What's the POINT?!

Okay I am getting the sense that some women envy women who are very comfortable with their sexuality and partake in casual sex because they want to....I mean why come into a thread spewing x, y, and z about how it is wrong and why your method of waiting til marriage is better?
we're not all the same, but don't put anyone else down...it just reeks jealousy and insecurity to me.

eta: I'm not saying there aren't women who are having casual sex for the wrong reasons, but there's nothing wrong with a woman doing it for herself...not for validation from a man.
I just feel that some people (men included) can't come to terms that some women love sex too!!!

Because thanks was not enough:yep:, and women will forever be judged very harshly (especially by other women:rolleyes:) for enjoying/wanting sex as much as a man does.
Softblackcotton, the women who harbor those things on your list are generally women who have issues that prevent them from having any real successes with intimacy, period. Not all women are that way. There are women who have it all together, but are really not interested in settling down with one man, but do enjoy male companionship, however instant or temporary it may be. It works for them and it really doesn't warrant such harsh accusations about their motivations, morals or self-esteem. It's called dating.

Ok. There's one generalization for example for those who never heard them before. Women share my opinion have intimacy issues? But anyway everyone has their own. It's okay. My apologies if I seemed judgemental that wasn't my aim.
Ok. There's one generalization for example for those who never heard them before. Women share my opinion have intimacy issues? But anyway everyone has their own. It's okay. My apologies if I seemed judgemental that wasn't my aim.

:rolleyes: Oh please. Your wording was so deliberately inflammatory. At least own it.

The fact of the matter is, women judge more harshly on this than men because it makes them feel better. It justifies their life choices and makes them feel as if they are showing that obviously they are the real prize, not those crazy loose women of questionable morals and low self esteem. (Light bulb: if that's the case, why are women who concern themselves a lot with other women's sexual activities usually alone?) As long as you throw dirt on other people you look shinier in comparison. Women throw each other under the bus all the time hoping to get the same men to look at them instead.

I also think there is some resentment in there that these women are watching someone do things that they are denying themselves, and seeing that those women aren't suffering mental breakdowns and suicide attempts just burns their soul. I could see how that would cause such an unwarranted negative reaction.
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:rolleyes: Oh please. Your wording was so deliberately inflammatory. At least own it.

The fact of the matter is, women judge more harshly on this than men because it makes them feel better. It justifies their life choices and makes them feel as if they are showing that obviously they are the real prize, not those crazy loose women of questionable morals and low self esteem. (Light bulb: if that's the case, why are women who concern themselves a lot with other women's sexual activities usually alone?) As long as you throw dirt on other people you look shinier in comparison. Women throw each other under the bus all the time hoping to get the same men to look at them instead.

I also think there is some resentment in there that these women are watching someone do things that they are denying themselves, and seeing that those women aren't suffering mental breakdowns and suicide attempts just burns their soul. I could see how that would cause such an unwarranted negative reaction.

Ok its whatever you want to think. I can't change your mind and you can't change mine. I don't really feel like going back and forth with you making sweeping judgements about about each side. I only apologized if I seemed judgmental, not for my opinion which I own 100%. I would have tons more to say to contradict what you have just said but I'm too busy IRL to argue on forums for an extended amount of time. So lets just leave it at that.
Ok. There's one generalization for example for those who never heard them before. Women share my opinion have intimacy issues? But anyway everyone has their own. It's okay. My apologies if I seemed judgemental that wasn't my aim.

I didn't say women who shared your opinion have intimacy issues, no. I said that women who represent the items on your list tend to have them. My post doesn't in any way say that those items aren't valid. They are indeed, but not every woman is prone to something dysfinctional just because they are able to enjoy sex without emotional ties, guilt or shame.
i dont do casual sex but what the heck if other people do more power to you shoots maybe one day i will drop my panty draws on date 1 or 2
This is so true!

When I was a virgin it was easier to just say no (I can say no now, just a more temptation). Its easier to hold back or not really crave what you never had.

My thoughts exactly. I can say with certainty that there are men I never would hav said yes to as a virgin, and men I said no to before I lost my virginity that I wish I could go back in time and jump their bones.:lol::drunk::spinning:

Anyway, I think most of those women just do it because they want to, and most likely feel comfortable with their choices. There are some people out there who are insecure with their choices and do it out of pressure but that is really unfortunate, because sex is only fun when you want to do it. If you don't really want to you are ruining your own experience. I really think the proper timeline is something you and only you can know.

I personally know I need a some buffer time to make myself feel comfortable, and some other women do not need as much buffer time as I do. ( I kind of envy them) I learned this the hard way when I went faster than my own buffer time once, and even though the guy was totally still 100% into me, I was paranoid that I ruined everything by moving too fast. I can live without that paranoia.

Seeing as its been just over a year and a half for me now, my buffer time is growing. I am not going to end the drought with bad sex NO SIR! Nuh-UH!
1.) Because they're h*rny
2.) They are attracted to the guy but not enough to want more from him besides sex.
3.) They're h*rny:lol:

Sport sex, :lol:

Believe it or not, some women just like to get laid with no strings attached. If it isn't for you, then it isn't for you.

If they're two consenting adults who are protecting themselves and want to have sex that that's on them. Even if they're doing to to "keep in interested" just make sure that you wrap it up and take whatever other safety precautions.

to get laid. everyone is not into intimate bonds, deep meaningful connections, joining of hearts and all that ****. some women like casual ****ing and that's a-ok.

i, personally, am not waiting for 3.25 months or until marriage or until we've had at least 50 dates. i'll **** when i want and if that's on the 2nd date then it will be on the second date.*shrugs*

Because sex is very important in a relationship and before I commit myself to you I need to know that you are capable of meeting my needs. I need someone who is on the same level of freaky as me, cause if you're not a freak, and not willing to do things that I'm used to having done to me then no we cannot be together.

!!!!! All of these :yep:
There is nothing worse than being emotionally attached to another person, just to be let down sexually. I'm not in the business of teaching grown men how to do the basics. Improve pre-existing skills? Yes. Start from scratch? No.
I don't have one-night stands, but I'll definitely have long-term, monogamous FWBs (1 - 2 years)-- because *I* want to. We just have to be in it for the same reasons and it works out beautifully. Like a goaless romantic relationship. :)

For real relationships in the past, I always had a 3+ month "rule". Dating is fun, so waiting 3+ months ain't no thing.

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There is nothing worse than being emotionally attached to another person, just to be let down sexually. I'm not in the business of teaching grown men how to do the basics. Improve pre-existing skills? Yes. Start from scratch? No.

Whew, tell me about it. Hell, I will LEAVE. ;)

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
Because I'm grown and I want to...I have a healthy sexual appetite (although I'm abstaining now) if I want to have sex, I'll go out and do it, point blank.