CNN Black in America--On Now


Well-Known Member
it's on now and we can discuss if you guys like. (I know this is the wrong forum--sorry).
Sorry ladies but I do not like this program.

It sterotypes too much, and it just looks like all blacks are doing terrible.
I actually think it is very unbias and shows both sides of the equation. Choices ppl, it's all about choices!!!
Sorry ladies but I do not like this program.

It sterotypes too much, and it just looks like all blacks are doing terrible.
I dont look it as sterotypical. the way it's done is informational. a lot of people only see what is around them and this show is an eye opener of what a lot of people are going through.
I actually didn't see it but i'm watching the one that is coming on tonight at 12. I would very much like to discuss it.
I didnt realize that it was coming on again. thats great. I'm going to have to start volunteering!! it's being cont'd tomorrow with a new segment.
Keeping this thread hair related:look:........................................ did anybody else do a little cheer when they saw that professional black woman with WL locs? They looked GRREAT on her
am i the only person who feels like they are studying us like we are foreign entities. this is an uneducated opinion by the way as i have not seen the show as yet.
Keeping this thread hair related:look:........................................ did anybody else do a little cheer when they saw that professional black woman with WL locs? They looked GRREAT on her
her locs were beautiful. plus the married woman with the 2 kids. cute short cut.
i can't shake the nagging feeling that this wouldn't even be showing if a black man was not running for president.
hopefully this is not the case. they might have been planning this for a long time. but is still is exposure and information to be aware. ultimately, only we can make a change
i can't shake the nagging feeling that this wouldn't even be showing if a black man was not running for president.

I think there is some validity to that, but I think that overall the program is positive. I am curious to see the protrayal of the Black Man on tomorrow's program.
I think its all related somehow but tonight's show is better than I thought it would be and I think that tomorrow's will not disappoint either.
Sorry ladies but I do not like this program.

It sterotypes too much, and it just looks like all blacks are doing terrible.

I thought that at first, but watch the whole thing. Its pretty balanced, but it did make me feel bad spending $60 on a certain hair product and that family with the single father and two kids are homeless. :ohwell: That little boy was so smart, too.
i can't shake the nagging feeling that this wouldn't even be showing if a black man was not running for president.

it is my opinion that the reason for showing/making it is less significant than the outcome. what is the alternative? wait til all of america cares before paying attention to black people in america?

it's not always that attitude change must precede a behavior change. showing the documentary is one step toward changing the attitudes of even the ppl who did not have great intentions while making it

and.. yeah that woman's short cut was on point. she was beautiful
Sorry ladies but I do not like this program.

It sterotypes too much, and it just looks like all blacks are doing terrible.

me either...we have heard the same ish over and OVER again....i want to see results not talking about the same issues over AND over....this is why i stopped going to black lectures/events that only discuss problems and dont SHOW results
Sorry ladies but I do not like this program.

It sterotypes too much, and it just looks like all blacks are doing terrible.

I think they showed all 3 sides of blacks: LOW CLASS, MEDIUM, & HIGH CLASS.

I love the Singles section: of how black men aren't stepping up their part as equals w/ black women which forces us to date outside our race to expand our choices in finding/dating a man.

I Love this documentary and great eye opener. Very educational and I hope I can use this to educate others on our people & the programs that are out there to help us excel.
IF I had the money: i would buy the single parent father w/ the two kids in a home so his kids can continue to go to school.

ALSO: the Family with the 6 children: did yall notice all the females had long beautiful hair?????????:yep:

There were some beautiful hair cuts / styles/ and textures amongst the individuals in this film. I was :drool:
i love that atlanta realtor's (w. biracial children)hair cut it is sooooooooo cute! the bangs are perfect
IF I had the money: i would buy the single parent father w/ the two kids in a home so his kids can continue to go to school.

ALSO: the Family with the 6 children: did yall notice all the females had long beautiful hair?????????:yep:

There were some beautiful hair cuts / styles/ and textures amongst the individuals in this film. I was :drool:

I noticed the same thing about the family with the 6 kids, their hair was just :blush:. I really liked the program, I only got to watch an hour will watch the rest on DVR today. I dunno myabe it's just me but I kept getting misty eyed while watching it. It just kept making me think about our history and legacy.
I think they showed all 3 sides of blacks: LOW CLASS, MEDIUM, & HIGH CLASS.

I love the Singles section: of how black men aren't stepping up their part as equals w/ black women which forces us to date outside our race to expand our choices in finding/dating a man.

I Love this documentary and great eye opener. Very educational and I hope I can use this to educate others on our people & the programs that are out there to help us excel.

They did show all pieces of the pie (well most anyway :)...Hubby and I are a different statistic...Married 4 years today, no kids, and grew up w/both of our parents who have been married for 30+ years each...and I agree with you Missi, I loved the program and can't wait to see The Black Man tonight. I know that a lot of us feel like we are being placed under a microscope and attacked, but these things need to be talked about. Notice how a lot of the statistics like new hiv cases, etc, say "# of people diagnosed"....this is an American and World problem, not just black folx. We are such a small part of the population that we are getting hit the hardest. How many white people don't get tested, how many gay(any race) people don't get tested, how many hispanic people don't get tested, etc. These things NEED to be discussed and if not now, when?
The story about the father with the two kids just broke my heart. They are really good people and its really messed up that the judge didnt want to keep their apartment rent controlled :sad:. His children were too adorable and I really hope that the son continues down the right path and doesnt get swayed by his peers (negative ones) in his future.

I dont believe in paying children to learn. I would encourage them to do well by sending them on a class trip at the end of the year or something of that nature but not cash. But if it works then hey keep it up.

I agree with previous posters when they say its basically all about choices. However for too many people they dont believe they havemany especially not any positive ones and thats whats really sad about this whole situation.
I watched this last night and was HIGHLY disappointed. I was hoping that this show would feature black thought leaders who would be discussing solutions for the problems in our community, not two hours of pointing out all the f'ed up steretypes about out it. How many times do we need to hear the SAME OLD CRAP. I am so sick of the media and their bullsh1t.:sad: And OMG...paying kids to learn?!?!?!? WTF!!! That's what they're supposed to do. What a joke!