Daniel Fast 2014 - Encouragement, Recipes, etc.

I realized that I'm not as filled. I just had an awesome ginger-soy veggie stir fry with brown rice and I was still starving. I had an apple and peanut butter afterwards and I'm still not full. Sigh. I'm already underweight for my height and I'm praying I can keep the weight ont.

I'm going to try and make some soup and make it more filling
Im not doing this fast, but a great veggie burger I make sometimes is one that includes chickpeas and eggplant. You can use vegan egg replacer to hold them together. Its really "meaty". :-)
I realized that I'm not as filled. I just had an awesome ginger-soy veggie stir fry with brown rice and I was still starving. I had an apple and peanut butter afterwards and I'm still not full. Sigh. I'm already underweight for my height and I'm praying I can keep the weight ont.

I'm going to try and make some soup and make it more filling

Beans may help
Thanks but I hate beans more than anything in life. Always have. Imagine a Jamaican who hates beans and peas lol.

A Jamaican who doesn't like rice and peas?! Awwww...I feel for ya! :lol:
Do you usually just pick out the peas then? When I was little I hated peas..but loved when rice was cooked with it:look:. My sweet mom would take the peas out for me before giving me my plate. God bless mommy....such a good mother.

Since you don't like peas/beans, eat more nuts :yep:. Is it the texture of beans that you dont like?
A Jamaican who doesn't like rice and peas?! Awwww...I feel for ya! :lol:
Do you usually just pick out the peas then? When I was little I hated peas..but loved when rice was cooked with it:look:. My sweet mom would take the peas out for me before giving me my plate. God bless mommy....such a good mother.

Since you don't like peas/beans, eat more nuts :yep:. Is it the texture of beans that you dont like?

I've spent a lifetime picking out peas when served rice and peas. I can barely tolerate rice and gungu peas. It's the texture and taste. Ugh...I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. I am however going to attempt split pea soup and pray the peas cook out.

The thing with nuts....I only like peanuts and occasionally almonds. lol. I'm such a picky eater.
I've spent a lifetime picking out peas when served rice and peas. I can barely tolerate rice and gungu peas. It's the texture and taste. Ugh...I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. I am however going to attempt split pea soup and pray the peas cook out.

The thing with nuts....I only like peanuts and occasionally almonds. lol. I'm such a picky eater.

Hey Phoenix14 -

Try adding more carbs like potatoes and brown rice pasta. I have brown rice pasta with almost every meal. Vegetables alone are not filling enough to me and neither is soup and salad. I'm constantly searching for something else to eat when I don't have pasta or potato, but I feel full when I do and I find that I snack less. Hopefully this works for you as well.
Praise Report: So I was starting to feel a little like um God, are you there? I'm praying and fasting and still no answers? But then I realized I had peace. No more anxiety about the issues I had brought to Him. Then I got a job offer that a year ago I would have JUMPED at, but it's back in NY and I know the Lord isn't done with me here in Texas as yet. So I gladly turned it down. I feel fulfilled. Strange but awesome

ETA: Guacamole for lunch has shaken me out of my funk. Glad I went grocery shopping last night for inspiration. Also, I previously wanted to keep my fast secret but after one particularly cranky day I told my coworkers (we're very close) and without asking they took all the cookies and snacks and put them away so I wouldn't be tempted. My assistant even decided to join me in a modified fast and has thanked me for opening her eyes to this.
Recipe time! I made this dish last week and it was amazing!


Pinto, Black, and Red Bean Salad with Grilled Corn and Avocado


Liven up your south-of-the-border dinners with a colorful bean salad featuring grilled corn. This Latin-accented three-bean and corn salad is studded with guacamole components: jalapeño, cilantro, white onion, lime, and avocado.

Cooking Light JUNE 2012

Yield: Serves 12 (serving size: 2/3 cup)
Hands-on:42 Minutes
Total:42 Minutes
1 cup halved heirloom grape or cherry tomatoes
1 teaspoon salt, divided
3 ears shucked corn
1 medium white onion, cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices
1 jalapeño pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
Cooking spray
1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/3 cup fresh lime juice
1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added pinto beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added black beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added kidney beans, rinsed and drained
2 diced peeled avocados

1. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.

2. Place the tomatoes in a large bowl, and sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt. Let stand 10 minutes.

3. Brush corn, onion, and jalapeño evenly with oil. Place vegetables on grill rack coated with cooking spray. Grill corn for 12 minutes or until lightly charred, turning after 6 minutes. Grill onion slices and jalapeño 8 minutes or until lightly charred, turning after 4 minutes. Let vegetables stand 5 minutes. Cut kernels from cobs. Coarsely chop onion. Finely chop jalapeño; discard stem. Add corn, onion, and jalapeño to tomato mixture; toss well. Add remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, cilantro, and next 4 ingredients (through kidney beans) to corn mixture; toss well. Top with avocado.
Arrrgh!!!! I've been longing to pray with fellow Christians as a church... Oh well

We used to have bible study every Wednesday and believe it or not... it wasn't well attended so after many years the weekly ended. I like the "life (small) groups" it would be a great way for you to make friends too. :-)
Praise Report: So I was starting to feel a little like um God, are you there? I'm praying and fasting and still no answers? But then I realized I had peace. No more anxiety about the issues I had brought to Him. Then I got a job offer that a year ago I would have JUMPED at, but it's back in NY and I know the Lord isn't done with me here in Texas as yet. So I gladly turned it down. I feel fulfilled. Strange but awesome

ETA: Guacamole for lunch has shaken me out of my funk. Glad I went grocery shopping last night for inspiration. Also, I previously wanted to keep my fast secret but after one particularly cranky day I told my coworkers (we're very close) and without asking they took all the cookies and snacks and put them away so I wouldn't be tempted. My assistant even decided to join me in a modified fast and has thanked me for opening her eyes to this.

Phoenix14 - Thank you for sharing your praise report! It's a great feeling when we have peace about turning down opportunities. Some opportunities are so hard to walk away from that you know without a doubt that the peace had to come from God. I'm also happy to hear that you were able to bring someone along on this journey. I know God has great things in store for your assistant!

My praise report for the week is that I sent out my resume on Monday to 3 people and by Wednesday I had two interviews scheduled. I know a turnaround that quick has to be from God. :yep:

Any more praise reports ladies?
My sisters and I started a non-profit in honor of our mother who lost her battle to breast cancer over 20 yes ago. We submitted our application to IRS for 501c3 exemption last Feb and in May was told more info was needed, but it would we would need to be assigned to a determination officer to know exactly what was wrong. At that time they were only on June 2012 apps. We figured it would be around May this year before they got to us. We were upset because we had to pass on donations and grants because we didn't have a number. Out the blue Friday, checked the mailbox to find our letter and number. We are officially a federally endorsed 501c3. God answers y'all! Just when you feel all is lost, he lets you know that he is there and still in control. What a mighty God we serve!

Oan: Dh made some amazing veggie burgers (black beans and brown rice base) with roasted plabano corn salsa. It was delicious...I ate 2.
Today is day 9 for me. Food-wise I'm doing well, no cravings. Spiritually, I feel really encouraged. However, physically I feel very tired and drained. I've even been oversleeping. I don't remember feeling like this when I did the fast last year. I was working out 3 days a week at the time, but this year I'm not working out due to some knee pain. I wonder if my body is reacting differently this time because of that.

Anyone else feeling fatigued?
Ladies - thank you for sharing your praise reports!!

I'm not on this particular fast. I fasted in December and received an unexpected pay increase. God also revealed so much to me just being in His presence.
My church just started our 40 day fast yesterday... I am not exactly doing the Daniel fast but, I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

ETA: awesome praise reports!
This is getting frustrating. I feel like I've gotten my answers and peace from this fast but I'll still continue with it until the end of the week.

I'm losing weight and I can't afford to lose much more. Last year I lost ten lbs and had a hard time gaining it back (took me 3+months). I'm already at my end weight from last year now. I'll still keep my practices from the fast after I'm done
This is getting frustrating. I feel like I've gotten my answers and peace from this fast but I'll still continue with it until the end of the week.

I'm losing weight and I can't afford to lose much more. Last year I lost ten lbs and had a hard time gaining it back (took me 3+months). I'm already at my end weight from last year now. I'll still keep my practices from the fast after I'm done

Hi Phoenix14,

If you have to end your fast because of health/weight concerns that is completely understandable. However, to the bolded, I want to encourage you not to end your fast early for that reason. God speaks to us in his own timing. He may say everything he has to say all at one time or He may give it you in pieces. Just because you already heard from God during your fast, doesn't mean He won't speak to you again before the fast is over. Please don't let frustration over what to eat or lack of eating cause you to miss out on the fullness of God's blessing.

And, please know that you're not alone. Yesterday, I posted that I'm not having any cravings and today all I can think about is some hot wings. :spinning: But, I'm not letting that get me down. I've learned to recognize the enemy at work. I know that God has more to say to me during this fast otherwise the enemy wouldn't be taunting me right now. :yep:

Again, if it's health related I completely understand. But, when I read the part about you being frustrated it tugged at my heart. Even if you don't continue with the full Daniel Fast, please consider a partial fast or giving up TV or Internet or something to continue your commit to fast. I just feel that God isn't done with you yet. There's more to your blessing. :bighug:
Reminiscing thank you for responding. I'm definitely going to continue it to the end of the week like I planned. I think I was just having a hard time this morning. Between work, my cousin's death and essentially cutting a few people out of my life, I've been emotionally drained. I'm just waiting on the Lord to fill me up.

I guess I have another praise report lol. I'm an introvert but I've been wanting to find a way to meet people at church and spread my wings a bit more. This past Sunday I was introduced to someone at church and was able to offer my services pro-bono to her, I signed up for a small group and was told by one of their organizers that she would keep her eye on me because she wants me to consider hosting one the next round. I've NEVER considered being a leader or facilitator for anything before (did yall read the part about being an introvert??). We'll see.
@Reminiscing thank you for responding. I'm definitely going to continue it to the end of the week like I planned. I think I was just having a hard time this morning. Between work, my cousin's death and essentially cutting a few people out of my life, I've been emotionally drained. I'm just waiting on the Lord to fill me up.

I guess I have another praise report lol. I'm an introvert but I've been wanting to find a way to meet people at church and spread my wings a bit more. This past Sunday I was introduced to someone at church and was able to offer my services pro-bono to her, I signed up for a small group and was told by one of their organizers that she would keep her eye on me because she wants me to consider hosting one the next round. I've NEVER considered being a leader or facilitator for anything before (did yall read the part about being an introvert??). We'll see.

Amen to your praise report! So glad God is blessing you with breakthroughs!

I went to my interview yesterday (2nd of the two l lined up last week) and was offered the job on the spot!! I start on Monday. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
Praise Report: Yesterday morning I was having a hard time. and it wasn't until I was literally in tears that I realized how loved I am at work. My assistant reminded me to cast my cares upon the Lord and despite my despair I felt encouraged and loved.
Praise Report: Yesterday morning I was having a hard time. and it wasn't until I was literally in tears that I realized how loved I am at work. My assistant reminded me to cast my cares upon the Lord and despite my despair I felt encouraged and loved.

Amen! At a time when so many work environments are harsh and very competitive, it's a blessing that you have people there who love and care for you. God is truly amazing! Thanks for sharing!