Cowashing and bunning the key to wsl hair!

I've been cowashing frequently and bunning just about every day (under my wigs) and I've noticed a considerable improvement in my hair. Now back to growth!

okay, so co-washing is just when you wash your hair with conditioner right? how long do you leave the conditioner in? any special techniques required? I'm gonna give this a try.. How often should I have to shampoo my if I will be cowashing daily or every other day? is it better to co-wash everyday?
Okay, so stupid question exactly do you bun?

Do you ladies use a band, then wrap the hair around it and pin? do you donut bun? do you braid the loose hair then pin?

I'm embracing my big forehead and want to start bunning almost everyday, and cowashing is great for working out and transitioning. I did it twice this week and got so many compliments, but I'm a bit confused how to protect the ends while bunned without getting them snaggled.

<--my bun.

i use a regular rubber band and then wrap hair around and pin with one bobby pin. i guess this is a dounut becuase it looks like a dounut lol.
okay, so co-washing is just when you wash your hair with conditioner right? how long do you leave the conditioner in? any special techniques required? I'm gonna give this a try.. How often should I have to shampoo my if I will be cowashing daily or every other day? is it better to co-wash everyday?

I co-wash just like i shampoo....wash and rinse twice and then the second time i let the conditioner sit while i bathe or whatever....and then rinse it out when i'm finished.

<--my bun.

i use a regular rubber band and then wrap hair around and pin with one bobby pin. i guess this is a dounut becuase it looks like a dounut lol.

A really healthy way i like to bun is using hairsticks. That way i'm not paranoid about a band tugging on my hair...but when i want something really quick and lazy i use an ouchless band...both ways are pretty quick for me :)

I have some examples in my album :)
okay, so co-washing is just when you wash your hair with conditioner right? how long do you leave the conditioner in? any special techniques required? I'm gonna give this a try.. How often should I have to shampoo my if I will be cowashing daily or every other day? is it better to co-wash everyday?

Yes, cowashing is washing with conditioner. The way I do it is rinse my hair wth water, apply he conditioner and let it sit for a few minutes while I shower, and rinse it out while detangling with my shower comb. Then I do a "conditioner rinse" where I apply conditioner and I rinse it right out.

As far as shampoo, do what works for you. My hair doesn't seem to like shampoo much anyymore, so I just clarify every once in a while. Other times I wash my hair with baking soda. I cowash about every 2-3 days.
I do the same thing.....i only use heat 1 or two times out of a whole month when i want to wear my hair down. I co-wash 2 or 3 times a week but what has really helped me...i that i deep conditione every single week!! Never skip a beat on that!

ME TOO! :yep:

I do a cinnamon bun like this:

Wet bunning is the truth. You retain sooo much length, it's not even funny! I went from APL to almost MBL in a few months, but my thyroid and hair started actin up. My hair doesn't like to be wet anymore, so I have to rollerset :sad: Sure wish I could still wet bun, it's somethin serious. Everyone needs a wet bun in their life :giggle:

That's my hope too!

So you ladies actually wet your hair every single day and then bun it and have good results. That's a lot! Well does anyone co-wash then bun the hair and then not touch it say until 3 days later the next co-wash. Seems to me this would be less manipulation allowing you to retain more length.

It really isn't for me. My routine is down, products are down and I am quicker at it now. My hair is between SL & APL. Love wet bunning!

I tried Hello Hydration and my hair hated it... it felt like straw by the time it dried. maybe you will have better luck than me.

Yea, I'm not really liking it as much either. I am sticking to my staples: Keracare Humecto, Yes to Carrots & Garnier Fructis Length & Strength! Simplifying my PJism and getting into a serious regimen rhythm now & loving it! :)

If you are past shoulder length you need to be bunning (or some other type of protective styling) to reataining length. That the most vulnerable stage of hair growth.

I agree! I am in the 2010 Winter bunning challenge. I'm not losing unnecessary hair this winter! And I really want to reach my goals!

