Could you date someone with a Learning Disability?

Just curious. Could you or have you dated someone who has a learning disability? If so what were some of the challenges that surfaced during the relationship?
My SO is dyslexic....but smart as hell. I have some other dyslexic friends...many went to UPenn with me too.
The only challenge that surfaced are not related to the learning disability.

I find he puts himself down a lot-about not being smart yadda yadda...but he is VERY intelligent and articulate.

Texting and IMing i just get used to the typos.
I think I have:ohwell:

But at the time, I just didnt know the signs. Now that I work with people who have LD's, I wouldnt be surprised if my ex had one.

Anyway, we broke up because he was selfish and a cheater not because of his LD.

So I wouldnt have a problem dating one.
Forgive me but at first I thought to myself, Hell No. Then I thought about and said IMO All men have a learning disability especially when it comes to dealing with women:lachen::lachen::lachen:

On a serious note not one of us is perfect. It would really depend on the person.
I have a physical disability and i had dated a guy for over 3 years and NEVER knew i had a physical disability. However, when i became REALLY sick due my physical disability, he broke up with when i returned home from the hosptial. I was told by him that he could not handle dating someone who has a physical disability.

So that being said, i would not have a problem with dating someone with a LD, but it also depends on the person as well.
When first reading title I thought "heck No!! I can't stand a dumb man!!"

However after coming in and seeing some examples of being dyslexic or something like that I guess I could.

But if he was just dumb as a school training , can't add or hardly able to read can't spell and speak proper English I know I would not respect him in hte long run.

NO, I don't think everyone has to go to college but at least read and be wise and know how to handle your money and your home that's OK.
can't add or hardly able to read can't spell and speak proper English I know I would not respect him in hte long run

lots of people with ld's have problems with reading and math. i work with teens who have ld's and some of them, cant even sound out words. i dont think its something they can help.
IMO, there's a big difference b/w having a learning disability and being just plain stupid...
I dont think I would have a problem w/ someone having a learning disability, as long as it doesnt affect their self-confidence in any way, and as long as they don't feel limited by it, then I'm fine...
Heck, look at Michael Phelps and his ADHD...he surely used that to his advantage! :yep:
A lot of people assume learning disability means the person is stupid. It can be worked on and some can overcome it. I love someone dearly with that issue and he is one of the smartest people I know. He loves books. I only wish a lot of people were as well read as him. As a matter of fact I got a package from him today with a book he just read. I would date someone with a learning disability. Before you discriminate learn what its about. You could be missing out on a wonderful person.
My FH had a LD in highschool...they told him he would never make it through college. Well he graduated with better grades than me and he's smart as a whip. He told me he had problems learning when we first met but I thought he was joking because I couldn't tell at all.

Some people just learn differently. But if they apply themselves the sky is the limit.