Confessions of the hair board :) 2014


Well-Known Member

Well, I used to be so over joyed when it came to my hair. Life happened and it seems to be the furthest thing from my mind, but deep inside i really miss the TLC, I once shared in connection with my hair.

ON THE OTHER HAND.. I am like :rollseyes: girl please.

I have had my first weave since high school and I plan to get a few more for the year. I don't feel like wigging it, even though my closet has a ton of wigs.

I am going to use up the hair products i have before entertaining anymore..

I have just fell off the hair boat....

Any confessions... I can't be the only one :)
I don't feel like length checking but once or twice per year at this point. A lot going on right now...but I want to look at other's length checks. :sekret:
I hate the thought of wearing weaves now. As much as I love the length I obtain with it, my hair doesn't enjoy it until the first 3 weeks have passed.

I'm leaning more towards kinky twists and crochet braid styles now. I wish I could magically have 6 inches of hair NOW and I would be done with added hair styles for GOOD.
I'm over the length checking at this point. Also, I've been so lazy with my hair. I used to looooove doing my hair. I'm thinking about finding a stylist because I'm tired of doing it.

I have 3 basic styles: roller set, bun. twist/braid out. I miss the old days when I would weave it up, fry it and go, and just generally didn't care.

I guess I'm just over it all.
I haven't roller set my hair or had it roller set since my last NYC meet-up in February. I've been washing and going. I didn't wash-and-go this much ALL SUMMER OF 2013. Blah! Meh! Boo! Bah humbug!

I want a haircut and keep forgetting to look at my calendar to see if it was in March or July of 2013. Blah! Meh! Boo! Bah humbug!
I am tired of doing wash n gos but my twist outs look horrible 80% of the time. I honestly have no hair styling skills. It is sad. I can't even French braid or bun properly.
I'm bored with my hair
I want to color it but I'm scared of the damage
I'm over doing length checks
I'm tired of people assuming that I have in a weave
-I hate the thought of wearing weaves, wigs or anything on my head other than hats.
-I'm not big on taking photos of my hair which is why I rarely have a hair shot.
-I don't like the look of braids or twists on me. I look like a child, even with extensions.
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I feel you ladies on the length checks. I am due for one every month because of the challenges that I am in but I really don't feel like it. I'd rather just check a couple times a year, one final time at the end of the year and divide the amount of growth by the number of months that have passed, use that number as my average growth and call it a day,.... After I do this next length check that I promised then I think I may only do a length check when I see some significant growth....

I love my hair and I guess I like the hair journey but I can't wait until I wake up and feel "I have arrived" and I don't worry about length checks, growth rates, yada yada yada...
Secretly, I enjoy wearing protective styles most of the time so I don't have to bother with my hair. I like braiding it up one day, taking it down several weeks later and seeing a healthy amount of new growth. It takes the pain out of 'watching the pot boil'. I feel like I have gone through that process before and I don't feel like going through it again just because I had setbacks due to my stupidity.... Braid it, cover it, leave it alone....done deal. Too easy and I love it.
I'm so tired of obsessing over length.

I just want to be one of those women who leave their hair alone and it just flourishes naturally, but my hair ain't bout that life.

I'm so tired of this weekly bun.

I can't wait to be natural. I wish I would have never relaxed or gotten that first harsh BKT.

One reason I can't wait to be natural is so that I can get some color again. I lubs color (though I hate the maintenance!).

I sometimes feel that I'll never reach my hair goals. I've been here since 2007 and still have not made APL. Very frustrating.

Ill stop here.. :look:
I am in auto mode with my hair. I am still taking care of it as I do other parts of my body, but it is just not my hobby anymore.

I am definitely not concerning myself with length anymore. I will let my hair do what hair does. A watched pot never boils.

I have lost all interest in buying products. I have been formulating (and in one case duping :lol:) products for my hair.

