Dating A Man With Massive Amounts Of Student Loan Debt? (over 100,000k)

Keep your finances separate. As long as he is managing it.
Step mom had 50K of credit card debt but 100k plus job. Dad and her always filed separate taxes. Never got anything in their names. He owns one house and she owns another house.

Lived 15 years in his house and 20 in hers.

If he has high std. Loans and credit cards and is not an MD then.....

I am not a lawyer but you can keep your assets and debts separate

Student loans may be more manageable that credit card. As long as it wasn't a private loan company.
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Visit a tax attorney and financial planner.

People with debt get married all the time.
The main things is has he learned and is actively paying and can handle his own debt.

1. If he can manage is own debt then do everything separate. This includes child support.
2. Is he still ignorant and self destructive then any debt accrued during marriage can be an issue.

Past behavior not bad as long as managed and got control. Don't need my help. Current behavior and no growth....issues.

Every new relationship need a tax and financial planner.
$100,000 in student loans is not a massive amount for med school. I wouldn't let that be the sole reason for not even getting to know him (assuming everything else seems ok).
If he's still in school, that 100k could be 200k by the time he's finished though.

But I agree, depending on what he's planning on specializing in that wouldn't keep me away. But everything financial would be done separately.
You are late. People's passports are already being confiscated for child support so they don't flee. If you owe more than $2500 you are not eligible for a US passport. It's on the website of the State Dept.

You're the 3rd person I heard say this....:lachen::lachen:

Y'all keep playing and Trump and his friends will find a way to block passport renewals the way they do for folks with back child support. :lachen:
You are late. People's passports are already being confiscated for child support so they don't flee. If you owe more than $2500 you are not eligible for a US passport. It's on the website of the State Dept.

I already know that. I'm talking about this government suddenly using that same tactic on other debt like student loans. It was a cheeky response to a comment I'd seen a few times and some articles I'd read about folks leaving the US because of student loan debt..
You are late. People's passports are already being confiscated for child support so they don't flee. If you owe more than $2500 you are not eligible for a US passport. It's on the website of the State Dept.

Apply for a passport anyway! I know a guy who still got a passport and owed way more than the threshold. He knew it could get rejected but tried his luck.
It can't hurt to try.
My niece met a prosepctive man. He is in med school, but has well over 100k in debt.

She has no debt whatsoever.

Given his financial situation, is he even worth dating?

She's putting the cart before the horse. A date isn't a big deal and the relationship might not even go anywhere. She can consider the debt situation when an actual commitment is on the table. :yep: No need to stress out about it now--stay in the moment!
She's putting the cart before the horse. A date isn't a big deal and the relationship might not even go anywhere. She can consider the debt situation when an actual commitment is on the table. :yep: No need to stress out about it now--stay in the moment!


And keep a rotation. She may meet another man with even better prospects. I'd let him and 100k in student loan debt buy me dinner. lmao.

Most med students are broke and busy though, so she should have plenty of free time to explore all of her options.
$100,000 in student loans is not a massive amount for med school. I wouldn't let that be the sole reason for not even getting to know him (assuming everything else seems ok).

Right?!?! That is quite an amazing "low" for med school loan debt. Most are in 300-400k these days. Mine was around 150k then again I graduated over 10 years ago and prices for med school today have increased exponentially. So if the relationship lasts, he's an upstanding guy and makes it to marriage, they will be alright.