Daniel Fast 2014 - Encouragement, Recipes, etc.

I started my fast January 2nd and it will be for 40 days Though it is not a Daniels fast it is very similar

Divine. Hi well fasting is consecrating yourself so I make time prior and after work But during the day while on the clock I use my lunch break to really get into a prayer whether in the bathroom stall, in a closed office room or in the car Let the Lord lead you and listen If you feel the urge to say a quick few words while grabbing water then do it
I didn't know this fast was so popular at this time of year. I think we start ours 5 Jan. I fell off the band wagon with my weight loss for the last few months and this will help me get back on track. The hardest part for me will be no coffee..plus I have a function to attend 9 jan...I guess I will bring my own food. Oh well.... Can we use butter? I plan to eat yams...but need butter...i put butter on my spinach, collard greens...etc
Divine., I'm not sure of the type of work you do, but I like to think that written prayers (journal) are heard as well. When I was working at a cubicle, I'd bow and pray at my desk for a few minutes or jot things down to pray about later in the day. I also spent idle time at work meditating on a scripture verse.
Thanks ladies! Praying during work is going to be the most difficult because I have zero privacy. I work in an office that has an open concept so everyone is on top of each other. In addition someone is always going in and out of the bathroom too *sigh* I guess I'll just have to pray in the car.

Baggettcindy butter is dairy so it is prohibited. Use a vegan butter such as earth balance. I love that butter! I got it from Target. If you haven't planned your meals please do so. I learned fairly quickly that you can easily get off track on this fast if you don't read labels.

I thought I was gonna start this week but that was a fail so I'm beginning my fast with my church on Sunday. I was going to fast 21 days but I'm really afraid of losing weight! I would need to speak to my doctor about how to prevent rapid weight loss if I plan on going that long.
How do you fast when you're at work? When do you have time to pray?
I plan on praying in the bathroom or making a trip to my car. I will sometimes find empty offices or conference rooms.

What is everyone focused on while they are fasting? I am focused on breaking strongholds in my life
I have been experimenting with a few food ideas this week. I highly recommend investing in a Nicer Dicer Plus. Makes cutting vegetables a breeze!

Recipe ideas (I modified them to meet my needs so some exact measurements are omitted):

Strawberry banana smoothie
  • 1/2 cup of Frozen strawberries
  • One banana
  • 1 cup of soy milk
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seed

Blend everything together.

Home fried potatoes
  • 3 red potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Diced Green pepper
  • Diced Onion
  • Kosher Salt
  • Parsley flakes

1. Boil potatoes
2. While potatoes are boiling, saute green peppers and onions in 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Set aside.
3. Strain potatoes and cut into rectangular cubes (I use my Nicer Dicer for this)
4. Cook potatoes in 1 tablespoon of olive oil in skillet. Add parsley flakes, onions, and green peppers. Salt to taste.

Muesli (basically cold oatmeal)
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • Dry apples
  • Dates (nature's candy :lick:)
  • Soy milk

Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add soy milk and enjoy!

Veggie Burger on flat bread
  • 1 cup of black beans
  • 1 sliced carrot
  • 1 sliced potato
  • Thawed frozen sweet corn
  • vegan butter

1. Mash black beans. Set aside.
2. Boil carrots and potatoes until soft.
3. Strain potatoes and carrots and mash them into the bowl of black beans.
4. Add corn to mixture.
5. Shape ingredients into a patty (1/2 cup of the mixture should do)
6. Heat skillet and add vegan butter
7. Cook veggie patty on both sides until it firms (Don't get too frustrated if it falls apart :look:)
8. Serve on whole wheat flat bread or eat alone :grin:

Mashed sweet potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes/yams
  • Soy milk
  • Cinnamon
  • vanilla

1. You can either bake the potatoes first or boil them. Baking them seems to preserve the sweetness better.
2. Mash potatoes
3. Add soy milk, cinnamon, and vanilla to taste.
*I haven't tried this but try making some date honey and add it to the dish for a sweeter taste.

I plan on doing a lot of experimenting so I will post any new finds!

ETA: I'm thinking of making a southwest black bean soup with corn (making this up :lol:) with a soy based sour cream. I hope it's not against the rules to make your food taste good :look:
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Thanks ladies! Praying during work is going to be the most difficult because I have zero privacy. I work in an office that has an open concept so everyone is on top of each other. In addition someone is always going in and out of the bathroom too *sigh* I guess I'll just have to pray in the car.

@Baggettcindy butter is dairy so it is prohibited. Use a vegan butter such as earth balance. I love that butter! I got it from Target. If you haven't planned your meals please do so. I learned fairly quickly that you can easily get off track on this fast if you don't read labels.

I thought I was gonna start this week but that was a fail so I'm beginning my fast with my church on Sunday. I was going to fast 21 days but I'm really afraid of losing weight! I would need to speak to my doctor about how to prevent rapid weight loss if I plan on going that long.

Thanx....never heard of vegan butter......or earth balance!!
I always put a spin on most of my recipes but here are the basics.

