Come and share your bad stories about *Drum Roll* Hair Terminators :/


New Member
Hair Terminators - I'm sure we have all come across these 'happy scissor' stylists :lachen: Lets share our stories :grin:

Here's mine.

I went to a salon to get my hair in a fancy style. I went there and the lady doing my hair kept going back to another lady to ask her what to do next. That should have been enough for me to walk out, but I sat there like a fool :rolleyes:

She packed my hair with gel (wtf?) and then pinned it up (wtf? again) When she pinned my hair, I noticed she picked up scissors (keep in mind I didn't ask for a trim or anything) and then she put it back down again. I didn't feel anything so just assumed I was being paranoid, and went back to reading my magazine...

It's only later on, after I left the salon that I realised the *beep* just cut of a part of my hair. It's grown a bit now, but I always have to just leave it out. I wouldn't say I'm scarred by my *Hair Terminator* experience.. but I definitely do research on who I allow to touch my hair. :lachen:
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alot of stylists get scissor happy...esp. when your hair just happens to be longer/healthier than theirs...a trim will become a cut in an instant...
In high school when I was in the ninth grade (I was 13 at the time), I went to my new stylist (who was always rude and obnoxious) to get my hair relaxed and trimmed like always. I had been going to her for the past 2 months or so. My hair was just short of APL, which was always the length my hair would stay with my old stylist. I didn't know any better, so I let her go about doing my hair without question because I didn't have a choice. This was the stylist my mom had chosen. She told me how ridiculously damaged my hair was and she needed to get those ends off. I said no the last time, but she kept pressing the issue every 2 weeks. Finally I said okay on the day of my relaxer. I went from almost APL to NL, and I cried while she was setting it, under the dryer, and when I got home. To make things worse, I had to keep going to her and I stayed at NL for three years. She finally let it grow to almost APL again for my graduation day, but after that, she cut it back to NL again.

I ended up leaving her after my first year of college because we couldn't afford it, but I was happy to leave because she was the meanest woman ever! She would always be 2 - 3 hours late on my relaxer days, then yell and embarrass me in front of the whole shop if I was two minutes late (which was rare). Plus, she was always whispering mean things to me about everyone in the shop AND her friends and family! I even saw her at the mall with my SO (now DH) a few months after I stopped going to her and I said hi to her. I don't hold on to grudges and I tried to be nice, but when I went to give her a hug, she brushed me off and she ignored DH! I took soooo much crap from her! At the time I didn't realize it, but my kindness was taken for weakness, and as an adult I would never let that happen again. To be honest, if she were a nicer person, I probably would have continued going to her for most of my life, and I never would have found LHCF. Her attitude made me stop making the effort to save money to get my hair done.

Whew! It feels good to finally tell that story! I didn't think it would feel so good! :grin:
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