Confused and Heartbroken...need advice!


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I need some advice...(this is semi-long)!

I'm usually a lurker in the relationships forum, but I could use the advice of outsiders rather than people in my friendship circle.

I have been in a relationship for eight months with a man I have known for about 3 years. Everything was wonderful and loving, but I guess once the honey moon period ended we butt heads a couple of times. He's not an argumentative person, but I can be a little bit of a hot head (It's easier to admit this now...). So out of the blue, two weeks ago, he broke up with me. We talked about it for over an hour. He said it's not another woman, he's not being lured into the single life by his single family members/friends, etc. etc.. The next day we talked face-to-face, and he said the reason why he broke up with me is because he doesn't like the arguing and bickering and some other minor problems.

Cool, to me that's fixable. He said he'd like to consider possibly us "re-dating" or something else. But he wasn't sure. I told him I'd give him some time to himself, he insisted that we still talk. I kind of put it in my head that I could fix it by just giving him more of myself, but the peaceful, non-argumentative side.

The closer I got to him, the more distant he became. So I told him this weekend that I would like to end everything. He agreed that that would be fine.

Here's the kicker: He said he still loves me. I told him not to contact me (of course trying to play tough girl). He said he'd still like to talk to me and go out with me...but I wasn't trying to hear that!

Now, my head has been swirling all weekend. I haven't talked to him since Saturday because friends have been telling me not to contact him, wait for him to come around. I feel like what we had *or at least what I thought we had* was genuine love. How does something disappear in two weeks? :perplexed

So the question is: Do you fight for the person you love? Or...???
Oh and please don't be hard on me ladies with your replies! This is the first man that I've loved and I'm almost 30! I'm soft-hearted!
OP I think you should walk away and spare yourself the heartbreak!

True love does not hurt, so this is not worth fighting for.

If I were your friend I would tell you to stay away also.
I don't understand it either. I feel like people break up with the other person because they don't love them, they are interested in someone else, they are cheating or have cheated...etc. Or vice-versa. It makes more sense if I could feel some anger behind the breakup (on either end).
Yeah that is a tough one. I wouldn't say don't talk to him indefinitelty, but I think you should keep your distance for now. Otherwise, I think both of you willl wind up even more confused or hating each other. If nothing else, maybe in the end, you will be able to salvage your friendship. That' what i'd really I'd hate to lose.

Now how long you should keep ur distance, that I don't know and do not think there is a magic number, but maybe it is when u feel like u can be around without feeling conflicted.

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I am sorry you feel this way OP and I understand. Maybe try to contact him to see how he's doing and what he is feeling and if you sense some distance on his part don't contact him again until he contacts you. Considering actions speak louder than words, let him do the chasing, IMO. Afterall, he wanted the breakup.

Emotions make you want to fight for someone, but logic says if someone wants you they will come and get you, no need to fight that hard. I tend to stand by the latter:look:.
PPGbubbles it is soooo much easier said than done. I think when I look back 10 years from now I'll be like, wth were you thinking! I just wish I was a bit stronger...smh
@PPGbubbles it is soooo much easier said than done. I think when I look back 10 years from now I'll be like, wth were you thinking! I just wish I was a bit stronger...smh

I do understand the difficulty!

I did the back and forth thing with my first real love for nearly 3 years after we broke up. I had to learn to love myself more.

Thats why you have to remember love isnt supposed to be pain, you shouldnt have to "fight" for love.

((((e-hug)))) I feel your pain OP
I am a firm believer of looking at peoples actions. His mouth is saying he loves you, but his actions are saying DUECES!

I dont like gray areas. It's either black or white with me. If I were you, I would move on, keep my distance and hope to salvage the friendship in the future.

Do you know why he became distant once you tried to redate again?

After all, you broke it off with him, he's probably waiting on you to make the first move. I'm guessing that his feelings are hurt by your request to end things so why should he call.

If you want the man, I think that you should put your pride to the side and give him a call and see what you guys really want.

This man is either waiting for you to call or he is glad to have the relationship end.

You mentioned how could he say he love you and then not call. Saying "I love you" is just words, how are the actions matching up to the words?
Awwww thanks! I am going to try to motivate myself to come to that same reality. I need to let go of all of the "what ifs..."
I am a firm believer of looking at peoples actions. His mouth is saying he loves you, but his actions are saying DUECES!

I saw your post after I posted my comment and I agree 100%---words don't mean as much to me as a person's actions.
Do you know why he became distant once you tried to redate again?

After all, you broke it off with him, he's probably waiting on you to make the first move. I'm guessing that his feelings are hurt by your request to end things so why should he call.

If you want the man, I think that you should put your pride to the side and give him a call and see what you guys really want.

This man is either waiting for you to call or he is glad to have the relationship end.

You mentioned how could he say he love you and then not call. Saying "I love you" is just words, how are the actions matching up to the words?

I feel like his actions were there up until two weeks ago with the random breakup out of the blue...but I also feel like it has to be either or. You either don't want to be with me and have fallen out of love for me, or you love me...and let's make it work. I just don't like that grey area. :sad:
I agree with whoever said this is a hard situation. The thing is, its hard to fight for a relationship when the person you are fighting for isn't fighting with you. He sounds like he may need some space right now until he too starts feeling like working to restore things between you too.
I think you should just focus on yourself and being without him until he is ready to pursue you.
This is weird. He must be an LHCF subscriber because he just called me...but I missed his call. If he calls back I'll give you the update. I'm sure he just wants to see how I am....
If you get him back OP, watch the arguing and bickering. Most men do NOT like that even if they do love you. It can stress an otherwise workable relationship.
^^^There are sooo many things that I realize in myself that I do that I would change next time, whether with him or with the next person. I hate that one of my biggest flaws is that I tend to take those close to me for granted...
I would say just don't feel compelled to communicate on his terms. As I understand it, he called things off but wanted to keep in touch. I think you should focus on what it will take for you to heal. The "maybe we can date later" sounds a little too vague to me and not like he's trying to work things out. But that's just my perception. Just make sure to focus more on what will make you feel happy and whole and not on catering to him.
OP, how old are you two? I'm just curious.

Just going off of the info you gave, I would just keep it moving. I know it is easier said than done, but make it clear to him that you want a relationship with him. You cant give him mixed messages by saying you want a relationship and then say you don't.

On the flip side, he broke up with you based on your attitude ( one you agreed existed). Maybe he grew distant after you reconciled because he wasn't sure if the future would revert back to how things used to be? Guys are funny, and if he is younger it's even worse.

Just take it slow, keep contact, but don't sweat him, and see what happens. You never know this could be your soulmate. This tiny separation might be an organic way for you two to do a bit of self reflecting.
It sounds like he wants to keep his options open. If he wants to cut it off, give him what he wants and don't have any contact with him. Maybe he'll have a chance to see what he's missing. If not, you'll find someone better.
Are you sorry that you ended the relationship? Do you want him back now?

I'm not sorry for ending the relationship. I realized that I deserve better. He wasn't putting in as much effort as he should have been (phone calls, spending time, etc.)

I would say just don't feel compelled to communicate on his terms. As I understand it, he called things off but wanted to keep in touch. I think you should focus on what it will take for you to heal. The "maybe we can date later" sounds a little too vague to me and not like he's trying to work things out. But that's just my perception. Just make sure to focus more on what will make you feel happy and whole and not on catering to him.

I agree!

OP, how old are you two? I'm just curious.

Just going off of the info you gave, I would just keep it moving. I know it is easier said than done, but make it clear to him that you want a relationship with him. You cant give him mixed messages by saying you want a relationship and then say you don't.

On the flip side, he broke up with you based on your attitude ( one you agreed existed). Maybe he grew distant after you reconciled because he wasn't sure if the future would revert back to how things used to be? Guys are funny, and if he is younger it's even worse.

Just take it slow, keep contact, but don't sweat him, and see what happens. You never know this could be your soulmate. This tiny separation might be an organic way for you two to do a bit of self reflecting.

Awww, I wish your vision was true. That's what I keep thinking too. The connection and chemistry between us is just amazing. I'm 27 and he's 29.
When he called he asked me how I was and the conversation kind of took off, as it always does, for the next 25 minutes. It just felt like nothing changed. Ugh. I mean I'm happy he called and I'm even happier that I had self control not to call him. I didn't imply or say anything about missing him and definitely did not come off sad or needy even when he kept calling me babe...
Thank you so much for all your kind advice and compliments! You're not behind harsh at all, it's definitely a possible reality. It's so hard for me to decide where he's coming from with how things ended. I hope he does come to his senses and see the light...and soon before one of those men you are talking about that will appreciate me comes along and sweeps me off of my feet!:wink2:

Please don't think I'm being harsh, but it seems to me like he wants to be single, but doesn't want to look like the bad guy. So not only did he deflect the problem ("bickering over small things" shifts the blame away from him and makes it mutual) he decided to throw "I still love you though" in there. He could even still be very much attracted to you, but doesn't want the responsiblity of a commitment.

I know that it hurts now, but are you sure you want to keep investing time in someone who doesn't want to commit to you? You seem like a pretty and kind woman (with pretty hair, lol :lol:) who is girlfriend material. It may seem easier said than done, but you should seriously consider moving on to a man who will truly be able to appreciate you.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the breakup happened when he first said things weren't working, right? But since then you all have kept in touch. Idk, it just sounds like he doesn't want to date right now but wants to stay close. Doing so will probably cause you unnecessary pain and confusion.
Yes, the breakup happened two weeks ago. The day after the break up we talked about everything and I said I would give him time to decide what the next step was. I noticed he had become very distant though and that's why I told him this weekend that it wasn't going to work out.

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I've been in a somewhat similar situation and I don't believe in gray areas. I can't really tell what his motive is, BUT, he wants you around because I'm sure he wants your company/conversation, etc. IMHO, I wouldn't communicate with him further. If he wants a relationship, he knows how to contact you. Sometimes guys have to know what they're missing. I always say (to myself and friends) that I don't want to get that invitation (wedding) in the mail and be blind-sided because I kept communicating with an ex although we weren't together and he kept on doing his thing. You don't want to be devastated if indeed he's moving on and you're hanging on to hope because you guys are talking. Any man that has previously enjoyed your company is going to want that to continue WITHOUT the commitment, so if that's not what you what's best for you. Either he'll come around or he won't. But no need in living in the gray areas while waiting on that decision.
I am a firm believer of looking at peoples actions. His mouth is saying he loves you, but his actions are saying DUECES!

I dont like gray areas. It's either black or white with me. If I were you, I would move on, keep my distance and hope to salvage the friendship in the future.


I like this advice. I would advise to move on as well.