Confused and Heartbroken...need advice!

A guy I dated before hubby checked me, he did not like to argue. He flat out told me there could be no drama. I said ok and we had a great time together. Why are you just finding this out 8 months down the road? Someone that could just leave me over something so small and fixable would scare me right out of their life. It's no way I could trust him or they way I felt with him again. You're in love and he wants to break up!? Really? I would be questioning my feeling and my ability to see things as they are to the point of devastation. I would be all torn up. Not over him but over my lack of perception. Girl RUN! Just be thankful you are not married to him, have a mortgage with him or kids with him. Could you imagine trying explain this to them?:nono: Ain't no way.
Please don't think I'm being harsh, but it seems to me like he wants to be single, but doesn't want to look like the bad guy. So not only did he deflect the problem ("bickering over small things" shifts the blame away from him and makes it mutual) he decided to throw "I still love you though" in there. He could even still be very much attracted to you, but doesn't want the responsiblity of a commitment.

I know that it hurts now, but are you sure you want to keep investing time in someone who doesn't want to commit to you? You seem like a pretty and kind woman (with pretty hair, lol :lol:) who is girlfriend material. It may seem easier said than done, but you should seriously consider moving on to a man who will truly be able to appreciate you.
I agree with this. it just seems a bit odd for a man to leave you over something like this if he's really and truly head over heels. I find that women are more likely to leave their SO than the reverse unless you did something really terrible like cheat on him. This seems like something workable and the fact that he wants to leave says a lot. I'm not sure what it's sayin exactly b/c I'm not in your shoes. But it def does seem to say he's not interested in being with you right now. Awww, OP :grouphug:, I can sense your pain in your posts. I'd give him some distance..

A guy I dated before hubby checked me, he did not like to argue. He flat out told me there could be no drama. I said ok and we had a great time together. Why are you just finding this out 8 months down the road? Someone that could just leave me over something so small and fixable would scare me right out of their life. It's no way I could trust him or they way I felt with him again. You're in love and he wants to break up!? Really? I would be questioning my feeling and my ability to see things as they are to the point of devastation. I would be all torn up. Not over him but over my lack of perception. Girl RUN! Just be thankful you are not married to him, have a mortgage with him or kids with him. Could you imagine trying explain this to them?:nono: Ain't no way.

Totally agree. If he's willing to leave over something like this, imagine being married to him, or being in a longer relationship that will have it's ups and downs. Dude will runs for the hills.
*rolls up sleeves and lights up a newport one hunnit*

first, i'm sorry ur heartbroken.

so lemme git da facts straight. he broke up with u first. u suggested givin him his space, some time to think, but he insisted that yall remain friends. during this time, you tried to be nice, he grew distant. you ended the relationship that weekend and he agreed (he did this to save face since he initiated the's a male ego thing, just so u know). you told him don't call me anymore, leave me alone, etc, but he tells u that he still wants to see you, take you out, blah blah blah.

i see why ur confused so try to take your feelings out of for a minute cuz men aren't emotional like we tend to be. he was in control when he broke it off with you. when you told him that you wanted to be done for good, he was devastated, but he had to agree since he initiated the breakup. in other words, the ball was back in your court. so he had to come at you some kind of way to try to keep you around. at this point, it doesn't have to do with love or feelings, feel me? men don't show emotions or wear their feelings on their sleeve.

so now, you've been good about not calling, now he wants to call and see how you're doing, callin u babe, etc. you gave him too much time on the phone. 25 minutes is too much cuz now your thinkin things will get right but to him he's like yeah, i still got her, she aint goin no where. i call this checkin in. see they do this to keep their foot in the puddi door.

in order to get over this man, u gotta think like one and take your emotions out of it cuz love ain't got nuffin to do with it. it's a mind control type of thing and as long as u give him time, he'll win.

so do it this way. like a bad child, he needs to be chastised. men don't go by words. they go by actions. if u tell a man imma getchu locked up, he wont take u serious. but if the cops come and lock him up, totally different ball game.

here's whatchu do. stop answering his phone calls. it won't hurt that bad cuz he ain't got shyt to talk about anyway. u want action. when u stop taking his phone calls, answering his e-mails, etc., he'll start blowin you up. trust. men don't like to be ignored. they're like children..always wantin attention, hence the 25 min phone call.

