I highlighted my natural hair bright pink!


Well-Known Member

Pink highlights in a quick southern tease bun

I hadn't been to the hair stylist in years, but I made an appointment with my old stylist to get highlights. When I got there she told me that she didn't have pink dye, but could give me fuschia and blonde highlights. (NOT WHAT I WANTED!) She had double booked clients for the day, and after waiting for two hours I decided to leave and do my own hair.

I used L'Oreal's Frost and Design to highlight my hair and followed it up with Beyond the Zone's Bubble Head Pink. Well, that was a huge disaster. The highlighted parts of my hair turned bright orange!!

My bf ran to the 24 hour CVS and picked up 2 boxes of Dark and Lovely's Black hair dye. (My hair is pretty long and thick, so one box wouldn't cut it). The next day I threw on a baseball hat and went to Sally's for some blue toner (Colorful's #3 Platinum) and better pink dye (Manic Panic's Cotton Candy Pink). Together we dyed most of my hair black. I rinsed through the highlights that were left with toner, then applied the pink dye for 30 minutes with heat.

I thought that all that coloring might damage my hair, but it's still pretty soft. I've been conditioning it with EVOO and enjoying my new pink highlights. :)

Edited to add pic of the highlights on shrunken hair:
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I was expecting something different from the title. Something really bad. :lol:

I'm pleasantly surprised though. I like the highlights. :)
Was there a reason for the pink OP, that's really daring :yep: ? I love your bun!!

ETA: I saw the reason, Nicki Minaj :)
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Highlights, pink dye, orange hair, black dye, blue toner, more pink dye. It sounds like a dye nightmare keep in mind color damage won't show immediately. Prehaps you should use something more reparative than just oil..
Oh my... :look:

ETA: Every time someone dyes their hair a bright colour it makes me think of cotton candy or some type of circus/carnival food. :lick:
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I was inspired by my weave days. I used to rock pink highlights, years before Nicki Minaj did them.

Next time I'm doing Tiffany blue.

I didn't wanna say anything but all I could think of was Nicki Minaj Pink friday:giggle: Your hair is super thick, and your bun is nice :)
Was there a reason for the pink OP, that's really daring :yep: ? I love your bun!!

Life's been pretty boring lately and I was itching for a change. I thought about getting a new tattoo or septum piercing, until one of my classmates highlighted her hair bright blue. She also has natural hair, and she told me that she's been doing it for years and it hasn't damaged her hair. That's when I decided to color mine too.
Life's been pretty boring lately and I was itching for a change. I thought about getting a new tattoo or septum piercing, until one of my classmates highlighted her hair bright blue. She also has natural hair, and she told me that she's been doing it for years and it hasn't damaged her hair. That's when I decided to color mine too.

I saw a woman (white woman) on a television show the other day and her hair was colored blue, it wasn't too dark or too light. She was middle-aged, but surprisingly she pulled it off and actually looked attractive with the blue hair :blush:.

Enjoy your new look :)
Life's been pretty boring lately and I was itching for a change. I thought about getting a new tattoo or septum piercing, until one of my classmates highlighted her hair bright blue. She also has natural hair, and she told me that she's been doing it for years and it hasn't damaged her hair. That's when I decided to color mine too.
HollyGolightly How long is your hair now? I know you cut it a few months ago.
HollyGolightly How long is your hair now? I know you cut it a few months ago.

Around mid back length. I hit BSL around this time a year ago. I thought that I'd have reached WL by now, but the last weave that I had damaged my hair.

My hair isn't really that thick. It just looks that way when it's curly because of the length. I hardly ever wear it straight because I don't think it's thick enough. I wear it up most of the time because my curls don't stick out and give me volume, they just hang there.
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I like it Roxy. Your hair is super thick! Like someone said upthread it looks like Marley hair. I would love to see it in a twistout. I bet it would be real cute.
Looks great! I love it when a person is daring enough to try something unique and say screw what others think :yep: