out a couple things (that have been mentioned already, but it won't hurt to say it again). Asking someone you are dating to get tested is great. But there are two things to consider:

HIV takes up to 3-6 months to show up on if they slept with someone a month ago, they may have it, but still test negative.

Herpes is not usually a part of the "full" STD testing panel. I assume this is because so many people have it. But the scary part is that because it is not tested, many people don't know they have it. You can be asymptomatic and unaware that you are positive and still pass it on to others. Like HIV, herpes takes 3-6 months...if not longer, to show positive on a blood test. Condoms also do not provide adequate protection against herpes. You also don't need to have an outbreak to spread herpes.

Just be careful out there.
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That's what irks me about men expecting sex early on in dating. :rolleyes: They don't consider they might pick up something? o_O It just blows my mind. Does conquest trump health?

Anyway so for the ladies who got STD tests before engaging, how long in dating did let him know no activities would be going on until you got test results?

A lot of them think they can tell if a woman is "clean" or not ;)

Our lodger met a woman from plenty of fish and slept with her the first time he visited her house for a Netflix avec chilling. She found out she was pregnant after that one time.

I asked him if the baby is definitely his.

Him : Oh yes its mine, she's not that type of woman.

:look: How would you 100% know about her personal sex life if you've just POF chatted a few times then effed on the first meeting. I swear lol. Men have so much faith. I bet neither of them got tested after either.
I got tested, full screen STD panel, before I started looking for dates.

I told guys upfront that I have my results, and I need to see yours before we have any kind of sexual contact. I tell them this during the "what are you looking for" conversation, before we even meet face to face. Out of 4, only 1 said no problem. The other three acted as if I was trying to scam them out of money talking about it's too expensive. If they don't care enough and aren't willing to pay for their own health stats, there's no way they would care about me and my health.

Or one guy said he gets tested every year with his physical and he knows he's clean, but he won't produce the results or even know which STDs were tested. o_O
We are both tested during our annual exams and I always get a copy of DH's because I watch his levels and overall health.

However thanks to the internet my eyes are wide-open. Women are getting tricked left and right by husbands. I used to think a woman could tell when a wife was cheating but the stories I have heard as of late have my second guessing my theory. They have me wondering if annually is enough - 12 months is a long time.
12 months is a very long time. But insurance companies won’t pay for extra testing. Would have to pay out of pocket, or go to a clinic.
12 months is a very long time. But insurance companies won’t pay for extra testing. Would have to pay out of pocket, or go to a clinic.

Is it expensive to pay out of pocket? I thought there were free/low cost clinics.But I know they don’t test for everything.

I’m lightweight dating a guy now and as anxious as I am to lay it on him, I’m too daggone old to be dealing with STD’s. I won’t rush into anything. I’m due for my follow up HIV test in March, where I intend to get tested for as many things as my pockets will allow.

I know better, and I’ve seen those close to me suffer. I (unofficially. I’m not a doctor I just know a little bit about a lot of things) diagnosed them with herpes before they went to the doctor, where it was confirmed. I was so broken hearted. I felt like I should have done more for them, to protect them
Is it expensive to pay out of pocket? I thought there were free/low cost clinics.But I know they don’t test for everything.

I’m lightweight dating a guy now and as anxious as I am to lay it on him, I’m too daggone old to be dealing with STD’s. I won’t rush into anything. I’m due for my follow up HIV test in March, where I intend to get tested for as many things as my pockets will allow.

I know better, and I’ve seen those close to me suffer. I (unofficially. I’m not a doctor I just know a little bit about a lot of things) diagnosed them with herpes before they went to the doctor, where it was confirmed. I was so broken hearted. I felt like I should have done more for them, to protect them
Not everybody has a free clinic, or sliding pay scale clinic, but if you wanna be out there, you gotta get it done. And yes we are getting older and need to be more cautious, so taking it slow is the right thing to do. There are some STDs that will appear like BV if an actual test is not performed for it. Trichomoniasis. It is hard to test men for that as well. But if their partner has it, the just treat the male as well. And you can get HSv1 from kissing. I’m just gonna refrain from the men folk period for awhile....