wait a week. when u do decide to answer the phone, just be like hey..wassup. he'll start goin all crazy tawkin bout some i been tryna call and u ain't answering ur phone...blah blah blah...actin all concerned cuz see, u ain't sweatin him no more. cut dat shyt short n be like listen, i'd really like to talk, but i'm in the middle of something. i'll have to talk with u later. take care.

omg. take care? when he here's that, he'll go crazy cuz to him that means oh dayum..she ain't playin. i won't make this too long, but u get where i'm goin. get control back and don't be the one getting played. feel me. flip the script. cuz that's what he did to you. he flipt the emotional script. all ur doin is giving it back. don't let him string u along. u string him along.

even after when u do what i mentioned, he's gonna come at you hard. let him suffer. make him work cuz he hurt you. don't make this all about him, cuz it's not. it's all about u. and u don't have to be nasty in the process. be real nice. dat'll mess his head up cuz he won't hear hurt and bitter in your voice. when ur nice to these bamas after a breakup, that messes them up. trust me.

im a lot older than u. been there, done that, got da gotdayum t shirt n hat to match.

hope this helped. sorry if it was long. but i just hate when amateurs (men) try to play the mind game.
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This was very helpful. I think one of my problems (if that's the correct word) is that I wear my heart on my sleeve.
I wish I could be so set on ignoring his calls and etc but know that I'm just not that sort of person. I do agree with u tho. I gave him way too much time on the phone.

I am going to try the brief and too the point method tho. I haven't initiated a phone call or text. He texted me good morning and told me to have a great day and I kept it very straightforward with a: you do the same.

It was the little gestures like the good morning texts that used to make me smile just knowing he was thinking about me first thing in the morning...then they stopped around the time of the break up. Now that I havent given him the time of day...they have reappeared. Smh.

Thanks for your helpful advice!
*rolls up sleeves and lights up a newport one hunnit*

first, i'm sorry ur heartbroken.

so lemme git da facts straight. he broke up with u first. u suggested givin him his space, some time to think, but he insisted that yall remain friends. during this time, you tried to be nice, he grew distant. you ended the relationship that weekend and he agreed (he did this to save face since he initiated the's a male ego thing, just so u know). you told him don't call me anymore, leave me alone, etc, but he tells u that he still wants to see you, take you out, blah blah blah.

i see why ur confused so try to take your feelings out of for a minute cuz men aren't emotional like we tend to be. he was in control when he broke it off with you. when you told him that you wanted to be done for good, he was devastated, but he had to agree since he initiated the breakup. in other words, the ball was back in your court. so he had to come at you some kind of way to try to keep you around. at this point, it doesn't have to do with love or feelings, feel me? men don't show emotions or wear their feelings on their sleeve.

so now, you've been good about not calling, now he wants to call and see how you're doing, callin u babe, etc. you gave him too much time on the phone. 25 minutes is too much cuz now your thinkin things will get right but to him he's like yeah, i still got her, she aint goin no where. i call this checkin in. see they do this to keep their foot in the puddi door.

in order to get over this man, u gotta think like one and take your emotions out of it cuz love ain't got nuffin to do with it. it's a mind control type of thing and as long as u give him time, he'll win.

so do it this way. like a bad child, he needs to be chastised. men don't go by words. they go by actions. if u tell a man imma getchu locked up, he wont take u serious. but if the cops come and lock him up, totally different ball game.

here's whatchu do. stop answering his phone calls. it won't hurt that bad cuz he ain't got shyt to talk about anyway. u want action. when u stop taking his phone calls, answering his e-mails, etc., he'll start blowin you up. trust. men don't like to be ignored. they're like children..always wantin attention, hence the 25 min phone call.

wait a week. when u do decide to answer the phone, just be like hey..wassup. he'll start goin all crazy tawkin bout some i been tryna call and u ain't answering ur phone...blah blah blah...actin all concerned cuz see, u ain't sweatin him no more. cut dat shyt short n be like listen, i'd really like to talk, but i'm in the middle of something. i'll have to talk with u later. take care.

omg. take care? when he here's that, he'll go crazy cuz to him that means oh dayum..she ain't playin. i won't make this too long, but u get where i'm goin. get control back and don't be the one getting played. feel me. flip the script. cuz that's what he did to you. he flipt the emotional script. all ur doin is giving it back. don't let him string u along. u string him along.

even after when u do what i mentioned, he's gonna come at you hard. let him suffer. make him work cuz he hurt you. don't make this all about him, cuz it's not. it's all about u. and u don't have to be nasty in the process. be real nice. dat'll mess his head up cuz he won't hear hurt and bitter in your voice. when ur nice to these bamas after a breakup, that messes them up. trust me.

im a lot older than u. been there, done that, got da gotdayum t shirt n hat to match.

hope this helped. sorry if it was long. but i just hate when amateurs (men) try to play the mind game.

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I'm back with a mini-update and a small, humble, request for more advice/inspiration...

I decided to go on the "just-friends" route and was doing very well maintaining a friendship with him. But I kept thinking in the back of my head...what if? Could this eventually go back to being a relationship? So of course I was being his friend for the wrong reasons. I even went as far as to inviting him out on his birthday to dinner. He said that we could go out the next day.

I went to call, no text.

Went to the market...still no call, no text.

I texted him and asked: what's up with today?

No response.

I was hurt. Here I was still giving this man the time of the day and even offering to spend my money to treat him on his birthday. He could have called me/texted me and said that something came up...he got a flat tire...his liver failed...SOMETHING.

But yet he texts me the next day "what's up baby?"

I ignored him.

He texted me the next day again: "what's up?"

I ignored him again.

I have been telling my close friends that I'm moving on. I even met up with an old friend that I have been completely infatuated with since college. We had such a great time. But in spending this time with my college male friend, I realized this:

I'm not over him.

I don't know what to do and I don't know how to move on. I can't get over the fact that this man doesn't want to make a non-flawed relationship work out. I know so many people that have been through worse in a relationship, and they are still together. But in one week we go from having a relationship of bliss, love, enjoyment (and I'm not even exaggerating) to him saying "let's just be friends"

I'm so lost ladies :ohwell:
It takes time to officially get over someone you had a relationship with. I say keep ignoring him and distance. I know its easier to say than do but obviously he did not care enough to call or even text. I think he is taking you for granted in a sense. I bet he feels that as of right now, you will be there which is probably why he did not contact you until he felt like it. IDK, maybe you all will get back together oneday but I have noticed that it normally does not happen until there is a real seperation. Meaning until he sees that you are actually ok with not having him around and maybe by then for you it will be too late. I would not even be his friend at this point. There are only certain ex's you can do that with. Someone had a great twitter post oneday it said something along the lines of "The past called but I sent it to voicemail because it has nothing new to say".
That's what I needed to hear. Everyone keeps telling me to keep my distance but in my head I'm like...uh, well why? But that REALLY breaks everything down for me to understand the power of distance and separation.

I just hate that it takes females longer to get over men than it takes men to get over us (generally speaking, of course!)
maybe you needed that episode to push you to action, make you realize that you are better than what he's willing to give you.... take it for what it is and use it as the catalyst to finally shut it down....
It seems to me that he is not contributing anything positive to your life. It hurts and I have been there recently. Just take it one day at a time. Say quick prayers to yourself morning, noon and night and all the times in between. Shed a tear if need be and continue living. Every day it will her a smidge less.
At the end of the day there's little that we can do to put ourselves into another category in someone's mind. Our actions have little result, it's usually up to them how they want to think of you or view you. That being said, don't push. If anything, a lack of action is your best action. Let him wonder about what he's missing. Men are curious by nature and would prefer the unknown over the known. For the next little while don't be available or predictable. If he does happen to catch you on the phone act care-free and chipper and keep your convo's short. Whatever you do, make sure you're the first one to get off the phone. That seems silly but has lots of power!
Really great advice already. :yep:

Also, when you're thinking about back-sliding (it happens to all of us), just remember that you wanted to treat him for his birthday and he couldn't even be bothered to call/text/email/messenger pigeon/pony express you back. I try to think of the hurtful/bad/annoying/rude things that the person has done to get me over the hump of wanting to communicate with them. Slowly, your desire to communicate diminishes and you're on your way to a full recovery!

BTW, it's okay to own your feelings and not be over him. Just don't allow HIM to know that and one of the ways is to avoid communication. He won't know how you're feeling if you don't answer.