I highlighted my natural hair bright pink!

Anyone who would do pink highlight MUST have the personality to rock them. They look so pretty in the bun too. It sounds like it was a long road to get there and you must have freaked your SO out but I love them!
Nice looking cottony soft hair!!! Would love to see that baby blown out :D

In my 'salon' I've seen people use the Ellumen color RED (there's a thread on this brand, someone dyed their hair red) mixed with some conditioner. Just a little color to make a bright pink.....
Did you bleach it all the way up to a pale blonde??? Its looks kinda....faded orangey KoolAid to me in all honesty...I likey bright colors, and have had success getting the true color with Adore and Jazzing, but you have to bleach past the orangey stage.
Did you bleach it all the way up to a pale blonde??? Its looks kinda....faded orangey KoolAid to me in all honesty...I likey bright colors, and have had success getting the true color with Adore and Jazzing, but you have to bleach past the orangey stage.

It's hard to get a picture of the color with my cell phone, but it's a true pink now. It was orangey until I used the blue toner.

In the sunlight my highlights look this color.
I like it I think you have the personality to rock it. I would love plum or purple highlights, but I think my mom would dye my hair back while I was sleeping if I did.
Love it! Wish i was so bold but im such a chicken. Please someone tell me how to do that bun or point me to a tutorial or something
Love it! Wish i was so bold but im such a chicken. Please someone tell me how to do that bun or point me to a tutorial or something

Here's a video of how to do the Southern Tease bun. It's quick and easy, takes less than 45 seconds to do.

I won't have straightened hair pics to show for a while. I only straighten my hair once a year for length checks. I don't plan to put heat on it again until I reach WL.
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Love it! Something about the demure/conservative bun contrasted with the bold and funky pink is just so awesome. I'm also not used to seeing bright colors on natural hair, so that makes me love it even more!
I got bored with the pink streaks and dyed most of my hair back to black.


I noticed that all the hair coloring has loosened my texture. I plan to keep doing protein treatments for the next few months. I have to make sure that my hair is fully healthy before I straighten it again.

I'll probably get it pressed out this fall. Hopefully I'll have reached WL by then.
your hair is so thick and lovely!!!!
it could be rainbow coloured I wuddnt care

just make sure you take extra care of your hair :grin:
I got bored with the pink streaks and dyed most of my hair back to black.


I noticed that all the hair coloring has loosened my texture. I plan to keep doing protein treatments for the next few months. I have to make sure that my hair is fully healthy before I straighten it again.

I'll probably get it pressed out this fall. Hopefully I'll have reached WL by then.

Your hair is so nice and thick... you really can't do any wrong!
My hair would lay down and die with all that color, but your hair looks really thick. Anyway it looks different and cute.