Coloring ALL Through the Night....


All I want to do is drink and fuhk.
Does this really happen??

I hear it in songs all the time...passionate coloring till the sun comes up...:rolleyes::lol:

And for those that say it does happen...when do you begin? At 4am 4:30am?? Cause yeah, if so, the sun would be coming up soon! lol

Just curious as Ive had some marathon moments but not all night long hour after hour after hour after hour :lol:

So does it really happen? You ever colored literally all through the night?

EDITED TO ADD: BOLDING to the word literally, like literally all through the night, non stop, just coloring for hours and hours, page after page of just coloring and coloring! ok thanks
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Yes (11p-430-5ish) with little intermissions (examples bathroom, drink, hell just to take a breather LOL!)
Show me at woman who has, I'll show you someone who had a beat pu pu la la and couldn't walk and sit straight the next day.

Plus men can't rise that fast multiple times I think they need time between to "build". Unless of course they ingested Viagra or cialis.
Show me at woman who has, I'll show you someone who had a beat pu pu la la and couldn't walk and sit straight the next day.

Plus men can't rise that fast multiple times I think they need time between to "build". Unless of course they ingested Viagra or cialis.

True true with the pills for added color intensity...I suppose that would add more pages to be colored lol
Show me at woman who has, I'll show you someone who had a beat pu pu la la and couldn't walk and sit straight the next day.

Plus men can't rise that fast multiple times I think they need time between to "build". Unless of course they ingested Viagra or cialis.


Men get sore too...:nono:
Show me at woman who has, I'll show you someone who had a beat pu pu la la and couldn't walk and sit straight the next day.

Plus men can't rise that fast multiple times I think they need time between to "build". Unless of course they ingested Viagra or cialis.

This is true, but every pain/throb the next day was all worth it!:yawn:

and I'll also add that the one time 'viagra' was used as an experiment to see if it really worked. The other times none used. :yep:

ETA: during the all nighters it was me that was releasing more than he was, hence the reason why he's able to go all night long.
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Yup, of course with breaks in between. Lets say 12 - 5. TBH I wasn't looking at the clock all I know it was getting a little light outside. To me it's fun the night of but the next day my ish feel like its broken!! Yes I said broken. Can't walk, sit, # 1 is difficult, etc...Mista always says it's mangled the next day. LMAO So yea he pays for it too.
I have absolutely no desire to color for that long. I don't have the patience and don't want to wait that long for my cray-O-la.
The discomfort from a lot coloring can be very painful! OMG!

...laughing, pootin, #1, #2, dancing, horse back riding, doing situps..maaaaaaaaaaan good grief! And yes it can totally shake things up for the ever so delicate ph world of the 'gina.
I've done it. but its not nonstop, more like with litle breaks, or you go to sleep for a few then just start again..
Not all night, but once all afternoon from Noon until about 8p. Taking breather breaks, naps, food, pee and shower, but never really left the bedroom. I went "there" 5 times.
I've done it. but its not nonstop, more like with litle breaks, or you go to sleep for a few then just start again..

eh hmmmmm, not sure if that qualifies for all night romping. Well in the technical sense yes but going to sleep is like, well going to sleep and doing it again! I was meaning more like all through the night non stop!. But I'll clarify in my post...
eh hmmmmm, not sure if that qualifies for all night romping. Well in the technical sense yes but going to sleep is like, well going to sleep and doing it again! I was meaning more like all through the night non stop!. But I'll clarify in my post...

Right. :lol:

If you go to sleep, that does not count Tamster!
Dang. Those are the types I need to stay way from then.

Yeah you do that :giggle:
eh hmmmmm, not sure if that qualifies for all night romping. Well in the technical sense yes but going to sleep is like, well going to sleep and doing it again! I was meaning more like all through the night non stop!. But I'll clarify in my post...

All through the night non-stop is weird I'm all out ooo's and ah's and the well has dried up by then. It's like can either of yall feel anything???
This is true, but every pain/throb the next day was all worth it!:yawn:

and I'll also add that the one time 'viagra' was used as an experiment to see if it really worked. The other times none used. :yep:

ETA: during the all nighters it was me that was releasing more than he was, hence the reason why he's able to go all night long.

ITA with the bolded!

I've had only a couple but one will always stand out in my memory...we literally had sex all day. I dont even think I ate much that day, I hurt like hell the next day and my roommate was pissed at me and my room was a mess but it was so worth it! :yep:
^^^ your signature and your comment go hand in hand, I am DYING!!!! :lol:

Yes it happens and both parties (or however many are participating) will be super sore the next day. She will be closed for business and he will be using icy hot. Or so I've heard.
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This! And I have no desire to have aching hips and thighs in the AM! I have sciatica and a bad knee!

If you don't like your position, change it. You are not a tree!

I've been meaning to say this for a while but your siggy stays tripping me up.....I always think it's apart of your post

And now in this thread....I read "if you don't like your position, change it." :spinning:

I'm done:lol: