Dating a man with Ol' *** Baggage?

Dating baggage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • No

    Votes: 33 67.3%

  • Total voters


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Okay, just curious would anyone date a man who's going through a divorce, and had a child or two? You have NO baggage such as kids, ex-husbands, ext. He has a good paying, looks good, but is it worth dating someone who has a lot of past responiblities?

Could you really see yourself dating someone who has an ex wife? :look:
Yeah, because I am an exwife. Why wouldn't I be desireable? I didn't answer your poll thought.

You may want to rethink your explaination because you are crossing a lot of wires there.
How old are you? Are you looking for a serious relationship? Do his children live with him? How old are his children? Does he take care of them? Spend time with him? And since you can see that this is baggage, is this something you are willing to deal with?
every situation is different...and of course i can date some1 with an ex wife..and hopefully some1 will want to date me with an ex husband:lol:
Personal I don't give out my personal staus on here, it all started when my cousin said she would rather be single than deal with a man who has kids and getting a divorce even if he was a good trustworthy man. That bother me because I'm in a situation like this and I wouldn't trade what I have for someone who is "free" per sa, who has some other form of "baggage".

So me personally since I'm in a situation like this I would deal with a man who had an ex wife, and if he was a GOOD MAN, but many women secretlly would say that would date him, but in reality have a problem with it.
If he's "getting a divorce," he's still a married man, so since I don't date married men, my answer would be no. He doesn't have an ex-wife, he has a WIFE until the papers are signed.

The end.
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This is my situation now just no ex-wife.

I went outside my box and dated a guy with children. If it doesn't work out, more than likely, I will NEVER date a guy with kids under 18 again. I would prefer no kids at all but being that I like guys 35-40, that's going to be hard.
Okay, just curious would anyone date a man who's going through a divorce, and had a child or two? You have NO baggage such as kids, ex-husbands, ext. He has a good paying, looks good, but is it worth dating someone who has a lot of past responiblities?

Could you really see yourself dating someone who has an ex wife? :look:
This is my situation now just no ex-wife.

I went outside my box and dated a guy with children. If it doesn't work out, more than likely, I will NEVER date a guy with kids under 18 again. I would prefer no kids at all but being that I like guys 35-40, that's going to be hard.

Interesting story. Thanks for sharing.

The other thing is, there are other "good men" out there, whatever "good man" means. So if I pass up one who's got all this **** going on, it's not like he's the only dude out there.

I can find an equally "good man," if not a better one, with none of that stuff happening.

been there, done that. never again. it's just not for me. i just don't do ex hubbys and daddies. reg ex hubbies with no kids, okay. but with kids not so much.
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No offense to any of the exwives here. BUT, I won't again. I did, was ok until Ex from Hell became threatened by my relationship with her son and all hell broke loose. I know all women aren't silly petty and etc but you need to know WHY she is an ex first. The bad part is he may or may not tell you the truth. Just my 2 cents.
It depends, if he was a cool dude, had the qualities I was looking for. I would. I wouldn't if I were in my early 20's I think that is why one of the members asked what your age was. But now that I am older, more mature, etc, I could handle a man that that those types of responsibilities as long as he treats me right and could make me a priority in his life along with his other "priorities".
The only time I'd consider dating a guy with baggage (ex wife, kids) is IF I was in the same or similar predicamant as he. Otherwise he's automatically disqualified.

been there, done that. never again. it's just not for me. i just don't do ex hubbys and daddies. reg ex hubbies with no kids, okay. but with kids not so much.

This isn't directed at you per se, but anyone that said they would not date a man who had an ex-wife or was somebody's daddy......I do think that at a certain age, you would find at least ONE or the other right?

Like men 35 and up would have at least one or the other, so the ladies that exclude these men, are you INcluding other men (races) etc. cause I think you'd be hard pressed find a 'bra with this criteria :lol:
This isn't directed at you per se, but anyone that said they would not date a man who had an ex-wife or was somebody's daddy......I do think that at a certain age, you would find at least ONE or the other right?

Like men 35 and up would have at least one or the other, so the ladies that exclude these men, are you INcluding other men (races) etc. cause I think you'd be hard pressed find a 'bra with this criteria :lol:

I respectfully disagree. While I am not 35, I do believe that there are single men out there of every age compatible with what {you} want. I think it's a bunch of BS to believe that after a certain age, the only men available are the ones with "baggage". That's bullcrap. Women can have or not have anything they want because really WE are the ones who do the picking. Men find us, but ultimately WE pick them. I wish more women would think more openly about the real power that they have. Women need to realize that they CAN get what they want - no matter what their age is.
I respectfully disagree. While I am not 35, I do believe that there are single men out there of every age compatible with what {you} want. I think it's a bunch of BS to believe that after a certain age, the only men available are the ones with "baggage". That's bullcrap. Women can have or not have anything they want because really WE are the ones who do the picking. Men find us, but ultimately WE pick them. I wish more women would think more openly about the real power that they have. Women need to realize that they CAN get what they want - no matter what their age is.

