Dating a Sagittarius man

Surprised nobody mentioned they are LIARS!

The two Sag's I was with were the worst liars I have ever known! and they stay stuck on stupid! yeah they can love you and put you on a pedestal, but whats the point when they stay stupid! LOL

Maybe it was just them, but nah I WOULD never attempt to take a Sag serious again
Yes, we are family oriented, and usually very honest, but have issues with faithfulness. Younger Sag's tend to like "game playing" I think for the most part Sag's shouldn't get married until they are "older".
Im a gemini and I've been with a Sag for the last 10 years.
He's outgoing
puts me on a pedistal
is very committed--trust, cus the way I can be sometimes, he should have left ages ago
brutally honest, then gives that dumb "what did I say" look when I get pissed
very loving and affectionate
very protective of me
always involved in some project
And just cool with every dern body all the time. People love him.

OMG! Maybe signs just dont matter because Im a Sag and dated a Gemini. Emotional rollercoaster, we would push each others buttons so bad, it was just breakup to makeup one too many times. The "coloring" was AMAZING but we couldn't get it right.
OMG! Maybe signs just dont matter because Im a Sag and dated a Gemini. Emotional rollercoaster, we would push each others buttons so bad, it was just breakup to makeup one too many times. The "coloring" was AMAZING but we couldn't get it right.

I think astrology is just like a general guide to personalities. I don't think you will work out with everyone who falls underneath a "compatible" sign. Some folks are just crazy. :look:
I can agree on alot of the stuff you all are saying LOL because I'm a Sagittarius. I used to be more outgoing than I am now though. My mouth gets me in trouble. I have a commitment phobia though when Im in a relationship I stay faithful and Im about one person. I'm very laidback and easy going for the most part but don't get on my bad side. Im very spur of the moment and I know that I could never date a Sag EVER. We just would not mesh and would constantly butt heads. My co-worker/cubicle partner is a Sag and we clash all the time and I notice the same traits in myself in him. So if I can clash with an officemate I know a intimate would drive me CRAZY.

Very true about the mouth. I can't help but be honest. You want me to lie to you about the way you look in that dress??? PLEASE!
I have to completely disagree with you on that one. I think your guys were just losers. I am a Sag and I've dated them too. Not very blunt but very honest and what they think and feel and know.

Surprised nobody mentioned they are LIARS!

The two Sag's I was with were the worst liars I have ever known! and they stay stuck on stupid! yeah they can love you and put you on a pedestal, but whats the point when they stay stupid! LOL

Maybe it was just them, but nah I WOULD never attempt to take a Sag serious again
I'm a Capricorn and my main man friend is a Sagittarius. Waiting for responses :yep:

I'm a Cap and my dh is a Sag. It's been the BEST relationship, although the zodiac signs say its not.

The problem with Caps is we can be a bit controllling (ok ALOT) and Sags don't like it. They will run from it actually. Luckily, I've always recognized my need to control so I'm able to keep it in check. Also to be honest, dh has made me more "fun" over the years. I think Caps we have a tendency to be very serious, because are such hardworkers and sometimes too conservative.

I admire that dh is so free-spirited and willing to try different things. Sags are VERY FAITHFUL and VERY LOYAL or at least the two I have dated and the one I married. What they say is what they do, so I've never had to question dh or check him or worry about's like, if they are with you, they are with you. They are very honest. Now because Sags are so blunt, they aren't really into emotions I would say; they are just straight forward and practical. I've learned over the years not to get my feeelings hurt by dh's words, they are blunt but they want to be honest about whatever they need to. It works for me because I always dated like a man,:look: I've been called the ice princess because I keep my feelings close and not overly emotional.

I've just never understood why this zodiac match gets one of the worst compatibility ratings because its been perfect to me obviously. We have totally different communication styles but it works. Also, I think Sags are tigers in the bed:look::yep:
Yeah my Sag is very outgoing and a people person. Very spontaneous, always on the go, always has 50 billion projects going on at one time. He drives me crazy with his randomness!!!

Oh girl-it never ends. My dh has like projects, businesses, side hustles, everything...he's such a dreamer which for me and my serious Cap self, has always been hard to deal with. But I admire his ambition.
just don't want to settle down. very restless people. i think once you get one to love you though they always will. you just gotta get to that point.