Lentil Soup

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 cup finely chopped carrot
1/2 cup finely chopped celery
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 pound lentils, picked and rinsed
1 cup peeled and chopped tomatoes
2 quarts chicken or vegetable broth
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground toasted cumin
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground grains of paradise
Place the olive oil into a large 6-quart Dutch oven and set over medium heat. Once hot, add the onion, carrot, celery and salt and sweat until the onions are translucent, approximately 6 to 7 minutes. Add the lentils, tomatoes, broth, coriander, cumin and grains of paradise and stir to combine. Increase the heat to high and bring just to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook at a low simmer until the lentils are tender, approximately 35 to 40 minutes. Using a stick blender, puree to your preferred consistency. Serve immediately.

Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/lentil-soup-recipe/index.html?oc=linkback

Veggie Kabobs

8 whole mushrooms
8 small red potatoes, halved and then quartered
16 cherry tomatoes
1 bell pepper, quartered (any color)
1/2 red onion, quartered
1/3 Vinegar

You may also experiment with other food times such as chucks of garlic bread, Brussels sprouts, etc.
Place potatoes in a saucepan in just enough water to cover them.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and cook 5-10 minutes or just until slightly tender; drain.
Thread veggies onto four skewers and brush with salad dressing.
For enhanced flavor, allow to soak in dressing for 30 minutes or so before grilling.
Place kabobs upon heated gas grill or on charcoal grill about 5 inches from medium coals.
Cover grill and cook 8-10 minutes or until veggies are tender and slightly browned, periodically brushing with additional salad dressing and turning occasionally.

Read more: <a href="http://www.food.com/recipe/grilled-veggie-kabobs-30985?oc=linkback">http://www.food.com/recipe/grilled-veggie-kabobs-30985?oc=linkback</a>
I plan on praying in the bathroom or making a trip to my car. I will sometimes find empty offices or conference rooms. What is everyone focused on while they are fasting? I am focused on breaking strongholds in my life

I'll be focused on using my writing skills for God. I wrote a play for my church before that was truly a blessing. I have two more ideas in mind. God always speaks to me while fasting so I'm excited to see what direction he will give me on these new ideas.

I'll also be praying for my family, present and future.
My church and I are starting the fast on tomorrow. I'm trying to remind myself why I'm doing it, and that it's just not about the food part. I have a friend that has already started and she's sharing recipes with me. But I'm really am believing for a better job and career this year, so I'll be praying more. I also want my prayer life to increase too.
My church and I are starting the fast on tomorrow. I'm trying to remind myself why I'm doing it, and that it's just not about the food part. I have a friend that has already started and she's sharing recipes with me. But I'm really am believing for a better job and career this year, so I'll be praying more. I also want my prayer life to increase too.

My church is starting tomorrow as well but my SO and I decided to start on the 2nd. I've been reading a devotional daily to keep me on track with my praying. Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers for a better job and career :-)
I was going to participate in the Daniel Fast but I have been moved to fast with liquid only beginning tomorrow. I am fasting for financial break through and direction in my career. It will be a 24 hour fast. At most I will fast for 3 days but I will see where the Holy Spirit leads me. For those who have begun their fast today, good luck! I will keep you in my prayers.
Like another poster said, I never knew about the Daniel fast until today, at this "new" church I attended. (*sidenote*: I think it will be my place of worship while I'm in New Jersey.) I will be starting tomorrow. I drink coffee every single day so that will be a big change for me.

As part of my fast, I disconnected my TV because I spend 95% of my free time watching TV or checking the ET forum; that will be changing during this fast as I have already downloaded some spiritual books on my kindle; henceforth, I will be spending my free time reading and growing. Honestly, lack of circular TV and entertainment will be the biggest sacrifice for me, even bigger than the lack of caffeine.

MI will be fasting for direction in my spiritual life and career. I feel like I used to experience Gods presence, and I don't anymore because my hunger for him has waned. I want to learn to trust God 100%, something I have done for very short periods of my life.
Like another poster said, I never knew about the Daniel fast until today, at this "new" church I attended. (*sidenote*: I think it will be my place of worship while I'm in New Jersey.) I will be starting tomorrow. I drink coffee every single day so that will be a big change for me. As part of my fast, I disconnected my TV because I spend 95% of my free time watching TV or checking the ET forum; that will be changing during this fast as I have already downloaded some spiritual books on my kindle; henceforth, I will be spending my free time reading and growing. Honestly, lack of circular TV and entertainment will be the biggest sacrifice for me, even bigger than the lack of caffeine. MI will be fasting for direction in my spiritual life and career. I feel like I used to experience Gods presence, and I don't anymore because my hunger for him has waned. I want to learn to trust God 100%, something I have done for very short periods of my life.

My church, Christ Church in Montclair, NJ started our fast yesterday. Did you by any chance attend our service? :-)
Yesterday was my first day. Started out great but then a headache and some crankiness hit me later in the day. I knew to expect the head and crankiness from the lack of sugar but it still hit me like BOOM! I even had to apologized to my mother for the crankiness, once I realized that it was me and not her. LOL!