My hair does not like co-washing. However it does like to be bunned/protected. When I go through these silly phases of deciding to grow I do wear buns 90% of the time. Right now I'm going through one of those back to bunning YUCK!

Thanks D for the links! I wouldn't mind them so much if I could find a style that I can do and looks nice! Right not I just roll it up and put a silly scrunchy on it (yes it's silky).

ETA: I forgot to ask: When wet bunning how long can your hair stay damp before it starts mildewing/mold etc? I like to wet bun but it can take a few days to completely dry.

I've never had any issues with mold/ mildew. I re-do my bun daily & either co-wash or do a looser bun so it can dry. Also, @ night, I put my hair into 2 Pokahontas braids and cover with a silk scarf to sleep so it can dry.
Minus the co-washing (too much manipulation for me) this is what I've done for the past 2 years! I started with NL hair and now I'm just about APL! I will continue until I get to BSL, then maybe....just maybe I might experiment with different styles! :lachen:
I'm going to get back on bunning now that my hair is long enough.

Since I'm back to working out, I will have to co-wash more often also. My head sweats like crazy, so I may have to co-wash every other day or so.

The only thing I'm worried about is my hair becoming too mushy. I'm natural, and it can take a day for my hair to dry in a bun, so if the center of my head (wherever I place the bun) is always wet, could that lead to problems?

I do keep my moisture/protein balance in check.

ETA: I love securing my buns with Good Day Hair Pins.
You can counter the mushiness from daily co-washing by adding protein conditioners or sealing with protein-like oils (cocount oil, vatika oils [w/henna], wheat germ oil, etc..)
What if my hair is too short to bun? I mean when in my natural state, i.e. not blow dried... My hair is so thick I don't think I can pull it back into one.
I cowash daily and bun 95% of the time...and have noticed a huge difference in retention...I have no shedding and my hair just "feels" more healthy...(im also taking garlic supplements too...which help to prevent shedding)...I feel guilty when I leave my hair down or get to busy to cowash (I miss about a day a month) first I thought "cowash daily? who has time for that?" but now it is just a part of my nightly "me time" routine after I get the kids to bed!
What if my hair is too short to bun? I mean when in my natural state, i.e. not blow dried... My hair is so thick I don't think I can pull it back into one.

The key is keeping it moisturized and having your ends protected. You probably could do something similar to your photo, but a bun/french roll to tuck the ends in. Does that make sense?
The key is keeping it moisturized and having your ends protected. You probably could do something similar to your photo, but a bun/french roll to tuck the ends in. Does that make sense?

Ok that makes sense. So just moisture and hide my ends. So I can basically imagine anything and do it as mong as I stick to those rules... Thanks
This is a great thread! Co-washing and bunning helped me get from SL to APl in 3 months!
Now I'm just past BSL aiming for MBL then WL and I'm going back to ca-washing. I've returned to my bunning ways this year also! :)
The key is keeping it moisturized and having your ends protected. You probably could do something similar to your photo, but a bun/french roll to tuck the ends in. Does that make sense?

I think there might be something else going on with the cowashing, also. I think the constant cleaning keeps any fungus at bay. I read here on lhcf that there are types of fungus that even feed on hair; and that may be why nationalities that frequently wash traditionally have thicker fuller longer hair.

My hair thickens with daily cowashing.

Maybe if you moisturze and keep the ends protected and also use something that battles fungus on the scalp; like a sulfur solution or MN you could mimick the effects of daily cowashing.
yay love cowashing... Been doing so for almost 4 years and am almost mbl.. I use octopus clips, good hair day pins, or a flexi 8 clip... Aussie moist is my condish of choice lately of course followed by Qhemet products.. Would love to be wsl by december... Keep it moist ladies...
I think there might be something else going on with the cowashing, also. I think the constant cleaning keeps any fungus at bay. I read here on lhcf that there are types of fungus that even feed on hair; and that may be why nationalities that frequently wash traditionally have thicker fuller longer hair.

My hair thickens with daily cowashing.