I spend 70% of my time with my hair in one braid with either a side part or center part. Too lazy to do anymore than that most days. The other times, my hair is down.
I guess I am a little discouraged. I was pressing hard toward APL and then I had some breakage. I had a small needed trim and I am SL with a good portion in the back approaching APL. sigh. I jumped in some braid extensions to take a load off. I have a new boat load of conditioners and treatments that I am looking forward to using. In the meantime, I have to park them because of the extensions. sigh.
I blow dry and flat iron my hair twice a week now. I just dont care. Lol

Its hair it will grow back.
My hair needs a good PT. I miss my weaves and I think for the third quarter of this year I'll weave it up. My hair thrives much better when left alone.
I'm tired of cowashing my hair applying gel and pinning it up but my hair doesn't look good down i guess because I'm transitioning. I'm over this transition and if it wasn't for the fact dh doesn't like twa's i would have bc months ago.
I have been absolutely SHAMEFUL in my neglect of my hair. I wash every two weeks and bun daily. I have not steamed or deep conditioned in months. I just slap on my leave in, seal and KIM. I take down my bun (it's not even a real bun, I just braid my hair and twist it around :look: ) nightly, put on my bonnet and just put it back up in the AM. Day after day after day. I may moisturize it after 4 or 5 days. I'm hoping the warmer weather and a hair cut rejuvenate my love of my hair.

Tell the truth and shame the devil!
I use to m&s daily, now it's like once a week. I can't remember the last time I deep conditioned under the dryer. I bun daily, the same old bun over and over again. I still love my hair but I have a new hobby so I don't obsess over it as much as I use to and that's ok. I know it's still growing and hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised the next time I straighten it. Now if I could just get my skin in check.
-I just now got back into the "hair game". For a year or 2, there was no LHCF, no youtube, etc. Some of the products you all mention I've never heard of, but I used to be on top of all that stuff.
-I'm not 100% sure I will love my hair at waist length. I think it's just a goal, but it might be a little too long for my taste (and harder to take care of). But I'm not quite there yet, so we shall see.
-Kinda bored with the HHJ. I really wanna fry it, dye it and lye it!

-Speaking of, I am a natural who secretly dreams of texlaxing. But it never worked well with my eczema (lye or no lye is like battery acid leaving scabs were for weeks). A girl can still dream.

-I dont feel like wigging it, crochet braiding it, or twisting it. So *** it. Stretch Afro it is
I haven't flat ironed my hair in over a year and I am 2 years natural now. I wear weaves/wigs almost every day so there is no need. Fact is, my hair is not my priority right now... not like it used to be.
I love dominican blow outs...... And their products. I found the best person to do my hair in Miami (I'm still shocked) They give me swang on my 4c hair.

I'm in a weave 90% of the time. Cause I can fry it dye it and lay it to the side.

I leave my weaves in for at least 3 months

I only let super cuts/hair cuttery or one of them places cut/trim my hair
I'm so tired of obsessing over length.

I just want to be one of those women who leave their hair alone and it just flourishes naturally, but my hair ain't bout that life.

I'm so tired of this weekly bun.

I can't wait to be natural. I wish I would have never relaxed or gotten that first harsh BKT.

One reason I can't wait to be natural is so that I can get some color again. I lubs color (though I hate the maintenance!).

I sometimes feel that I'll never reach my hair goals. I've been here since 2007 and still have not made APL. Very frustrating.

Ill stop here.. :look:

When I first started visiting hair websites in 2009, I knew for sure that I was going to make waist length by 2013. Here I am 5 years later with arm pit length hair. I gotta stop with the spontaneous, mirror in the bathroom depression hair cuts.
When I first started visiting hair websites in 2009, I knew for sure that I was going to make waist length by 2013. Here I am 5 years later with arm pit length hair. I gotta stop with the spontaneous, mirror in the bathroom depression hair cuts.[/QUOTE

Why you keep cutting it?