I found a great recipe online for Eggplant Tomato Sauce. I made it last night and it was amazing!!! Here's the link if you want to try it. http://www.ultimatedanielfast.com/day-7-veggie-tray-greek-salad-and-eggplant-tomato-sauce/

I added red peppers and mushrooms to the ingredients to enhance the flavor and make it more filling. I ate it with brown rice spaghetti.

Praying for all of us as we continue on this fast! Please continue to check in.
Started my fast yesterday, so far so good :yep:.
I was contemplating how I would eat my salad without dressing. So I smothered it with fresh salsa and added some guacamole...tasted good to me :look:.

I wish I could spend more time praying though, but I have to work. Sigh. Doing my best.

Anyone taking communion while on the fast?
Started my fast yesterday, so far so good :yep:.
I was contemplating how I would eat my salad without dressing. So I smothered it with fresh salsa and added some guacamole...tasted good to me :look:.

I wish I could spend more time praying though, but I have to work. Sigh. Doing my best.

Anyone taking communion while on the fast?

Sosa - Yes, I took communion yesterday. I know that bread and juice are not allowed on the fast but bread and juice are just the physical representation of communion. Spiritually the bread and juice represent Jesus' body and the blood he shed for us, so I figured it was ok to partake. I didn't real any guilt over taking it so I believe God was ok was it too.
Sosa - Yes, I took communion yesterday. I know that bread and juice are not allowed on the fast but bread and juice are just the physical representation of communion. Spiritually the bread and juice represent Jesus' body and the blood he shed for us, so I figured it was ok to partake. I didn't real any guilt over taking it so I believe God was ok was it too.

ITA. I also took communion yesterday and will be doing so throughout the fast :yep:.
I started today....so far so good. I plan to take communion at church on Sunday. I want to use this time to just test in His presence, seek His will for me in career and my many roles: mother, wife, sister, friend, etc. He has truly blessed me and I haven't been giving him the time he is due. I am also praying for and expecting God to move in the relationship (non existent) with my biological father and his kids.
Started my fast yesterday, so far so good :yep:. I was contemplating how I would eat my salad without dressing. So I smothered it with fresh salsa and added some guacamole...tasted good to me :look:. I wish I could spend more time praying though, but I have to work. Sigh. Doing my best. Anyone taking communion while on the fast?

I add olive oil and balsamic vinegar to my salads. Although nothing wrong with salsa and guacamole! :-)
Yes it is! Welcome I've been attending that church for 15 years. My favorite service is the 10 o'clock service. :-) How did your first day of the fast go?

Well, I moved to NJ in July and for the life of me couldn't find a church I connected with. Tried Liquid, and Hoboken grace, but I think I like this church so far even though it's a far drive for me and there's no parking :ohwell:.
Maybe next time I'll try the 10 am service. Do they have a choir?
Well, I moved to NJ in July and for the life of me couldn't find a church I connected with. Tried Liquid, and Hoboken grace, but I think I like this church so far even though it's a far drive for me and there's no parking :ohwell:. Maybe next time I'll try the 10 am service. Do they have a choir?

Parking has always been an issue there lol. So I must really love it to have been going there so long. :-)

There are a few choirs actually and all are amazingly good! 10 am is the most popular service, (and the best in my opinion) I think you'll enjoy it!
Strated my fast on Sun, got very frustrated yday first with food and then with everything that i went to bed almost crying, couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.
I started on Sunday. I really need to figure out snacks. Being at work ironically is the hardest part for me
Strated my fast on Sun, got very frustrated yday first with food and then with everything that i went to bed almost crying, couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

chijewel - Don't get discouraged. It's the lack of sugar that has your emotions going up and down. Plus, if you're a regular meat eater, your body is going through a type of withdrawal from it. The first few days are rough but it gets better. Try to cook your meals ahead so that you can eat at the first twinge of hunger rather than wait till your "Hangry." :grin:

And always remember that God appreciates your effort, even if you feel like shedding a few tears. :bighug:
I started on Sunday. I really need to figure out snacks. Being at work ironically is the hardest part for me

Have you tried a nut mix? I usually walk around with a mix of sunflower seeds, walnuts and raisins. I also pack fruit.

Last night I made baked salt and vinegar potato chips. It tasted sooo good that I felt kind of guilty for eating it on the fast. I think I will make them again but purposely make them a bit more bland. I suspect that they tasted really good because I used to much salt.

Here's the recipe to make regular potato chips. http://www.ultimatedanielfast.com/for-all-you-chip-lovers-out-there/

To make them salt and vinegar, soak the potatoes in vinegar for 45 minutes up to two hours right after you slice them. After you soak, pour off the vinegar and then continue with the next step in the recipe which is mixing the potatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper. I also baked them on 400 instead of 375 for 15 minutes so that I didn't have to flip them, then cook the other side. I prefer not to flip food if I don't have to. I'm not really neat with it.