Hi guys. Would anyone be interested in joining me on my Crown & Glory Challenge? I transitioned with this method and it got me to MBL. I am going back to it because it seems to be the only thing that has worked for my fine, split prone hair
. The Crown & Glory regimen involves using long-term protective styling and low manipulation. You stay in braids for up to 2 months and then out of braids for at least 2 weeks. When out of braids you must DC weekly and you must protective style. You can use weaves, twists, canerows or braids for this challenge but I prefer braids
For all methods the braids should not be too small. For the braid extensions regimen in particular you need to install medium braids - the parts should be no smaller than a quarter of an inch and you should not add more braiding hair than the hair in the part. I always use Xpressions braiding hair and will soak the hair in a vinegar water solution to remove the alkaline base - if I do not do this then the hair will itch A LOT. It normally takes me 6-8 hours to install my braids then I dip the ends in hot water to seal them. I will run my braids under the shower after I am finished to help the braids fall into place and to loosen them a bit. I will then sponge moisturise my braids with a strengthener (I am currently using ApHogee Pro-vitamin) and a moisturiser (African Pride). Sponge moisturising ensures that your hair is really moisturised as simply spraying your hair may not be enough to saturate all your hair. I have two tubs - one with the ApHogee and one with the African Pride - I use a soft bath sponge and dip it in the liquid then squeeze the sponge over my braids over the sink. I will use the strengthener once a week after washing my braids and the moisturiser daily. I do not sponge moisturise daily as that is not necessary - I will maybe do this twice in the week - but I still spray my hair with African Pride daily! I also use the sponge to wash my hair. I get a tub and pour some shampoo in then fill with water. I soak the sponge in it and squeeze it over my braids and scalp. I do not like to rub my scalp or braids as this messes them up too much. I DO NOT condition whilst in braids as this will cause build up. the sponge moisturising is enough. I redo the perimeter of my hair every two weeks as this area gets the most build up. Also, this helps in preserving the style. I will usually keep my braids in for 6 weeks before removing. When removing my braids I usually will not have much build up as I shampoo my braids and redo the perimeter. But the hair will usually be slightly matted at the root. I will spray it with braid spray and pull apart lightly with my fingers. I will then coat with coconut oil and detangle with my Denman brush. I will do this for every single braid so this takes aaaages. Your hair should be really soft after taking out your braids!! I will then wash in sections and will give myself a protein treatment followed by a moisturising one. I will keep my hair in a donut bun until my next wash - I do not redo the bun at all during the week. Within 4-6 weeks I will put my hair back in braids. When I was doing this before I retained 6 inches every year - I did this for 3 years. This is where I got it from
http://growafrohairlong.com/braidreg.html. The thing that makes this different to just wearing braids is the emphasis on strengthening and moisturising, particularly the sponge moisturising - my hair was always soooooo soft after taking out my braids. If you would like to join the challenge please thank this post and/or respond to this thread and post your starting measurements and your goals. You must check in whenever you install or remove your braids and you must measure your hair whenever you install or remove your braids. I usually measure with a tape measure. I'll start then
Current length: MBL Front: 16 inches Middle: 20.5 inches Back:18 inches Sides: 17 inches Goal for 2014: WL and retain 6 inches I installed my braids on 28/12/13 and plan to take them out on 08/02/14 - 6 weeks. Challengers Austro-Afrikana Kim0105 beauti Chula DanceOnTheSkylines SunySydeofLyfe SkySurfer DoDo Froreal3 g.lo ilong MoniintheMiddle TraciChanel lulu97 ajluvshair sweetface252 kandegirl HoneyB Sumra JerriBlank almond eyes lalla jessicarabbit DiamondDivyne niquezeke