Could you be with someone who is very VERY similar to you?

the reason why i think those traits are subconsciously being viewed as negative is because if they werent why wouldnt you want a partner to have them? i wouldnt mind if a partner had my negative traits mainly bc i would understand what drives them since i have them myself... so i dont feel like it would make the relationship harder. idk maybe im a narcissist in the sense that i like anything that is like me :lol:

As a rule I feel that people should serve a purpose. If you aren't adding to my life you are taking away from it.

That said, someone similar to myself would be useless and a waste of space. If I wanted to be around myself all day I'd be by myself. Lol
no because im too unreliable and take forever to makeup my mind, and I hate those same traits in other people.:look:
Sometimes I really wonder if there is a such thing as being with someone the complete opposite. I say that bc a lot of times I think people we attract in our lives are mirroring something within us. It may appear to be the complete opposite but in essence it is the same.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Nope...I wouldn't want someone like me. I need to be able to admire my man.
I'm a procrastinator, a bit impulsive, moody as hell, indecisive, emotional, I hold grudges, and I'm introverted.
I don't want a man with any of those traits.
Nope...I wouldn't want someone like me. I need to be able to admire my man.
I'm a procrastinator, a bit impulsive, moody as hell, indecisive, emotional, I hold grudges, and I'm introverted.
I don't want a man with any of those traits.

This too.

I have a lot of feminine personality traits and ways. My therapist once joked that I act like a white woman. :look:

I would not want to be in a relationship with a man who behaves like Becky. I will not be captain save a heaux to a damsel in distress grown man. No thanks. Lol If a ship was sinking we'd both drown. :lachen: I ain't got time fo dat....
My husband is similar to me in morals/values and we share a lot of common interests. But personality wise he's more complementary. I need that balance.
Yes. I am be super silly and I can be serious. I know when to be quiet. I am honest and loving.

but....just turnt down a notch or 10. I am a handful.
I think I am with someone who is the complete opposite of me. And I'm not sure that is a good thing anymore. I used to think it made for a more interesting relationship though. Now....not so much.