Could you date a man that looked like your dad?

Could you date a man that looked like you father or father figure?

  • Sure, looks are just looks

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No, that would feel strange

    Votes: 43 86.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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As I was leaving the pizza store a gentleman noticed that I was struggling with my shopping cart and opened the door for me. "Nice" I thought. Halfway down the block he rolls up in a NStar (the electric company in New England) truck spitting game. The man put on emergency lights, forcing the cars behind him to stop or drive around him, so he could stop in the middle of the road to ask for my number. :rolleyes: Anyway when he got out of the truck and I see him close up I notice that he looks eerily familiar. He looks like a younger version of my dad. :blush: Furthermore, he's Jamaican and still has an accent, though not as strong as my father. Something about going on a date with someone that looks like my father feels wrong. The fact that I don't have the best relationship with my dad may be part of the reason. Never mind the fact that Jamaica is a small country and b/c he said he comes from the same place my parents were born makes me wonder if we could be related. :ohwell:

Could you do it? Could you date a man that looked like you father or father figure that raised you?
Not sure if I could, perhaps because I never thought about it. I have however dated someone because they had personality traits that were very similar to my father and brothers though, but I guess comparing looks to personality is a big difference. Just my two cents
Yep! Been there done that :ohwell:, and will never go there again! However in my defense the guy I dated had hair :yep: and an island accent :lachen:.
I don't think i'd have a problem with it. My dad is and has always been a very handsome man (if i do say so myself :lachen:)
Can you clarify? Do you mean someone who looks like your father today or someone that looks like your father at the appropriate age? I can't imagine dating a man that looks like my dad now but that's in part because I'm not into older men. I think I could date a man that looked like my father as a young man.
Ehhhh, I prefer not to. I didnt grow up with my father but being with someone who looks like him would bother me. However, Ive noticed that the guys I usual find myself attracted to might have similar features here and there (that is if I look hard enough). Not often though
I was thinking this the other night. I love the musician Ben Harper, his music and I think he is very sexy. Anyway, I was looking at a photo of him online, and all of a sudden I was like...OMG...Ben Harper is a light skinned version of my made me feel strange for a bit...

So generally no, if a man looks like my father, I can't go there. I wonder if that explains my preference for lighter men. He can be smart and witty like him though.
Can you clarify? Do you mean someone who looks like your father today or someone that looks like your father at the appropriate age? I can't imagine dating a man that looks like my dad now but that's in part because I'm not into older men. I think I could date a man that looked like my father as a young man.

Someone who looks like your father, perhaps in his younger years. My dad is 50 something. This dude was probably early to mid 30s. Still, the resemblance bothered me a bit.
NOPE! No offense to my daddy but he's not very good looking.....I'm glad I got only the good parts! (eyes, lips and face shape)
Hmm... I did date a guy once who resembled my father. It was weird and didn't go very far. My relationship with my father has always been strained. So that may have had something to do with it. Also my sister's husband resembles my father. Interesting...
my dad is very handsome and i have a great relationship with him but i dont think i could date someone that looked like him lol.
i remember when punk(i love new york) first came on the scene. i was like damn hes cute and then SO was like "he looks like a younger version of your dad". after that i never even thought about punk like i used to lol lol.
If he looks like my Father, then I will have to ask Daddy do I have any extra siblings i dont know about lol.
i wouldn't date someone who looks exactly like my dad.

BUT, studies say that you are attracted to certain guys -because- they remind you of your father. of course it depends on the relationship you had with your father. if you had a bad relationship with your dad, you would date the opposite of him.

some of the men i have dated or am attracted to definitely have had some quality that's familiar. whether they're around the same height (my dad and his brothers are all tall), or have the same eye color, or complexion... race and background seem to not matter when realizing a guy has a similarity.
Nope. I was on FB the other day, and saw an ex of mine that I dated in middle school. He looks like my father when he was around the same age. I felt kinda sick. :ill: :barf:

But he didn't when we were younger.

DH looks nothing like my father.