Dates, Guys, and the allusion to sex

Maa Maa omo mti

New Member
What the hell is up with this?

Is this a test?

I've had guys come out and say that they have had a good long term relationship with their ex after they've had sex on the first date. I'm like :ohwell: NEXT!!

Then I've had another talking about bubble baths, romantic dinners, and how he wants to give me a back rub. :ohwell::look:

I've had one guy ask for naked pics. um what the hell?:wallbash:

I've had a guy say he is a freak and when he's comfortable with his lady he likes to just relax and let go :spinning:

What is up with this crap?

I tell them all if you want sex there are a million other girls out there that will do you the honor. As for me I am not in that frame of mind.
Maybe they are trying to smoke/weed you out with sex/sexy stories/etc like I used to smoke out/weed out men with my try some bs and this is what happened to the last fool story. :grin: Some men/women can be rather stupid they would/will still hang around for the obvious.
The minute a guy would bring up sex too early or right off the bat that was a clear indicator that he wasn't the one for me.
Well, my ex said, WCG, "I love s*x! over the phone the day after I became his girlfriend. Then I told him I was waiting for marriage. He was embarrassed and said, "I guess I'll be celibate then." We were together for 2 1/2 years, and he's still celibate after almost 4 years of meeting me. :lol: You just have to train them, abenyo. :lol: Too bad my ex was/is crazy, though. :lol: It could have been a great relationship.
You read my mind. One of my guy friends just made our friendship so awkward by talking about sex. When I first meet a guy the first thing I mention is abstinence, then once they become my man, if they make it, I determine if we have sex or not, on my terms only.

He doesn't know this because our relationship has always been strictly platonic we never even talked about anything like that...but my current relationship is a little rocky and he just saw me for the 1st time in 3 months, so I guess he thinks this is his chance.

But even if it was his chance, why does he think that talking about sex, in the most vulgar way, I may add will give him some sort of chance.

I was thinking it may be a test too:ohwell:. I hope so, because I'll friendship may have to end if he keeps this up:nono:.
What the hell is up with this?

Is this a test?

I've had guys come out and say that they have had a good long term relationship with their ex after they've had sex on the first date. I'm like :ohwell: NEXT!!

Then I've had another talking about bubble baths, romantic dinners, and how he wants to give me a back rub. :ohwell::look:

I've had one guy ask for naked pics. um what the hell?:wallbash:

I've had a guy say he is a freak and when he's comfortable with his lady he likes to just relax and let go :spinning:

What is up with this crap?

I tell them all if you want sex there are a million other girls out there that will do you the honor. As for me I am not in that frame of mind.

This is one of my pet peeves, too:wallbash: And I see it more often lately around here. When you aren't comfortable with the allusion,then they complain that you are being stand-offish. I don't know what it is, but I have dropped my fair share of guys for just talking about sex too much too early- if you're on that page, I'm not the one for you.
It's definitely a test. Testing to see how far you're willing to go and what you're willing to accept in a "relationship" and move on to the next. They think they slick. :rolleyes:
You read my mind. One of my guy friends just made our friendship so awkward by talking about sex. When I first meet a guy the first thing I mention is abstinence, then once they become my man, if they make it, I determine if we have sex or not, on my terms only.

He doesn't know this because our relationship has always been strictly platonic we never even talked about anything like that...but my current relationship is a little rocky and he just saw me for the 1st time in 3 months, so I guess he thinks this is his chance.

But even if it was his chance, why does he think that talking about sex, in the most vulgar way, I may add will give him some sort of chance.

I was thinking it may be a test too:ohwell:. I hope so, because I'll friendship may have to end if he keeps this up:nono:.

Exactly, I had to stop a guy friend by saying that I'm not one of your boys or some trick!:nono:

I think some guy just think it is COOL is bring up sex or their "size" in hopes that you will be impressed. :perplexed I think if you have to talk about how "good" or "big" you are - then you are just trying to convince yourself, not me.