What takes you there?

I have only had two real hair cuts, one when I went from bsl to ear length so I could look like rihanna in high school. The second time was in 2012. I thought I could cut my own hair, but it didn't work so I went back to above shoulder length at the salon.

1. I don't cut or trim my hair. The last time I gave myself a trim was last year. It did not work out my hair is still slightly uneven in it's kinky state which means there is no telling how it looks in it's straight state. :blush:

2. I don't regularly wash my hair. It all depends on what is going on in my life at the time whether I wash my hair once a week, twice a week, every two weeks, once a month, or every six weeks. My scheduled wash day is a guideline it is not set in stone. :sekret:

3. I don't cycle products in my hair in a way that makes sense. Often I use a new product every week or every other week during my wash day. This creates a lot of empty jars that have been barely used. :nono:

4. Once my hair hits a length I claim it. I don't wait until it fully hits the length as if it were blunt cut. I also strongly dislike doing length checks because my hair is very finicky about how far it will stretch one day verses another. My tight texture throws a monkey wrench into the affairs on a regular basis. :wallbash:

5. I have never flat ironed my hair. Out of sheer mind numbing terror I am afraid of 'cooking' my hair. I bought a $100.00 dollar flat iron which I still haven't used. Even though it's ceramic I am still suspicious, although I am pretty certain that a little heat would make my life worlds easier. :spinning:
1. I'm over length checks, but I'm not over my length obsession (though it has abated since I started my hair journey).

2. Since I've been fully natural, I have become extremely fearful of other people touching or doing my hair.

3. Heat is seriously the devil. I don't even know if I'll go through with pressing my hair for my length check next year. I'll probably just pull my hair again like I did this year.

4. I vehemently dislike red hair hence why I get mini heart attacks whenever I notice red hues in my hair from my henna treatment.

5. I've simplified my M&S regimen to just water with a little bit of glycerin for moisturizing and my Shea butter mix for sealing. I'm still working on the cheapest and most efficient way to shampoo (without sulfates) and condition (without silicones). And I don't really deep condition, per se. I just add oil to whatever rinse-out conditioner I have. That's how minimalist I am with my haircare routine.

6. I thought being in a relationship would restrict my styling options, but nope; my non-black boyfriend is just gonna have to learn (and he's doing great in that department!)

7. I always fear that I've hit my terminal hair length.
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I looked forward to being natural. I anticipated the hairstyles I would try. I purchased hair products and knockoff curlformers. Now that I'm natural, I haven't used any of that stuff because I've been keeping my hair in cornrows. I'm tired of the cornrows but just too lazy to do anything else right now.

ETA: Also too lazy to change siggy picture.
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I know we should grow/cut/care for our hair for ourselves and truly, I am, or at least I was....
I have a son and I want him to grow up in a household where he has the best example of what a beautiful Black woman is. Since I prefer my natural hair (not that there is anything wrong with relaxers) I want him to see me with my natural hair at it's healthiest state so he grows up being accustomed to, appreciating, accepting and adoring all Black women's hair and features. He asks me about my hair sometimes and I explain, I explain how my hair goes from curly to straight and from long to short and back to long again, he kind of shrugs it off tells me that he likes my hair best when it is out and curly like his... :thumbsup: I guess I am doing a good job.... lol

Also, since I began seeing my SO last July I feel like I want to grow out my natural hair to loooong fantasy lengths not only for me and the example for my son but so my SO can enjoy it, play with it and be proud of it too. He recently told me that he loves and prefers my natural hair, which he has only seen once, but I don't feel that it is the length that compliments my face/features and I my perimeter is shorter due to constantly pulling it back for my job and me cutting off heat damage a hair dresser caused when trying to blend my curly hair into a straight sew-in so I don't want to wear it out yet. I plan on wearing it out for his birthday in May but then it's going right back into a protective style. I think I will wear it all out next year however I have yet to decide...