Dating as an adult...


Well-Known Member
What is it like?
I have had a bunch of relationships but both sides were VERY IMMATURE. I did not really know it at the time but now I do after being in the real world. How do you approach dating as a grown person? I am 24 and I realize dating when you are 18 and have crush is wayyy different from what I will experience in the future.
What is it like?

I have had a bunch of relationships but both sides were VERY IMMATURE. I did not really know it at the time but now I do after being in the real world. How do you approach dating as a grown person? I am 24 and I realize dating when you are 18 and have crush is wayyy different from what I will experience in the future.

You're right about that. ;) Actually, I had a pain in the neck experience shortly after college because I didn't realize the difference between real world dating and college dating. :wallbash: The biggest thing is that you can't "assume" anything. For instance, don't assume he shares your feelings about your interactions or sees things going in the same direction you do just because he likes spending time with you. You definitely have to make sure that things really are what you think they are before the two of you go too far. :yep:
You're right about that. ;) Actually, I had a pain in the neck experience shortly after college because I didn't realize the difference between real world dating and college dating. :wallbash: The biggest thing is that you can't "assume" anything. For instance, don't assume he shares your feelings about your interactions or sees things going in the same direction you do just because he likes spending time with you. You definitely have to make sure that things really are what you think they are before the two of you go too far. :yep:

Thanks for the response!
Hard. You would think it gets better but it doesnt hahaha. Seriously, these guys dont know what they want and when they get what they want they still dont know. But then again Im kinda like that myself so everything gets messy. I hate dating! I just want one person I could hangout with, chill, and have fun.
Girl- I have only had a handful of experiences with the opposite sex that started in college and I am already tired. I'm holding on for marriege to this one for dear life because he's the best I have ever met, there is nothing else that I want from him, and at 26 I am so through with dating.

DATE AN OLDER MAN- It will make your life a lot easier and he will treat you like a queen because maturity has set in and he knows he's old and tired and since he's not getting anywhere NEAR the amount of play that you could/are- he's not going anywhere. :yep:

God I love my old man. :rolleyes:
Girl- I have only had a handful of experiences with the opposite sex that started in college and I am already tired. I'm holding on for marriege to this one for dear life because he's the best I have ever met, there is nothing else that I want from him, and at 26 I am so through with dating.

DATE AN OLDER MAN- It will make your life a lot easier and he will treat you like a queen because maturity has set in and he knows he's old and tired and since he's not getting anywhere NEAR the amount of play that you could/are- he's not going anywhere. :yep:

God I love my old man. :rolleyes:

so go old....a lot of old guys approach me because i look young and they think they can manipulate me or something :rolleyes: i have a hard time trusting them
Girl- I have only had a handful of experiences with the opposite sex that started in college and I am already tired. I'm holding on for marriege to this one for dear life because he's the best I have ever met, there is nothing else that I want from him, and at 26 I am so through with dating.

DATE AN OLDER MAN- It will make your life a lot easier and he will treat you like a queen because maturity has set in and he knows he's old and tired and since he's not getting anywhere NEAR the amount of play that you could/are- he's not going anywhere. :yep:

God I love my old man. :rolleyes:

LOL tats funny
so go old....a lot of old guys approach me because i look young and they think they can manipulate me or something :rolleyes: i have a hard time trusting them
this old g in his 40s always tells me i need a older man to take care of me. nikka please:rolleyes:

but nt older mean are like this:yep:
so go old....a lot of old guys approach me because i look young and they think they can manipulate me or something :rolleyes: i have a hard time trusting them

No of course not- you gotta find the right type of guy period. I just know that all of the problems I have had in the past have been with young men my age or a year or two older.
No of course not- you gotta find the right type of guy period. I just know that all of the problems I have had in the past have been with young men my age or a year or two older.

I guess well see on a dating hiatus soo not sure the type of guy i would approach.....i def know who i wouldnt go out with l:lachen:
Dating as an adult is very real and situations are harder to judge. At the end of the day though, you have to know what is best and right for you. In your early 20s you're still learning what is right for you so things are pretty confusing. But with practice and basing decisions on intuition and principle, knowing what is best becomes easier. But decisions are still hard.
Girl- I have only had a handful of experiences with the opposite sex that started in college and I am already tired. I'm holding on for marriege to this one for dear life because he's the best I have ever met, there is nothing else that I want from him, and at 26 I am so through with dating.

DATE AN OLDER MAN- It will make your life a lot easier and he will treat you like a queen because maturity has set in and he knows he's old and tired and since he's not getting anywhere NEAR the amount of play that you could/are- he's not going anywhere. :yep:

God I love my old man. :rolleyes:

How much older you talkin? I do really feel like I am over dudes in the 25-29 range..nothing put pure tomfoolery and indecisiveness, and immaturity, and flakiness, and non settled in lifeness.

I'm turning 26 and growing tired of dating, maybe I should focus on the mid-late 30's. I don't think I can cross the 45yr. old territory, thats entering daddies golf buddies zone.
How much older you talkin? I do really feel like I am over dudes in the 25-29 range..nothing put pure tomfoolery and indecisiveness, and immaturity, and flakiness, and non settled in lifeness.

I'm turning 26 and growing tired of dating, maybe I should focus on the mid-late 30's. I don't think I can cross the 45yr. old territory, thats entering daddies golf buddies zone.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:This post was funny. I don't date guys in the 25-29 range so I dunno about the adjectives but I don't think I'm crossing the 30+ bridge until I'm knocking on 40.
Ive dated older (like now) and dated older and they still be about the same thing :look: But the older, older guys like 35 and up be on that sugar daddy ish but I cant go no more than 5 older than my age. Even in that range some of the guys are uptight and too serious for me. :perplexed I like funny guys who can make me laugh but know when its not appropriate. Thank God, Ive found that in this current guy.
How much older you talkin? I do really feel like I am over dudes in the 25-29 range..nothing put pure tomfoolery and indecisiveness, and immaturity, and flakiness, and non settled in lifeness.

I'm turning 26 and growing tired of dating, maybe I should focus on the mid-late 30's. I don't think I can cross the 45yr. old territory, thats entering daddies golf buddies zone.

I'm 26 and my SO is 36- it's perfect for me. :yep: