Not my thing and I don't have to try it to know its not for me.
There is a poster that has shared that she and her husband are swingers.
I was added to a black unicorn (single female swinger) group on Facebook. Initially I was pissed that someone would think I'd be down and I honestly feel like she added me to see if I was down. But I would observe the conversations when I was bored at work. People in Atlanta joke about Trapeze (I have ex coworkers that went and told me about it) but the group was almost anti trapeze and talked about a black owned swingers group and they'd always have outings there or at one of the girls's house. The pictures always shocked me because I imagine swingers like I imagine nudists but for the most part everyone in the group was fairly attractive, especially the women.
I'm way too territorial. I don't even want to see my man holding another woman's hand. I don't know what type of rage I'd fly into if I saw him balls deep in someone else
The swinging culture with AAs is huge don't think its just a white thing. I know a few black couples that swing. Its BIG in Atlanta especially the sex parties, etc.
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Every time I imagine swinging... I just think of the smells. Everyone smells funny to me. Not necessarily offensive, but people who aren't my loved ones always smell kinda off to me. I can only imagine what another puss smells like
Does everyone shower together before swinging to ensure that all parts are properly washed?
I'm very surprised to learn this. Given Georgia's bible belt status, I never would have guessed this.
See, there I go--presuming stuff based on the superficial. Shame on me.
I use to swing with my ex..and it was the best relationship ever. We broke up only bc buddy moved far away for a job. I have never did it with dh..but i know he would.
Girl. Atlanta is the strip club capital And the swinging thing there is just huge. The AAs that get down like this aren't Tyrone and them, mostly upper middle class it seems. The couple we know who first told us are both attorneys.
Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue
The swinging culture with AAs is huge don't think its just a white thing. I know a few black couples that swing. Its BIG in Atlanta especially the sex parties, etc.
Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue
My male friend/mentor is an attorney and he's into swinging
People at work would share and I'd be like My coworkers would be going to sex parties pretty frequently. It was so odd that they'd share, but again I feel like its shared to see my reaction. They were heavy into the lifestyle and I'd never heard of such until I moved to Atlanta.
Blyss_curls said:FemmeFatale
Wow! How interesting--another attorney into "the lifestyle" (as I learned it was called). Is he married, or single?
People at work would share and I'd be like My coworkers would be going to sex parties pretty frequently. It was so odd that they'd share, but again I feel like its shared to see my reaction. They were heavy into the lifestyle and I'd never heard of such until I moved to Atlanta.
I was also told about a swinger party in NYC where a man had a heart attack and died.
That one was shared because the guy telling me told me he used to host them to make money and was considering hosting them in ATL.
I wonder how someone would determine what to charge, for such an event?
Yea. Its pretty rampant I think. The people I know that swing are so regular with it, like its no big deal to them. I ask a million questions all the time when they bring it up
ETA I had a white couple try and pick me up at a $500 a plate fundraiser. I was like umm hell no bye. They were very normal upstanding looking people.
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Girl, and they are cool w/questions? They don't think you are asking because you want to be invited?