And this isn't directed at the above poster but it has to take the RIGHT person to get a Sag to committ. I dated another Sag before dh that we probably would have eventually married but he was sort of a committment phobe.

I've said before that my dh dated his ex-gf before me for FIVE years:blush: And before that he admittedly said he shy-ed away from long term relationships. But he met me, we clicked, he said he wanted to marry me like literally in 3 weeks. We dated for about 2.5 years before we married but it was clear that we were getting married early.

Another note about their restlessness, I don't think most Sag men want alot of kids. The ones again I dated and later married were like that. I would have more kids but dh is like no, not really though I could push him on it I wanted to. I think their reasoning stems from their want to be free, to do all the random spontaneous things they like to do. If you ever read my posts, dh and I are ALWAYS doing something, going somewhere, taking trips, with and without the kids. He is very restless in that he likes to be on the go-it works for me because I do too.
Surprised nobody mentioned they are LIARS!

The two Sag's I was with were the worst liars I have ever known! and they stay stuck on stupid! yeah they can love you and put you on a pedestal, but whats the point when they stay stupid! LOL

Maybe it was just them, but nah I WOULD never attempt to take a Sag serious again

That's so surprising! I wonder if it was just them. Because I dated one and married one and they were the MOST honest and faithful men I've ever dated. DH is very sociable, very outgoing, knows alot of people-including women but he keeps everything strictly business, its all about me:yep:
Oh girl-it never ends. My dh has like projects, businesses, side hustles, everything...he's such a dreamer which for me and my serious Cap self, has always been hard to deal with. But I admire his ambition.

His ambition and drive is what attracted me to him. He always has so much going on at one time, I can't keep up :spinning:. He's a lot of fun and keeps me on my toes. I hate it but I like it at the same time. He drives me nuts lol :lachen:I try to not seem negative when he tells me about all this stuff that he wants to do and we collaborate on a few of the projects from time to time. My industry compliments his so it's easier for us to have common ground. He calls me a control freak already. :look:
Very first relationship was with a Sag, and my last one was too

I would RUN so fast if I ever meet another one, for real!

I was married to a SAG and currently "seeing" a SAG...I should have ran far far time a I run into a SAG I am :cowgirl:..I am a Cancer
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Surprised nobody mentioned they are LIARS!

The two Sag's I was with were the worst liars I have ever known! and they stay stuck on stupid! yeah they can love you and put you on a pedestal, but whats the point when they stay stupid! LOL

Maybe it was just them, but nah I WOULD never attempt to take a Sag serious again

Cosigning on the LIARS thing:yep:.
Im a gemini and I've been with a Sag for the last 10 years.
He's outgoing
puts me on a pedistal
is very committed--trust, cus the way I can be sometimes, he should have left ages ago
brutally honest, then gives that dumb "what did I say" look when I get pissed
very loving and affectionate
very protective of me
always involved in some project
And just cool with every dern body all the time. People love him.

This is dh to a T. My mom is like the way you worry that man, he should have got rid of you long ago :lol:

And the last thing-being cool with everyone. I've never heard anyone say a bad thing about dh. Even if he doesn't like a person, they won't ever know, he's just positive about everything and everybody.
OK, we've covered almost all of the other signs, so let's get it started with the Sags....

I have a new "friend" and I'm curious as to what other people's experiences are like.

I'm a Libra so if anyone has any info on the Libra-Sag connection, let a sistah know.

I love Sags, very adventurous, giving, down to earth, and attentive........but they ARE whores, and their eyes wonder easily
His ambition and drive is what attracted me to him. He always has so much going on at one time, I can't keep up :spinning:. He's a lot of fun and keeps me on my toes. I hate it but I like it at the same time. He drives me nuts lol :lachen:I try to not seem negative when he tells me about all this stuff that he wants to do and we collaborate on a few of the projects from time to time. My industry compliments his so it's easier for us to have common ground. He calls me a control freak already. :look:

They DO.NOT. LIKE.TO.BE.CONTROLLED. Resitricted or feel confined. Learn that now and apply that to all areas. If its his dreams or just playling basketball on the weekend with his boys, just roll with it. There IMO is no need to "check" them about where they are going, or who they are with, because they are loyal (if you are committed like that)

Trust, I know I'm a controlling Cap and It's very very very very very very very very very hard for us Cap girls:look::lachen:Because I'm so controlling dh said I should have been a military colonel:lachen:Now this probably applies to all men but I swear they have an extra dose of wanting to rebel against being controlled. I think this is where the Cap/Sag combo does not mix. And the controlling goes to everything like I said.