Maybe if you moisturze and keep the ends protected and also use something that battles fungus on the scalp; like a sulfur solution or MN you could mimick the effects of daily cowashing.

IDK about the fungus part, but having a constantly clean scalp surely helps as well.
I think I'm going to try daily co-washing for a couple of weeks to see what happens with my hair. I'll make sure a couple of them are protein washes.
Just keep it up. If you protect and moisturize your ends that will help retain length. I keep my hair up and in a clip always with my ends tucked under. Whether in a bun or french twist. Even at night when I put my hair in four braids, I tuck the ends under.

Yes, I get asked if I'm a school teacher or some just come fight out and say you look like a school teacher. Or some people just make comments about me not knowing what to do with my hair. Sometimes I feel like I never left the sand box. But oh well, my hair has been the healthiest it's ever been.
because you have 4 braids lol. weird
The closest to natural conditioners I own for co-washing are from the AO or Giovanni line. Oh, and I did try the Himalaya conditioner from Whole Foods..Anybody else???
Sounds like I might be able to join in. I know I won't cowash everyday. So, would a heavy spritz, used daily, kinda be the same thing? Wearing a wig right now until July. Guess now would be the best time to experiment.
I know this would definitely work for me! :yep: I just have to up the game on hair accessories to keep from getting bored. :look:
Yep, I have been bunning daily for the last 6 months and I am half an inch from bsl. I started like an inch below shoulder though. Bunning definitely works.
I can cosign. I received great results last summer when I cowashed after every workout. I will pick it up on the cowashing when summer rolls around here in NY.
There was a time when I just saturated my hair in Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 to re-damp (made up word ) my hair daily. No co washing required

I did something similar when I was backpacking. I would saturate my hair with the Phyto-specific leave in to protect it from the heat in SE Asia. This and the humidity made my hair grow like weed... I might get back on the moisturizing leave in sprays...

I attempted to adopt this practice myself, but I lose sooo much hair when co-washing ( with the detangling ) because I also stretch my relaxers...I have fine, weak hair so I am thinking that I should hold off on the stretching and co-washing until my hair is strong again...but I certainly agree that these methods will retain length!

This is my fear also, I have VERY fine and fragile hair so I am wondering how my hair will hold up to co-washing...:scratchch ....... I thnink I might try it 1x week in addition to my weekly wash and DC to begin with.......

If you are past shoulder length you need to be bunning (or some other type of protective styling) to reataining length. That the most vulnerable stage of hair growth.

These are my thoughts exactly Dlewis and I am starting to experience this now that my hair is creeping past shoulder lenght... I have even become more concious lounging around the house of my ends. I have recently invested in some beautiful silk and satin cushions which I use to protect my hair against my sofa material when I am just chilling.

***I think co-washing so much for fine hair could create more problems. But this just my opinion.***

These are my thoughts exactly since my hair is VERY fine and has a tendency to get "mushy" when exposed to tooo much moisture, hence hesitation so far with co-washing....

The way I do it is rinse my hair wth water, apply he conditioner and let it sit for a few minutes while I shower, and rinse it out while detangling with my shower comb. Then I do a "conditioner rinse" where I apply conditioner and I rinse it right out.

I like the sound of this technique.

What if my hair is too short to bun? I mean when in my natural state, i.e. not blow dried... My hair is so thick I don't think I can pull it back into one.

This is what makes me think also that co-washing is not for type 4 hair unless a little texturized, so that you do not have to keep straightening.

I think there might be something else going on with the cowashing, also. I think the constant cleaning keeps any fungus at bay. I read here on lhcf that there are types of fungus that even feed on hair; and that may be why nationalities that frequently wash traditionally have thicker fuller longer hair.

My hair thickens with daily cowashing.

Maybe if you moisturze and keep the ends protected and also use something that battles fungus on the scalp; like a sulfur solution or MN you could mimick the effects of daily cowashing.

ITA agree with the bolded Sheba. I think the cleanliness of the scalp must also help with healthy thick growth not to mention the moisture benefits of the water.