I was about to add in my pp that I did not at all mean women should settle. To me settling would be shacking with a man that was still married, but separated, had two kids and you hanging on for dear life saying "well at least I got a man".

I guess though it depends on how you look at baggage, negatively or circumstantially. Some of these things, like being married or having kids are just 'life' things that happen.
I was about to add in my pp that I did not at all mean women should settle. To me settling would be shacking with a man that was still married, but separated, had two kids and you hanging on for dear life saying "well at least I got a man".

I guess though it depends on how you look at baggage, negatively or circumstantially. Some of these things, like being married or having kids are just 'life' things that happen.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Okay, just curious would anyone date a man who's going through a divorce, and had a child or two? You have NO baggage such as kids, ex-husbands, ext. He has a good paying, looks good, but is it worth dating someone who has a lot of past responiblities?

Could you really see yourself dating someone who has an ex wife? :look:

One of my more trivial reasons for not wanting to date a man who was married is simple: PICTURES. Chances are if he's been married before then he had a wedding. I would hate to have to see MY MAN as a groom kissing his bride on their ever-so-special day and that bride isn't me. All their family around, smiling, wishing them well and all of the joy in their eyes on that day. Sorry, but a day like that is going to have to be a first for me AND him. :cool2:
I didn't vote b/c "maybe" isn't an option.
I prefer a man with NO kids and NO ex wife,but im not dead set against dating someone with baggage. It depends on the man and baggage...
See when I first saw your thread I thought about ole *** saggy ballz! Ok proceed my minds is in the gutter I guess! LOL
This isn't directed at you per se, but anyone that said they would not date a man who had an ex-wife or was somebody's daddy......I do think that at a certain age, you would find at least ONE or the other right?

Like men 35 and up would have at least one or the other, so the ladies that exclude these men, are you INcluding other men (races) etc. cause I think you'd be hard pressed find a 'bra with this criteria :lol:

if i was 45 or something, yeah i would date a divorcee with kids, but then again, hopefully by that time i've exhausted all means! :lol:

it's just it's important to me to meet a childless man.

but to be honest, this is one of the main reasons i've started dating men of other races.
70% of black kids are born to single parents. the math is obvious.

i don't like that 30% look i up my odds, so now i'm playing with a crayola deck!
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No, thanks. I would only do this if I had similar baggage but since I do not, there really is no way that I'm dating a divorcee who may have a child.
I would consider dating a man with an ex-wive but never a man with children. I do not have kids, so I would not date a man with kids.
I have an ex but no children. For me to date a man with children I need to see what his 'family' dynamics are first. I'm not trying to add drama to my life.

Me and my girls had to talk reaaaaaaaaaaall hard to our girlfriend who was dating a guy that undeniably treated her kind. However, he NEVER had any money but owed a ton of debt. Had 4 kids (he barely sends money), 1 ex wife and 2 baby mamas, slept on his mama's floor and has no car. But since she had gotten out of an abusive relationship she was focused on how kind he was to her. Umm no. :nono: He was kind, but still a loser going nowhere.

Can ya'll even imagine???!!
I have an ex but no children. For me to date a man with children I need to see what his 'family' dynamics are first. I'm not trying to add drama to my life.

Me and my girls had to talk reaaaaaaaaaaall hard to our girlfriend who was dating a guy that undeniably treated her kind. However, he NEVER had any money but owed a ton of debt. Had 4 kids (he barely sends money), 1 ex wife and 2 baby mamas, slept on his mama's floor and has no car. But since she had gotten out of an abusive relationship she was focused on how kind he was to her. Umm no. :nono: He was kind, but still a loser going nowhere.

Can ya'll even imagine???!!

My Gawd.... is the potential of love that great? Ain't NO way.
I have an ex but no children. For me to date a man with children I need to see what his 'family' dynamics are first. I'm not trying to add drama to my life.

Me and my girls had to talk reaaaaaaaaaaall hard to our girlfriend who was dating a guy that undeniably treated her kind. However, he NEVER had any money but owed a ton of debt. Had 4 kids (he barely sends money), 1 ex wife and 2 baby mamas, slept on his mama's floor and has no car. But since she had gotten out of an abusive relationship she was focused on how kind he was to her. Umm no. :nono: He was kind, but still a loser going nowhere.

Can ya'll even imagine???!!

But I bet she was trying to talk about how he was such a "good man," right?
But I bet she was trying to talk about how he was such a "good man," right?

Enough to make me gag.

Sadly she did think he was a good man. He was very easy on the eyes, a sweet talker and he did quite a bit for her. But we had to point out that him driving her everywhere in HER car or him cooking her meals in HER house with the groceries SHE bought were not valid signs of stability. If he has no money now what would happen if she lost her job? She finally listened. Thank GOD!