The ambition thing: Dh has had like three careers in 10 years :lol: And has two busineseses right now, and dreaming of another...something that is totally RANDOM. Sometimes I wanna say STFU :rofl: but I just listen and say "oh ok, that's great". He will just walk in one day and say "I was thinking about sellling our house":look: I'm like uh ok, randomess...where did that come from? or "I was thinking about going to nebraska next week":perplexed:lachen:

But his ambition has always paid off, he's very successful, so I guess it works for him. Me and my responsible Cap self has only had ONE career in 10 years, and couldn't fathom just up and trying something "new". I honestly admire that in dh though:yep:
Would you say they are jealous?

Now I find this to be funny about Sags--they don't want you to be jealous because they pride themselves on their honesty and loyalty, what they say is what they do but I find that they can be a wee-bit jealous at times if they don't know you well or think you're not trustworthy.
Girl, me too. He called me up the other day and casually mentioned that he was thinking about coming to visit me this weekend. So I'm all geeked up, and I'm like, dude, have you made flight arrangements? I need to know right now if you're definitely coming or not.

He seems to have the attitude like he can just wake up in the morning and catch a plane across the country. Well, he can if he's gonna drop an exorbitant amount of money on a ticket.

And he's always been like that. Call me up to say: "What are you doing this weekend? I might make a drive over there." I'm like you make 10 hour drives at the drop of the hat? :perplexed

^^Dh has not changed in 10 years with his spontaneity, now I just ignore it, which is VERY hard for me because I'm a planner. Tuesday he goes "oh I'm going to MA on Friday":look: I'm used to it though--and I find that they are so honest, I don't feel the need to get suspicious and ask a bunch of questions. THEY HATE being questioned because they pride themselves on their integrity.

Now Sags are flirts, they love to flirt and IMO they typically know lots of women, I thnk it's because they are so sociable and alot of women will take their flirty-ness the wrong way--- but they generally don't take it there. When I dated dh, he wasn't hard to committ because he never knew he was in a relationship until we got married:look::lachen:The only way to snag a Sag is to make him think you're buddies, anything like girlfriend/wife sounds too much like a committtment. I know that sounds crazy, so how do you get one to committ?? Let them be free, don't be too quick to say "ok what's going on with us" They balk at that, like "huh?"
Well, i am a Sagg, and i am talking to one right now. its funny b/c we are the same: outgoing, personable, adventurous, i know what to look out for. my attention span is low, so that keeps him on his p's and q's, and b/c i am like that, i know he is probably the same, so it keeps things interesting...i would just say from being a Sagg, keep it interesting. We don't like the same thing...for me, i like something new..even something little, like going out to the park, or trying something i have never done. Just enjoy life to the fullest and take things as they come. Thats my mantra, maybe its a Sagg mantra, but it works for me and maybe it will work for you...Good Luck!
All the ones I've dated are Sags. They dont like to commit at ALL. THey are very hard to deal with. Good luck.
Sags will committ when they finf the right person--if you're interesting and keep them on their toes. Like I said. My dh had major committment issues when I met him but I gave him his freedom and kpet life exciting, they LOVE challenges and are competitors, make them feel like they are "winning" by being with you.
I'm a libra and I've dated a couple of Sags. Never again! Sags have major problem with commitment and are too flirty. And if they do commit, they usually stay for a good while until they get bored. Like some of the ladies already mention, they can be brutally honest at times.
I'm a sag... the general thoughts expressed here abouts sag are true; except for being a liar. For me, I usually get along with everybody, but i don't like everybody i get along with. I'm honest and now that i'm married, I'm committed. But I can't say that i was committed in my other relationships prior to being married.

I don't take betrayals well! And although I make friends easily, because of my issue with betrayal..i don't have many close friends (If any).
Yes, the men are more serious than the women - and my ex husband thinks he has to take care of all the women in his family. We had issues but he is still my best friend, and will do anything for me. If i were attracted to him sexually, we'd still be together. My brother is extremely devoted to his wife and puts her on a pedestal.

... funny you say that. I dated a sag for 2 years and we never even kissed...not once:ohwell:! Otherwise I'm sure we'd be married. Was it him or me?:rolleyes:
The Sag man I was with had committed issue. Very fun to be with, attractive, sociable, all about his money. I agree with the brutal honesty part. He really broke my heart when we split due to his honesty, but I respect him more for it. He couldve kept lying, but he was up front and kept it real as to what he wanted (which was to play the field). He was also arrogant which I think I was attracted to, but when your on the flip side of it his arrogance was sickening.
To be honest, I don't really believe in star signs but just to give some input on the matter, I've highlighted what is true about my BF of 8 years (who is a Sagittarius). BF of 8 years... GO FIGURE!

sag men are a lot of fun! i really enjoy being around them. it's hard to get these men to committ though. they tend to like adventure/travel and are typically not home bodies (not the ones i've met). very sociable, usually have a lot of friends or gets along well with most people. one of the most likable signs in my opinion. my big prob with sags is that sometimes they don't know how to be serious, sometimes they just play too much. but you def won't be bored.

just don't want to settle down. very restless people. i think once you get one to love you though they always will. you just gotta get to that point.

Very first relationship was with a Sag, and my last one was too

I would RUN so fast if I ever meet another one, for real!

Yep! :look:

Surprised nobody mentioned they are LIARS!

The two Sag's I was with were the worst liars I have ever known! and they stay stuck on stupid! yeah they can love you and put you on a pedestal, but whats the point when they stay stupid! LOL

Maybe it was just them, but nah I WOULD never attempt to take a Sag serious again

I know a lot about his past and although he would hate to admit it, he is/was a VERY devious person, but ofcourse no one would believe it.
I have seen a lot of changes, but you can never be too careful.

Im a gemini and I've been with a Sag for the last 10 years.
He's outgoing
puts me on a pedistal
is very committed--trust, cus the way I can be sometimes, he should have left ages ago
brutally honest, then gives that dumb "what did I say" look when I get pissed
very loving and affectionate
very protective of me
always involved in some project
And just cool with every dern body all the time. People love him.

Oh girl-it never ends. My dh has like projects, businesses, side hustles, everything...he's such a dreamer which for me and my serious Cap self, has always been hard to deal with. But I admire his ambition.

The Sag man I was with had committed issue. Very fun to be with, attractive, sociable, all about his money. I agree with the brutal honesty part. He really broke my heart when we split due to his honesty, but I respect him more for it. He couldve kept lying, but he was up front and kept it real as to what he wanted (which was to play the field). He was also arrogant which I think I was attracted to, but when your on the flip side of it his arrogance was sickening.

Oh, I'm Aries :rolleyes:.
My father, a brother, an uncle, and two guys that I've known are Sags. My overall experience:

~ Can't really trust them.
~ Smooth talkers, but their actions and their words tend to not match.
~ They like to blame others for their problems.
~ Tend to get stuck in the past.
~ Ambitious, but more like pipe dreams. They don't spend enough/much time following through.
~ They do settle down at some point and seem faithful (I don't really know if they cheated), despite the fact that other women are attracted to them.
~ There is something about them that is very attractive, until you get to know them. Then it's like a facade.
~ Physically, very masculine men.

Thinking about it, it's kind of odd that I've mostly seen the negative side of Sag men :nono:.
My father, a brother, an uncle, and two guys that I've known are Sags. My overall experience:

~ Can't really trust them.
~ Smooth talkers, but their actions and their words tend to not match.
~ They like to blame others for their problems.
~ Tend to get stuck in the past.
~ Ambitious, but more like pipe dreams. They don't spend enough/much time following through.
~ They do settle down at some point and seem faithful (I don't really know if they cheated), despite the fact that other women are attracted to them.
~ There is something about them that is very attractive, until you get to know them. Then it's like a facade.
~ Physically, very masculine men.

Thinking about it, it's kind of odd that I've mostly seen the negative side of Sag men :nono:.

You are not alone....when I began reading this thread I thought to myself...."woah where are the negatives"....

I have seen the positives in sags and also the negatives....

Your negatives are on point!!!